Triathlon England North West Junior Relays
(No NW Junior Series points will be scored in this event)
Sunday 15th May2016, 11am until 3pm
at Palatine Leisure Centre, St Annes Road, Blackpool, FY4 2AP
PRE RACE Information Pack – VERSION 1.1
This document replaces all other versions.
This race is aimed at Triathletes, Swimmers, Cyclists, Runners, Para Triathletesas well as Triathletes aiming to score points for their Club in the TENW Club Championships – there is something for everyone!
High Level Race Rules
- Teams must have at least 2 team members and a maximum of 4 team members.
- Teams can be made up of any mix of boys and girls in the same triathlon age category (TS, T1, T2, T3, Youth).
- Race distances will be half that of a standard Triathlon for any particular age group.
- Each team must complete 3“half triathlons” in the order swim (leg 1) /bike (leg 2) /run (leg 3) /swim (leg 4) /bike (leg 5) /run (leg 6) /swim (leg 7) /bike (leg 8) /run (leg 9).
- A team member can choose which of the 9 legs they want to do. Each team member must do a minimum of 1 leg and a maximum of 6 legs.
- A team can be made up of childrenfrom any club.
- Team members do not have to be a member of a triathlon club to participate in this event.
- Team members do not need to be members of Triathlon England to take part in this event.
- No North West Junior Series points will be scored at this event.
Please note that if the team you enter wants to score points in the Triathlon England North West Club Championships that have been incorporated into this event, then there are some restrictions to the above that are defined in Appendix 3.
If children do not know enough people to form a team please e-mail me at with your name, date of birth, gender and I will try and put children together to form teams. Hopefully this will avoid children missing out on this competition due to being a team member short.
When entering this Relay event the entry system is designed to have ONE entry per team and each team should have a Team Manager [see notes in Appendix 1 below to find out why]. E-mail addresses of all team members will be taken by the entry system so that everyone that is entered gets a copy of all race literature, start times, waves etc…. The cost of entry for all teams is £30 per team.
Please make sure you read Appendix 1 as this describes how the relay part of this event will work. This is simple in concept but a relatively complicated event to describe in words. If anyone still has any questions about how the event is going to work after reading this document please e-mail me at so I can make any necessary updates to this document so that everyone can benefit from the clarification.
Parents & Spectators
Parking is in the Leisure Centre car park.
Arrival Time and Registration
Registration will be open at 10:00 am and close no later than 1.30pm and operate on a rolling basis allowing competitors to arrive just 90 minutesbefore their race. As there will be a large number of entries, please arrive in plenty of time for registration, bike racking, course familiarisation etc. especially if you have not raced at Blackpool before.
This is a complex event to manage so we will only be racking the current wave and the following wave. So at the start of the race children in waves 1 and 2 will have their bikes racked. Wave 3 will rack their bikes when wave 1 has finished etc..
Race Times
The first wave will start at 11.00am PROMPT with the Tri Star Startand Tristar 1 category.
The times below are a guide only in this Pre Race Briefing pack and may change when the final number of entries is known. The final timetable for the day will be published in the Final Race Briefing Pack which will be published in the week before the race.
Wave start / Age Group / Rack Bike / Pool briefing time11.00am / Tristars Start / From 10.15am / 10.45am
11.00am / Tristar 1 / From 10.15am / 10.45am
11.50am / Tristar 2 / From 10.15am / 11.35am
1.00pm / Tristar 3 / From 12.00am / 12.45pm
2.00pm / Youth / From 12.00am / 1.45pm
Spectator Vantage Points
There is a large, elevated tiered section of seating at pool side with excellent views of the pool. After the swim, you will be able to come down the stairs and exit the rear of the building through the 2 fire doors. From here make your way to the viewing areas, taking care when crossing the run course. Please familiarize yourself with this route before the event.
The bike leg is inside high security fencing on a 1km circuit (effectively about 400 or 500m long). There are many vantage points for spectators along this stretch, outside the fencing, but the small section around transition will be secure and there will be NO ACCESS to parents/spectators. ONLY competitors and marshals will be allowed inside the bike race circuit.
If children in a team want to share a bike as opposed to each one bringing their own to the event then this is possible.
The run leg is on the large adjoining school field. The course will be marked off but there are plenty of vantage points and you will be able to collect younger children from the finish line area.
Snacks and drinks will be available from the Palatine Leisure Centre vending machines.
Changing Facilities and Toilets
There are ample changing facilities and toilets within the leisure centre.
Chip Timing
The race will be chip timed. The Team Managers will be given the Teams timing chip at registration. Make sure this is put in on correctly and securely. Marshals will be on hand to assist. If you lose your timing chip there will be a charge of £35 levied which must be paid immediately.
Can Team Managers please register their teams.
At registration the Team Manager will be given (all in one envelope):
- One small label to be worn by the Team Manger so as to allow them into the Transition Area and Handover Areas. This should be visible at all times.
- Two race numbers for each competitor. One for the front and one for the back, unless you are using a race belt and then you will need only one number.
- A small label number for each competitors bike and helmet.
- A bike number for each competitor with just the team number on.
- Bike ties to attach the number to the bike. When putting the bike number on the bike please make sure it can be seen clearly from the front as this will be used by marshals during the race. DO NOT WRAP THE NUMBER ROUND THE STEERING COLUMN AS MARSHALLS WONT BE ABLE TO READ IT.
- The Team Manager will also be given one timing chip for each team member.
If you do not use all the numbers or ties in the team envelope [which could be for many reasons such as the team only has 2 members, all competitors have race belts etc…] then please return the spares to the Registration Desk, they will be put to good use at another race.
Team Managers will be asked to number their teams with the relevant race number, on their right arm and the right leg.Please remember to return the pen when you have finished.
Team Managers will be asked to:
Hand in the Race Consent form that was sent out with the FINAL Race Briefing Pack. One form must be completed for each competitor.
Anyone wishing to take pictures or video of the event must sign the relevant paperwork at registration and display the “Authorised Photographer” sicker on their person.
Transition - Bike Racking - Bike Retrieval
Transition will open at 10.15am. Bikes will be racked in specific areas by age-group. A racking plan will be issued with the final race details.
The transition marshals will let you know your specific location when you come to rack. Your bike should ideally be racked no later than 30 minutes before your race start.
Due to the large number of competitors, and for security, no spectators or parents will be able to access the transition area AT ANY TIME. Marshals will be on hand to assist the children if required along with Team Managers.
Bikes and equipment should be removed from transition as soon as possible after your race has finished so the racking can be used for the next wave. Marshals will ensure that there is no interference to those still racing. For security, your race number will be required to collect your bike.
The Swim
•Please be at poolside no later than 15 minutes before your start time, ensuring your bike has been racked in transition.
•A briefing will be given to each wave before they start.
•You will be told which lane you are to swim in.
•Tumble turns WILL BE ALLOWED, but care must be taken to avoid the other competitor in your lane.
•Although there are length counter marshals, it is YOUR responsibility to swim the correct number of lengths.
The Bike
•DO NOT touch your bike until your helmet is on and fastened.
•On collecting your bike, you will leave transition and turn LEFT so that you cycle the course CLOCKWISE. There will be a clearly marked MOUNT line, which you must cross before mounting your bike.
•Please note this is a NON-DRAFTING race. Time penalties will be given if competitors are seen to be drafting.
•After completing the required number of laps, you must dismount your bike before the clearly marked DISMOUNT line and push your bike back into transition.
•DO NOT undo or take off your helmet until your bike is back in the racking.
•For competitor safety, time penalties will be issued for helmet violations.
•It is YOUR responsibility to count the correct number of bike laps.
•Marshals will be there to help you in transition if required.
•Team Managers will be asked to count their team members bike laps to aid the event organisers.
The Run
WATER STATION: There will be a water station located at a point just after the start of the run, which is also where the run laps pass too so there will be the opportunity to take water at each lap.
• You will leave transition on a clearly marked pathway into the adjoining school field where the run course will be set out.
• There is a small lap (300m) and a large lap (800m) of the field.
• The point at which the two courses diverge will be a clearly marked.
• For Tristart, T1, T2 T3races, the longer course will be closed off at the diverging point, to ensure the shorter course is run.
• For the Youth the shorter course will be closed off at the
diverging point, to ensure the longer course is run. The number of laps required is listed in appendix 1.
The course will be clearly marked out with barrier tape so please be sure you know
how many laps of which course you have to run.
The Finish
At the end of the run in a normal Triathlon the runners cross the line and finish. This is still the case in this event on leg 9 which is the last run leg. However for the other three run legs (legs 3 6of the race) the runner will have to make their way back to the pool entrance [the door which they came out of the pool from] and hand over to the next swimmer, or get back into the pool if they are doing a swim leg immediately after a run leg!
When the 9thand last leg of the race has been completed the team will be givenfinishers medals and a drink. A big smile as you cross the line is compulsory! It is vital that you remove your timing chip and hand it to the timing marshals. Well done…. if this is your first Triathlon you are now a Triathlete!
Medals will be given to all finishers.
Appendix 1 – How this race will work in practice
- How this race will actually work (Simple concept, difficult to describe!)
This event will comprise of 3“mini triathlons” per team done in the order, swim (leg 1) /bike (leg 2) / run (leg 3) / swim (leg 4) / bike (leg 5) / run (leg 6) / swim (leg 7) / bike (leg 8) / run (leg 9).
Each team member will have a timing chip. The timing system will add all the times together to give an overall time for the race for each team.
A team member can choose which of the 9 legs they want to do. Each team member must do a minimum of 1 leg and a maximum of 6 legs. As long as a team member does at least 1 leg and no more than 6 legs they can choose whichever legs they want to do. So for example, someone could do all the swim legs and leave the bike and run legs to the other team members or maybe they only want to do the last run leg. The combinations are almost limitless. The team chooses what they do. All 9 legs must be completed by someone in the team to finish the race.
As this race is going to have lots of children doing a different number of legs each team MUST have a team manager [one of the parents]. It will be the team managers’ responsibility to ensure:
-Children are in the right place at the right time
- Hand over points [changing from one child to the next]
The rules of this competition would allow for a change of child for every single leg of the race. To cater for this there will be 2 handover boxes which will be used to handover from one child to the next. A map of the Handover Boxes and the Transition area will be sent via e-mail as a separate attachment with the Final Race Briefing pack.
2.1 Handover box 1 (which will be just outside the pool exit)
If a child is doing consecutive legs [swim to bike or run to swim] then they will pass straight though the handover box 1 and continue the race as though they were doing a normal event i.e. they will go straight through handover box 1 and do a normal race transition.
Handover box 1 will be used for:
-Swim to bike transitions[when a different child is dong the bike immediately after the swim]
-Run to swim transitions[when a different child is dong the swim immediately after the run]
When there is an change of triathlete for the next leg they must tag each other before the next triathlete starts the next leg.
Swim to bike transitions
The person that is going to do the bike will be in handover box 1 dressed as though they had just done the swim.All their bike equipment [helmet, shoes and race belt must be in the transition area next to their bikes. As soon as they have been tagged the child that has finished the swim where their bike is racked and start getting ready to begin the bike leg. Once kitted out they can then un-rack the bike and move towards the bike circuit.
Run to swimtransitions
The person that is going to do the swim will be in handover box 1 kitted out ready to swim. I.e. they will have their swim gear on, hat on, goggles on their head or at least to hand. As soon as they have been tagged by the child that has finished the run they can go to where they will start their swim. Swimmers must lower themselves into the water gently ensuring no other swimmer is nearby. As soon as this is done they can start the swim. There is strictly no running on pool side.
All a team’s swims will be done in the same lane.
If a child is doing consecutive legs [run to swim] they will get ready for their swim in Handover Box 1 and leave their running gear on pool side at the head of their lane where they are going to get out.
Note 1: This will be at the opposite end of the pool that they get in the water for the Tristar Starts and Tristar 1’s as they do an odd number of lengths. If these children are then going on to do the next bike leg as well they will need to take their running gear, via Handover Box 1 and get ready to ride in the Transition area as normal.
Note 2: If children are running then swimming and are covered in mud / dirt from the run then they may be asked to wash this off in the pool showers before swimming. This should be taken into consideration as it will take time if children are doing consecutive run and swim legs.
2.2 Handover box 2 which will be just inside the transition area
Handover box 2 will be used for:
-Bike to run transitions[when a different child is dong the run immediately after the bike].
The child finishing the bike must tag the child doing the run before the run leg can be started.
Bike to run transitions
The person that is going to do the run will be in handover box 2 kitted out to run. I.e. they will have their t-shirt [if appropriate] or tri-suit, shoes, running shoes and race number on ready to go. As soon as they have been tagged by the child that has finished the bike they can set off to the run course.