ShostkaTown Administration

Education Board


English Language Chair

Life of a Society.

Inventors and Inventions.

Content author

Novikowa V. A.

Shostka 2011

Theme: Life of a Society. Inventors and Inventions.


General: to train verbs and expressions of the topic;

to develop students’ awareness of inventors and inventions.

Specific: to develop students’ capacity for learning lexis;

to practise using lexis;

to develop writing skills;

to provide a realistic context for using lexis.

Materials: text “Inventors and Inventions”, pictures, photos

Lesson Structure

  1. Organizing the class.

II. Reporting subject and aims of the lesson.

We go on learning theme “Life of a Society”. Today we shall speak

about inventors and inventions. You’ll train words and expressions on

the topic, develop your awareness of inventors and their inventions,

practise lexis in a realistic context, develop skills of a dialogue speech.

  1. Warming up. Pair work.

Work with your partner to review lexis we learnt at our previous


  1. Checking home task. Match an inventor with his invention.
  2. Samuel Morse a) the Kodak camera
  3. Bill Gates b) the telephone
  4. Isaak Newton c) penicillin
  5. Levi Strauss d) the telegraph
  6. Alexander Bell e) Disney World, Florida
  7. George Eastman f) the phonograph
  8. Ted Dorgan g) Microsoft
  9. Thomas Edison h) the Hot Dog name
  10. Walt Disney i) first jeans
  11. Alexander Fleming j) law of gravitation

(Key: 1d, 2g, 3j, 4i, 5b, 6a, 7h, 8f, 9e, 10c)

  1. Practising speaking about famous people. Interviewing.

Students work in pairs. One of them is a reporter, the other is one of

prominent people.

E. g. Interviewing Levi Strauss

Mr. Strauss, of course, we shall talk about your famous pants, which

are called “jeans” nowadays. So, what does the notion “jeans” mean?

The name “jeans” was kept after sailors from Genoa [dzenoue],Italy, who wore clothes from a material quite similar to the one used today for native jeans.

And how did you get an idea of sewing paints?

First I intended to use canvas to make tents and wagon coverings. But miners complained that their ordinary trousers wore out too quickly. So, I thought and thought and …

You converted the canvas into waist overalls and became the first

fashion designer!

I simply had to earn money for a living.

Thank you, Mr. Strauss.

  1. Written practice.

Translate into English.

  1. Компаніятримає в секреті точні інгредієнти кока – коли.
  2. Нова назва сендвіча, хот – дог, стала сенсацією.
  3. Генрі Форд побудував свою першу машину в 1896 році.
  4. Леві Страус започаткував компанію, яка зараз відома в усьому світі.
  5. Винахід електричної лампочки Томом Едісоном змінив життя всього людства.
  6. Барак Обама – перший афро - американський президент США.
  7. За свій винахід А. Енштейн отримав Нобелівську премію з фізики за 1922 рік.
  8. Білл Гейтс започаткував корпорацію Майкрософт, коли йому було 19 років.
  9. Джекі Кеннеді першою відкрила Білий Дім для туристів.
  10. Поп - корн – це маленькі кукурудзяні зерна, які за звичай їдять з молоком і цукром на сніданок.
  1. Having fun. Doing Personality Quiz.

What Type of Person Are You?

Read the questions and tick the correct answer for you.

  1. You hate heights. You feel sick when you go to high places, so you don’t want to do a parachute jump. Someone calls you a coward, what do you do?

a) Do the parachute jump. b) Ignore them.

2. For a joke, you hide the teacher’s book. However, she doesn’t

think it’s funny. She’s furious! Either you confess or she will punish the entire class. Do you confess?

a) No. b) Yes.

3. You hate lying, however, your best friend needs your help. He/she

wantsyou to tell his/her parents a lie. His/her parentsdon’t want

him/her to go to a party alone so he/she tells his/her parents that he/she

will be with you. Do you lie?

a) Yes. b) No.

4. Chemistry is your worst subject. You are therefore worried about a

chemistry test on a Monday morning. The Sunday before, you are

studying hard but your friend wants you to go simming. Do you go?

a) Yes. b) No.

5. Everyone in the school admires a boy called James who is attractive and

clever. He has a lot of influence in the school. However, when you are

walking home, you see him kicking a cat. Do you shout at him?

a) No. b) Yes.

6. You are with a large group of friends when someone says something

horrible about your best friend. Everyone laughs. What do you do?

a) Laugh too. b) Defend your friend.

7. You are with a friend. Your friend says “hello” to a very unattractive girl

in the street. You say, “Who is that ugly person?” Your friend says,

“That’s my sister”. What do you do?

a) Laugh. b) Apologize a thousand times.

Scoring: for everya add 3, every b – 1. Read the analysis and see what type

of person you are.

7 – 14: You consider your friends and listen to what they say. Friends are

obviously important to you. However, you also have your own ideas.

You are responsible but not boring. You are not frightened to say

what you think and sometimes you are quite brave.

15 – 20: You are a good friend. However you must be careful. Perhaps your

friends influence you too much. Be more honest about what you

think. Remember, you don’t have to worry what you say to a good

friend. They always understand!

  1. Summarizing.
  2. Home assignment.

1. Read text “Pocahontas” (pp. 101 - 102)

2. Write 10 questions to the text.

  1. Ending the Lesson.


1780 - Benjamin Franklin invented bifocal lenses for glasses

1837 - Samuel Morse invented telegraph

1852 - Isaak Singer made a sewing machine

1853 - George Grum made very thin French fries - potato chips

1860 - Levi Strauss made the first jeans in California

1876 - Alexander Bell invented the telephone

1877 - Thomas Edison invented the phonograph

1886 - Josephine Cochrane invented the dishwasher

1886 - Dr.John Pemberton invented Coca-Cola in Atlanta, Georgia

1886 - A rich man Lorrilard from Tuxedo Park, N.Y. got the idea of a tuxedo

1886 - David McConnel started Avon cosmetics

1888 - George Eastman produced the Kodak camera

1890 - a doctor in St.Luis first made peanut butter

1892 - Charles and Frank Duryea invented the first gasoline automobile

1892 - William Wrigley made flavoured chewing gum

1896 - Henry Ford built his first car

1903 - Brothers Wright flew in their motor airplane

1903 - King Gillette made safe blades for razors

1904 - The hamburgers were served for the first time

1906 - The Hot Dog name was invented by Ted Dorgan

1913 - Arthur Wayne made the first crossword puzzle in the newspaper

1916 - Garret Morgan invented the traffic light

1922 - W.Kellog made Corn Flakes

1922 - Mr. and Mrs.Wallace started the magazine “Reader’s Digest”

1924 - Vladimir Zworygin invented television

1938 - Chester Carlson invented a machine to make Xerox copies

1939 - Igor Sikorsky built the helicopter

1955 - Jonas Salk developed the polio vaccine

1961 - Two brothers opened McDonald’s

1972 - Nolan Bushnell invented Video Game

1973 - A pilot Frederick Smith started delivering mail in one day - Federal Express

1977 - Jobs and Wozniak launched the personal computer (PC) industry

1982 - Robert Jarvik made the artificial heart

(to be continued)