Short Term Maths Plan
Main learning objectives:Refer to national curriculum programmes of study or own school’s medium term planning tools
Addition and subtraction:
- add and subtract numbers with up to 4 digits using the formal written methods of columnar addition and subtraction where appropriate
- estimate and use inverse operations to check answers to a calculation
- solve addition and subtraction two-step problems in contexts, deciding which operations and methods to use and why.
On the boil objectives for use in mental-oral starters:
See the Primary Support Team’s “on the boil” documents
- Rapid recall of addition and subtraction facts within 20, represented as missing number problems with = symbol in any position. Make links to finding facts to 200, 2000 etc.
- Derive bonds to 1 etc from bonds to 10. I.e. 3 + 7 = 10 therefore 0.3 + 0.7 = 1.
- Children practice selecting which mental calculation strategy is the most efficient when presented with different calculations i.e. Round and adjust, find the difference, reorder, partition, count on, count back, doubles, near doubles, halves and bonds. / Opportunities to reason:
See “NCETM progression papers with reasoning”
Convince me
- 666 = 8 5
What is the largest possible number that will go in the rectangular box?
What is the smallest?
Convince me
Opportunities to solve problems:
See “NRICH problems linked to the primary national curriculum for mathematics”
NRICH: The Puzzling Sweet Shop **
NRICH: Money Bags **
NRICH: Amy’s Dominoes **
NRICH: Escape from the Castle **
NRICH: Fifteen Cards *
NRICH: Sealed Solution **
NRICH: Roll TheseDice **
Previous or planned assessment for learning/diagnostic work:
- William, Joe, Carrie and Laura need to develop conceptual understanding around how to ‘find the difference.’
- William and Katie need to develop the skill of subitising.
- Daniel and Jake need to learn to apply a strategy once it has been established.
Mental-oral learning / Learning objective and success criteria / Main teaching and prompt questions / Targeted teaching and focus group work / Plenaries / Evaluation
Day 1 / L.O: Identify the most efficient mental maths strategy.
Provide groups of children with calculation cards to sort according to the most efficient mental maths strategy that they can use:
Group 1: Use calculations with whole integers
Group 2: Use calculations with decimals
Ensure working wall display on mental maths strategies is visible for reference.
Key question: “What makes X strategy the best to use?”
L.O: Find the difference.
TA to work with William, Joe, Carrie and Laura to model finding the difference using Numicon alongside number line calculations on masking tape. / L.O:
Reason mathematically.
Success criteria:
Use trial and improvement
Find proof
Explain thinking
Use mathematical language
General skill: work collaboratively
[Ask children to identify success criteria mid-lesson – once they have experienced the learning] / Elicit the meaning of ‘reasoning’ within an everyday context, e.g. what we wear due to the weather outside and why. Explain that today we will be learning to reason but with a mathematical context.
Briefly introduce the dominoes resource to children. Explain that there’s likely to be a domino missing from each set (to be used by pairs of children) and the challenge is to try and find out which one before providing an explanation as to how they know.
TA to model instructions alongside John to learn about his understanding. / Differentiated learning opportunities and key questions:
Pairs of children to work collaboratively to identify which domino, if any, is missing from their set. Key question: “How can you prove to me that it’s the domino you think?” Be aware of the potential difficulty pupils may encounter if they try to solve the problem simply by calculating → encourage a focus on patterning. TA to make assessment notes around key success criteria.
Teacher to work with William and Katie to develop their subitising skills (using dominoes and/or dice) at the start of this session.
Once pairs of children have identified their missing dominoes, briefing introduce ‘Amy’s Dominoes’ to them. Key questions: “What steps did you go through, so that you could find a solution?” “What ‘top tips’ would you give to a friend also working on this investigation?” “Can you prove to me that your calculations are accurate?”
Extend learners by asking one child to make up their own equivalent problem for partner to solve if they complete the investigation.
Inclusive teaching strategies:
√ Resources to support learning around fluency and conceptual understanding
(e.g. maths equipment / models and images)
√ Varied teaching styles
(e.g. visual, audio, kinaesthetic)
√ Questioning to support and challenge
(e.g. ‘Can you show me…?
‘Can you prove…?) / Elicit from the children what general skills/values they have had to apply during today’s learning in order to be successful, e.g. active listening, perseverance and resilience.