Shofar FTP Archive File: camps/auschwitz/cyanide/cyanide.001

Newsgroups: alt.revisionism

Subject: Cyanide, Zyklon-B & Mass Murder

Archive/File: camps/auschwitz/cyanide cyanide.001

Last-Modified: 1994/10/03

From: Raskolnikov


Cyanide, Zyklon-B, and Mass Murder

Brian Harmon

I. Introduction

Because many holocaust deniers find themselves unable to

dismiss the many volumes of historical information documenting

the Holocaust, they often turn to other methods. A very

common tactic is to claim that the Holocaust was "technically

impossible", improperly citing chemical and physical data as

"proof". The most well known example is the "Leuchter Report"

where Fred Leuchter, a self-proclaimed engineer, claimed that

"no one was gassed at Auschwitz", using a combination of poor

chemical analysis and technical difficulties as "proof".

Another example, "The Luftl Report", written by the Austrian

Walter Luftl, erroneously claims that not enough people could

be crammed into the chambers, and that Zyklon was too

dangerous to use for extermination. Many of these documents

are shrouded in pseudo-scholarly terminology and methodology,

and use confusing statements to make their lies seem more

tenable. The deniers hope to play on the common individual's

lack of knowledge in chemistry and physiology to confuse and

obfuscate the issue.

I will not deal directly with the claims of Leuchter and

Luftl here, rather I hope to provide the knowledge necessary

to take on Holocaust denier's claims directly, so they can

easily be discredited by anyone. As I hope to show, a little

knowledge of physiology and chemistry is all that is required

to see through their fabrications.

In this paper, I will discuss how cells make and use

energy via aerobic metabolism. Then, I will show exactly how

cyanide kills by shutting down aerobic (oxygen-using)

metabolism in organisms, including how much cyanide can kill,

and why warm blooded mammals are the most susceptible to

cyanide poisoning. The supporting biochemical and

toxicological data will set the context for the next section,

which discusses how the gassing of people could be carried

out. I will extrapolate from the Degesch manual on Zyklon B

to show that Zyklon cloud be used quite easily in a number of

situations, even at very low temperatures. I will then present

a "hypothetical gassing", where I will run some basic

calculations showing how easily a large number of people

(about 1.8 million) could be killed in one and one half years

with only one gassing a day. Comparing this with documents on

how the camps actually were run, It should be self-evident

that gassings with cyanide were quite easy for the Nazis to

carry out.

This document may be of a somewhat technical and

detailed nature. It is also exceptionally long, much longer

than I had anticipated. To remedy this, I also will write a

shorter "reference sheet" that takes the major conclusions

and points of this paper without all of the laborious

calculations and explanations. I intended this document

primarily as a reference resource rather than a document to be

completely absorbed at one sitting.

II. Structure of the Paper

Part one: Physiological Basis of Cyanide Poisoning

A. Cells and energy

-- How cells use energy

-- How the electron transport system works

-- How oxidative phosphorylation provides energy

B. Cytochromes in the Electron Transport System

-- Different cytochromes, and hemoglobin

B. How Cyanide Kills

-- Poisoning the ETS

-- Hemoglobin

D. Data on Cyanide

Part Two: Use of Zyklon B

A. Extrapolate from Nuremburg doc N1-9912

B. A Hypothetical Gassing

C. Compare to Existing Documents


A Brief Aside: What is Cyanide?

Cyanide refers to a large number of compounds that

contain the negatively charged cyanide ion: CN-. This ion

consists of one carbon atom triple-bonded to one nitrogen

atom. The negative charge primarily rests on the carbon atom.

Cyanide can be found both as a gas and as a salt. When bound

to hydrogen, it's referred to as hydrogen cyanide (HCN), and

is a gas at room temperature. When bound to ions like sodium

(Na+) or Potassium (K+), it's a salt and is a water soluble

solid. Its name varies depending on the ion it binds. KCN is

potassium cyanide, for example.

More information is presented in the "Data on Cyanide"

section (see below).

Part One: The Physiological Basis of Cyanide Poisoning

A. Cells and Energy {1}.

Cells need energy to grow and maintain their function.

In cells, energy is carried in the form of a transport

molecule, namely Adenosine Triphosphate (ATP). The metabolism

of molecules such as glucose (sugar), lipids (fats), etc.

release energy that is used to make more ATP. ATP is

essentially an "energy carrier" that allows cells to utilize

energy derived from food. Without ATP, a cell will die, as

will the organism itself. If a chemical interrupts a cell's

ATP producing machinery, that cell will die once it runs out

of ATP. Cyanide eliminates a cell's ability to produce ATP.

Before we can discuss how this happens, we must first deal

with how cells produce ATP under normal conditions.

Almost all ATP is produced in the mitochondria, a small

cellular organelle (literally "small organ"). The

mitochondria are, in essence, the "power plants" of a cell. A

mitochondrion has two membranes, an inner one and and outer

one. The outer membrane is highly permeable, and it will

allow just about anything through. The inner membrane, on the

other hand, is very impermeable. Only carbon dioxide (CO2),

water (H2O) and oxygen (O2) can pass through this membrane

without transport proteins to carry them across{2}. The

impermeable nature of the inner mitochondrial membrane (IMM)

will be important later.

Cells produce ATP through a combination of the electron

transport system (ETS) and oxidative phosphorylation (OP),

both in the mitochondrial inner membrane. The electron

transport system can be compared to an electric motor, where

current supplied to the motor allows work to be done. The

current passing through an electric motor is just a stream of

electrons, and the "current" passing through the ETS is no

different. High energy molecules generated by metabolism like

NADH and FADH2 supply the ETS with electrons, just as a

battery would supply a motor with current. This current

allows the ETS to do work. The "work" done is the pumping of

positively charged hydrogen atoms (protons, H+) across the

inner mitochondrial membrane. As I stated earlier, this

membrane will not allow anything back across without help from

a transport protein. At the end of the ETS, electrons have to

"go somewhere" to keep the current flowing -- they must leave

the ETS. In a battery, electrons go to the positive pole. In

the ETS, electrons are dumped onto oxygen, in effect acting

like an electron "sink". This is where oxygen is used in

metabolism, and will be dealt with later.

After a certain time, a significant number of protons

will be pumped out of the inner mitochondria, with many more

protons outside the mitochondria than inside. As the protons

are positively charged, the area outside the mitochondria will

have a relative positive charge, and the inside will have a

relative negative charge. There now exists a net potential

across the membrane, much like a fully charged battery. This

potential can be relieved to do work, namely the synthesis of


The positive charges outside the mitochondria will

"want" to flow back in for two reasons: (1) the electrical

potential between the inner mitochondrial membrane and the

outer mitochondria. The positively charged H+ ions (protons)

will flow, if allowed, into the more negatively charged inner

mitochondria. This is much like how a battery works, but in

reverse. (2) The chemical gradient across the membrane.

Simply by random motions, molecules will flow from areas of

high concentration (outside the mitochondria) to those of low

concentration (inside the mitochondria). This is the same

reason a drop of dye in water will spread out over time even

if undisturbed. If molecules are prevented from diffusing by

a barrier (the inner membrane), a net pressure will result

from their impacts on the membrane, called the osmotic

pressure. The combination of electrical potential and osmotic

pressure is what provides the energy to make ATP in a cell


Oxidative phosphorylation (making ATP) requires a

membrane-bound protein enzyme called ATP synthetase {4}. ATP

synthetase allows H+ ions back across the membrane, relieving

the pressure like letting air out a balloon. This flow of

protons allows the enzyme to combine Adenosine Diphosphate

(low E) and inorganic phosphate to make ATP (high energy).

This type of ATP synthesis is called oxidative

phosphorylation. It takes about two or three protons moving

through the enzyme to make one ATP molecule. The enzyme

requires a proton gradient across the membrane, with a higher

concentration on the outside than the inside. If anything

prevents the electron transport system from setting up this

proton gradient, ATP synthesis will not occur and the cell

will die.

-- Cyanide Poisoning

At the very end of the ETS, four electrons are added to

an oxygen molecule (see above). These electrons are added to

an oxygen molecule (O2), which combines with protons to make 2

water molecules. The ETS must dump electrons onto oxygen just

to keep the steady flow of electrons going, otherwise

electrons will "back up" and the current will stop.

Metabolism has an absolute requirement for oxygen, and it will

stop without it. If the ETS stops, the proton gradient will

fade away, ATP synthesis will stop, and the cell with die.

This last step, where electrons are given to oxygen to make

water, is where our cells utilize oxygen in metabolism.

Cyanide prevents the transfer of electrons to oxygen from the

last protein in the electron transport system, called a


Cyanide reaches cells primarily through the blood, and

readily diffuses across the lungs during normal breathing.

Ingestion with food or drink is also lethal, as cyanide will

diffuse across the stomach wall and small intestine. Cyanide

will also very slowly diffuse across the skin, but this can

take over an hour {5}. Therefore cyanide intake through the

lungs and digestive tract is a very significant source of

poisoning, but very little occurs from absorption through the


B. Cytochromes in the ETS

Electrons passing through ETS are carried by three types

of molecules: iron-sulfur proteins, ubiquinone, and

cytochromes {6}. When talking about cyanide poisoning, the

cytochromes are the most important. Cytochromes contain a

very important structure called a porphyrin ring, which is an

aromatic, planar carbon-based ring with an iron atom

conjugated in the middle. A similar porphyrin ring structure

is also the oxygen binding structure in hemoglobin, a

vertebrate oxygen carrier protein in the blood. The iron has

two oxidation, or "charge" states, +2 (when it holds and

electron) and +3 (when it doesn't). The iron atom holds one

electron at a time, and passes it on the next molecule in the


The iron atom, in addition to being bound by the

porphyrin ring, is often conjugated by the amino acids

histidine or cysteine. As the ring structure is planar, there

are two faces that can be conjugated by amino acids:



---- Fe(+3)-- Porphyrin molecule (side view)



Some cytochromes, however, are open on one of their two


--- Fe(+3)---



This open face is where hemoglobin in the blood cells

and a specific cytochrome in the ETS (Cytochrome a3, to be

exact) bind oxygen. Cytochrome a3 is the terminal cytochrome

that passes on electrons to oxygen to make water:

O2 + (2)H2 + 4 electrons ----> (2)H20

Cyt a3 binds oxygen at its open face {7}:



---- Fe(+2)--



When all works well, cytochrome a3 passes electrons to

oxygen, producing water. Dumping electrons onto oxygen acts as

a "sink" which allows electrons to flow continuously through

the ETS. The only problem is, certain poisons bind to this

cytochrome more strongly than oxygen, specifically cyanide and

carbon monoxide {8}.

C. How Cyanide Kills

-- Poisoning the ETS

Cyanide binds cytochromes much in the same way that

oxygen does, by conjugating at its open site. Unlike oxygen,

cyanide cannot receive electrons from cytochrome a3.

-:C=N: (note - actually a triple bond between C and N)





With the ETS deprived of its electron "sink", the whole

system backs up. Without the ETS, oxidative phosphorylation

will dissipate the H+ gradient, ATP synthesis will stop, and

the cell will die. Cyanide binds cytochromes more tightly

than oxygen, and as a result is lethal at very low

concentrations, at about 300 ppm. The effect also occurs at

hemoglobin, as cyanide will bind to that too, preventing

oxygen from reaching cells. In essence, this is how cyanide

kills cells and whole organisms.

-- Hemoglobin

Cyanide is most effective on warmblooded animals such as

mammals, but is less effective on insects. While insect

mitochondria and vertebrate mitochondria are not radically

different, one thing is: Hemoglobin. Vertebrates carry oxygen

in their blood via hemoglobin, while insects do not carry

oxygen in their blood at all. Instead, insects have air

tubules that carry oxygen directly to all cells in their body.

Because cyanide poisons hemoglobin too, animals that use it

are all the more susceptible. Also (while I am not sure of

this) insects may be more tolerant of anaerobic metabolism

than vertebrates.

Since cyanide binds to hemoglobin much in the same fashion

as it binds cytochrome a3, cyanide takes hemoglobin out of

commission as well {9}. With their oxygen carrying molecules

bound by cyanide, vertebrates die all the faster from

asphyxiation. Mammals are also very dependent on oxygen-

utilizing metabolism, and will die in minutes if it is shut

off. Insects, lacking hemoglobin, die more slowly as their

cells must be starved of ATP. Insects may also be able to

survive longer on anaerobic (non-O2 utilizing) metabolism.

Cyanide kills by binding to cytochrome a3 in the electron

transport system. As this site is usually bound by oxygen,

the passage of electrons from the ETS to oxygen is prevented,

backing up the system. Unable to maintain a proton gradient

without a properly functioning ETS, ATP synthesis stops and

the cell dies. In vertebrate organisms, cyanide also binds to

the porphyrin ring in hemoglobin, exacerbating cyanide's toxic


D. Data on Hydrogen Cyanide:

Here's what the 10th edition (1983) of the Merck Index had

to say on Hydrogen Cyanide:

HYDROGEN CYANIDE: Hydrocyanic acid, Blauseare, prussic acid.

[preparation info deleted] Colorless gas or liquid;

characteristic odor; very weakly acidic; burns in air with a


Gas density: 0.941 (air = 1)

Liquid density: 0.687 [g/cm^3, I assume]

melting point: -13.4 deg Celsius

Boiling Point: 25.6 deg Celsius

The LC50 (lethal dose for 50% of animals) in rats -- 544

ppm (5min), mice 169 ppm (30 min), dogs 300 ppm (3 min).

HUMAN TOXICITY: [..] exposure to 150 ppm for 1/2 to 1 hour

may endanger life. Death may result from a few min. exposure

to 300 ppm. Average fatal dose: 50 to 60 milligrams.

USE: The compressed gas is used for exterminating rodents

and insects in ships and for killing insects on trees, etc.


Here's what _Chemistry of Industrial Toxicology_ had to say

about it (p94) [added emphasis is mine]:

"Hydrogen cyanide, or hydrocyanic or prussic acid, owes

its toxicity not to its acidity but to the cyanide ion (CN-).

Thus the soluble cyanides-- sodium, potassium,etc. -- are

equally toxic in the same molar concentrations. Unlike carbon

monoxide, hydrogen cyanide is a protoplasmic poison, killing

insects and other lower [sic] forms of animal life. _It does

not kill bacteria, however_. ^^^^^^^

^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

Hydrogen cyanide acts by inhibiting tissue oxidation, that is,

by preventing useful employment of oxygen carried by the


Cyanides are very rapid in their effects, killing

instantly if present in sufficient amounts. It is this speed

of action, rather than the minuteness of the fatal dose, which

accounts for the reputation of cyanide as the most powerful

common poison [..]

Hydrogen cyanide is used as a fumigant in dwellings,

warehouses, and ships. _Although such fumigations are

potentially very dangerous, accidents can be avoided by proper


In high concentrations, hydrogen cyanide is absorbed through

the skin; therefore complete reliance cannot be placed on a

gas mask. After 1 hour exposure, 100 to 250 ppm of HCN are


[assumed the 100-250 ppm value is for absorption through skin]

Some things I'd like to point out:

Cyanide will not kill bacteria, and is completely useless

for disinfecting a morgue or hospital. Its only medical use

is to kill vermin (rats, mice, lice) that may harbor

pathogens. Some Holocaust deniers claim that cyanide was used

to disinfect "morgues" in Auschwitz. This is clearly a

ludicrous notion.

The sources I listed make specific references to HCN's

widespread use as a fumigant, and that it can be done easily

with the right precautions.

Major Modes of Poisoning

HCN will pass through the skin, and poisoning can result.

Absorption through the skin is a much slower process than

through lungs, so a short exposure to skin is not very

dangerous. It also takes a higher concentration of the gas

{10}. Absorption of cyanide through the skin is not

significant unless the concentration is high over a long


According to July 1993 issue of _American Family

Physician_, cyanide poisoning through the skin is very rare: