Online Mapping Guidance
Go to the onlinePolicies Map website page at:
Step 1 - To view a site:
- Scroll to the bottom of the legend on the right hand side of the page and tick the box for the item you want to look at and the sites will now be displayed on the map.
Handy Hints:
- You can use the mouse to drag the map and the roller button on the mouse to zoom in/out (or use the scale and arrows in the top left corner of the map.
- You can make the map screen larger by closing the side menu screens. Select the “close legend” button to close the screen on the right and press the small grey arrow to the left of the map screen to close the left hand menu.
Step 2 -To search for a mapped site in a specific location:
- Select “Find a location on the map” from the drop down arrow on the left hand menu entitled “Choose what you would like to do...”
- Type a road name or postcode into the search box. Then select “zoom to site” from the search results. (Or alternatively use the mouse to find the site on the map).
- Select “Identify sites in a particular location on the map” from the drop down arrow on the left hand menu.
- Select a shape (see hint below) and drop or drag it across the part of the map you are interested in.
- Press search (see hint below) and the information for the site and other planning information that might affect them will appear in the left hand menu (where information exists).
- If more than one site appears in the search results you can select “zoom to” next to the description to go to it on the map.
Handy Hints:
- Shapes: The pin shape with one mouse click on a site on the map will show details for just that site. The circle/square can be dragged across a wider area to show the details for several sites at once.
- Before pressing search you can select to search all planning layers at once or use the drop down arrow on the search box to select a specific category of mapped site - this will return fewer, more specific search results.
Map Accuracy and Access
Please notify us if you are aware of any inaccuracies in the mapping or site description data by emailing Please note that any amendments may take time to rectify as the data is amended by the Council and submitted to a third party to change on the website.
The mapping and website are subject to copyright agreements. A watermark (the Council Logo) and O.S. license number are displayed on the map. Print outs of the map off the website must only be used for personal reference and should not be reproduced in other documents.
Important Disclaimer: Please note that the online map includes a wide range of information including draft policies. Some of this information is for consultation purposes only and will change over time. The adopted policies are clearly identified by the menu options e.g. Local Plan (Part 1) and Rugeley Town Centre Area Action Plan.