·  Shirts: short or long sleeve polo style (knit with collar):

1.  Solid navy, blue, red, black, gray or white

2.  Logo, insignia or label may not be larger than 2” by 2”

3.  Shirts must be tucked in

·  Dresses: short or long sleeve polo style (knit with collar):

1.  Solid navy, blue, red, black, gray or white

2.  Logo, insignia or label less than 2” by 2”

3.  Hem lines of dresses must be no more than 3” from the top of the knee including any slits in the hem lines

·  Pants, shorts, capris, skirts, jumpers:

1.  Khaki or navy blue

2.  No denim

3.  No cargo or painter style pants/shorts/capris

4.  Belts optional

5.  Hem lines of shorts, jumpers, dresses and skirts must be no more than 3” from the top of the knee including any slits in the hem lines

6.  Logo, insignia or label less than 2” by 2”

·  Shoes: Closed toe shoes or athletic shoes encouraged

·  Belts (optional):

1.  Solid black, navy or brown

2.  Leather or leather like

·  Clothing accessories WORN DURING THE SCHOOL DAY visible with standard attire:

1.  Acceptable options:

a.  During cool weather a solid red, white, blue, or black sweatshirt or sweater may be worn over the uniform shirt with the uniform collar showing. Sweatshirts and sweaters may not have hoods.

b.  Layering under standard attire: turtlenecks, long-sleeve crew and V-neck shirts, leggings, and tights in the uniform colors listed above.

c.  Long socks worn with dresses, skirts, or shorts.

2. Unacceptable options:

a. Winter coats and hooded sweatshirts may NOT be worn during class time.

b. Bandanas, head scarves, caps, or hats are not allowed during class time.

Coats, jackets, hooded sweatshirts and other heavy outer wear may be stored in classroom during instruction.

·  Rusk Elementary follows the Midland ISD dress code. Appropriateness of any clothing or other accessory not specifically addressed will be left up to the discretion of the building administration.

·  Items found to be disruptive to the learning environment by the campus administration will be addressed accordingly.

·  Alternative Attire Days: Other attire may be designated by the District or the campus administration for particular events or days.

·  Fridays: Spirit Day: Students may wear Rusk spirit shirts and nice (without holes, rips or tears) jeans.

All other dress code rules remain in effect on Fridays.

Revised 5/2014