12th January 2018
YOU ARE HEREBYSUMMONEDto attend the Full Council Meeting of the Town Council to be held on Thursday, 18th January 2018 at 7.30pm at the Old Fire Station, Shrewsbury Road, Shifnal.
Yours faithfully,
Mac Sandal,
Town Clerk,
PLEASE NOTE:There will be a PRE-MEETING at 6.45pm with Caroline Reeve (Principal Planning Consultant) and Paul Costiff (Associate Development Manager for Countryside Properties) from RCA Regeneration Limited to discuss Proposed Reserved Matters Application – Land off Stanton Road, Shifnal.
Members of the public and press are most welcome to attend meetings of Shifnal Town Council. To ensure that meetings do not become prolonged, Standing Orders provide that members of the public are permitted to make representations, answer questions and give evidence only in respect of any item of business included in the agendas during this public session which covers all meetings held on this date. However, public participation must be confined to this section of the meeting only. The period of time which is designated for public participation in accordance with Standing Orders shall not exceed 15 minutes. Each member of the public is entitled to speak once only in respect of business itemised on the agendas and shall not speak for more than 3 minutes. A question asked by a member of the public during a public participation session at a meeting shall not require a response or debate although the Chairman may direct that a response to a question posed by a member of the public be referred to a Councillor for an oral response or to the Town Clerk for an oral response.
NB: 1. Standing Orders are available on the Council’s website, or on
request from the Town Clerk or Council Office and are subject to periodic review, taking advice from the National Association of Local Councils;
2. Temporary exclusion of the public and press may be necessary at any meeting to discuss matters of a special and/or confidential nature;
3. Seating availability is limited.
174/17Fire Safety Announcement
175/17Apologies received from Councillors and Approved
176/17Declaration of Members’ Interest
Members are reminded that they must not participate in the discussion or voting on any matter in which they have a Disclosable Pecuniary Interest and should leave the room prior to the commencement of the debate.
177/17Shropshire Councillors’ Question Time – Councillors Turley and West
178/17Public Session
179/17To confirm the Minutes of the Shifnal Town Council Full Council meeting held on Thursday 21st December 2017 (attached)
i)To APPROVE the Monthly Payment Schedule for month of January 2018,
ii)To FINALISE the budget and precept setting for the Financial Year 2018/19 (attached).
181/17Town Planning Applications received up until 12 January 2018:-
17/06015/LBC36 Church Street, Shifnal. TF11 9AA
Installation of wood burning stove with new opening and surround following removal of existing fireplace affecting a Grade II Listed building.
Mr Lloyd Brown
(then insert 17/06015/LBC)
17/05914/FUL8 Greenfields, Shifnal. TF11 8DZ
Application under Section 73A of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990 for the erection of single storey rear extension following demolition of existing orangery including roof and internal alterations to existing single-storey kitchen/bathroom to facilitiate new extension.
Mr Ian Bramall (53 St Andrews Drive, Perton, Wolverhampton).
(then insert 17/05914/FUL
17/05735/FULShifnal Golf Club, Decker Hill, Shifnal. TF11 8QL
Erection of a steel framed store.
Mr Ken Abbott, Decker Hill, Shifnal.
(then insert 17/05735/FUL
17/05737/LBCShifnal Golf Club, Decker Hill, Shifnal. TF11 8QL
Erection of a steel framed store.
Mr Ken Abbott, Decker Hill, Shifnal.
(then insert 17/05737/FUL
17/05890/FULShifnal County Infants School, Curriers Lane, Shifnal. TF11 8EJ
Erection of a single storey building to provide 2No classrooms, a GP room, toilets and ancillary accommodation.
Learning & Skills, Shirehall, Abbey Foregate, Shrewsbury.
(then insert 17/05890/FUL
17/05982/REMProposed Residential Development North East of Stone Drive, Shifnal.
Submission of reserved matters (Phase 3) (layout, scale, appearance, landscaping) pursuant of 14/00062/OUT for the mixed residential development of 70 dwellings, internal estate road, landscaping scheme and all other ancillary and enabling works.
Taylor Wimpey, (North Midlands), Chase House, Park Plaza, Heath Hayes, Cannock.
(then insert 17/05982/REM
17/06087/OUTProposed Residential Development North East of Stone Drive, Shifnal.
Outline application (access for consideration) for the mixed residential development (up to 105 dwellings) previously approved under 14/00062/OUT
Mr S. Field.
(then insert 17/05914/FUL
182/17Town Planning Applications and Town Planning Decisions Received In
the STC Office after 12th January 2018 – To be tabled
183/17To NOTE Town Planning Decisions:-
17/05730/FUL40, The Grove, Shifnal. TF11 9EH
Erection of part single part two storey extension (demolition of extension garage).
17/04631/FUL33 Park Lane, Shifnal. TF11 9HD
Erection of a detached double garage/car port.
17/05700/TPOLimewood House, Church Street, Shifnal. TF11 9AB
Works to 3No. Lime Trees protected by Salop County Council
(Shifnal) Tree Preservation Order 1961.
17/05680/TCAWoodbrook, Haughton Village, Shifnal. TF11 8HS
To fell 5No. Norway Spruce trees within the Haughton Conservation
17/05120/COU7 Park Street, Shifnal. TF11 9BE
Change of use of former bank premises to Use Class D1 (non-residential institutions) – training/adult eduction; day nursery.;
17/05755/TCASt Andrew’s Church, Church Street, Shifnal.
To fell to ground level one Sycamore Tree within Shifnal Conservation Area.
184/17Planning Enforcement Cases:-
None reported to Shifnal Town Council office.
185/17Planning Contraventions
None reported to Shifnal Town Council office.
186/17Report from Working Groups:-
i)Shifnal Traffic, Cycles and Pedestrian Management (STCPM);
iii)Car Park;
iv)Law and Order;
v)Community Bus;
vi)Swimming Pool;
187/17Town Clerk Progress Report
188/17Social Media
189/17Shifnal Flood Partnership – Bob Haddon
190/17Health and Safety Concerns
191/17Town Council Estate
193/17Future Agenda Item
194/17Public Bodies (Admission to Meetings) Act 1960
To resolve that “pursuant to the Local Government Act 1972 s100A and Schedule 12A, the following items will be likely to disclose exempt information and in accordance with the provisions of the Public Bodies (Admission to Meetings) Act 1960 the public and press be excluded for the remainder of the meeting”.
Staff Matters
Councillors:Cllr R. Harrop (Chair), Cllr T. Day, Cllr J. Horne, Cllr C. Killen, Cllr J. Marriott, Cllr A. Mitchell,Cllr S. Offland, Cllr C. Phillips,Cllr T. Tarran,
Cllr G. Tonkinson,Cllr K. Turley, Cllr G. Weaver, Cllr S. Williams.
For Information:-Caroline Reeve and Paul Costiff, RCA Regeneration Ltd.
Mr. B. Haddon, Shifnal Flood Partnership,
Mr M Sandal, Town Clerk; Mr. S. West – Shropshire Councillor,
Ms D. Webb, Responsible Finance Officer,
Office Hours 10am – 1pm (Monday to Friday) Library Building
Tel: 01952 461420Shifnal
E-mail: ropshire