What were supporters
ofthe Constitution
called? / Federalists
A series of essays
that defended
the Constitution
were / The
is the sharing
powerbetween / Acentral authority and
thestates or provinces
thatmakeup a country.
The system that prevents any branch
of government from
becoming too powerful
is definedas / Checks and balances
People who permanently move to another country are called / Immigrants
What 2 presidents have been impeached? / Andrew Johnson and Bill Clinton
The branch responsible for enforcing the laws approved by Congress / Is the Executive Branch
Strict construction, the federal government should do only what the Constitution specifically says it can do, was supported by which leader? / Thomas Jefferson
The national debt is the amount of money owed by / The United States to various creditors or lenders
Who supported loose construction, meaning that the federal government can take actions that the Constitution does not specifically forbid? / Alexander Hamilton
Why did Thomas Jefferson send Lewis and Clark to the Louisiana Purchase? / To learn about the West and to find a river route to the Pacific Ocean
Because their region had little industry and relied heavily on imported goods, who opposed protective tariffs? / Southerners
What protected Latin American governments from European powers? / The Monroe Doctrine
The first American Indians to be removed to the Indian Territory were the / Choctaw from Mississippi
What great threats to the republic did Washington name in his farewell address? /
  1. public debt
  2. dangerous foreign alliances
  3. political divisions at home

Define strikes. / Refusing to work until employers meet union demands
The Cotton Belt extends from / East Texas to South Carolina
Former slaves who contributed to the antislavery cause / Fredrick Douglas, Sojourner Truth and Harriet Tubman
White northerners opposition to the abolition movement tended to center on the belief that / African Americans should not receive equal treatment and that freed slaves would take jobs away from white northerners
Harriet Tubman was one of the leaders of the / Underground Railroad
In what became known as the Freeport Doctrine, Stephan Douglas upheld / Popular sovereignty over the power of the Supreme Court
The first state to formally withdraw from the Union was / South Carolina
The Fugitive Slave Act was a part of / The Compromise of 1850
After John Brown Seized the federal arsenal in Harpers Ferry, he hoped / Slaves in the region would join him, but none did.
When California Applied for statehood, the majority of its residents wanted California To enter the Union As a / Free State
The U.S. Supreme Court ruled that Congress could not prohibit someone from taking slaves into a federal territory because / Slaves were considered property
Which presidential candidate opposed the spread of slavery but promised not to support abolishing it where it already existed? / Abraham Lincoln
Dred Scott sued for his freedom, saying that he had been set free / When he lived in free territory
After hearing Dred Scott’s petition for freedom, Taney ruled that / As a noncitizen, Scott did not have the right to file suit in federal court.
The first major clash of Union and Confederate armies took place in July 1861 along a creek called / Bull Run, near Manassas Junction, Virginia.
TheEmancipationProclamation wasan orderthat / CalledforallslavesinareasrebellingagainsttheUnion tobefreed.
In responsetothefallofFortSumter,Lincoln / Calledonstategovernorstoprovideatotal of 75,000 militiamen to help put down the rebellion in the South.
In early 1864, Lincoln entrusted command of the Union Army in the East to / Ulysses S. Grant
Lee’s attempt to launch an offensive into Union territory ended in defeat at / Gettysburg
The wartime Confederate capital was / Richmond, Virginia
Targeting military as well as civilian economic resources to destroy an opponent’s ability and will to fight is / Total War
Starving residents and Confederate soldiers resorted to eating horses, dogs, and rats during the / The Siege of Vicksburg
At the beginning of the war, the North’s advantages included a greater number of / Factories
Through cotton diplomacy, the South tried to win foreign support especially from / Great Britain
The Union navy wanted to blockade the South for what reasons? / Cut off southern trade and hurt the economy
Among the South’s advantages at the beginning of the war were / Skilled military leaders
More than3,000womenservedtheUnion aspaidnursesunderthe leadership of / Dorothea Dix
American Indians who fought in the Battle of Pea Ridge hoped that / Confederate leaders would grant the American Indian nations greater independence than the Union had.
The Union gained control of the Mississippi River with the / Surrender of Pemberton’s forces to General Grant at Vicksburg.
For most of the war, the 180,000 African American soldiers who fought with the Union received more or less pay than their white counterparts. / less
Who wrotethepowerfulantislavery novel Uncle Tom’s Cabin? / Harriet Beecher Stowe
Who was the victor in the 1860 presidential race? / Abraham Lincoln
What is the act of formally withdrawing from the Union? / succession
Who was the general who developed the Union’s early war strategy? / Winfield Scott
Who earned the nickname “Stonewall” at the First Battle of Bull Run? / Thomas Jackson