Sheridan Grade School
PTO Meeting Agenda
December 4, 2017
Meeting called to order Sarah Hoffman at 7 pm.
Reading of previous minutes Nikki Dierzen read November minutes. It was approved by Jeanne Felesena and seconded by Lisa Baker.
Treasurer’s Report Adam Sanchez read the report. It was approved by Lisa Baker and seconded by Kim Walsh.
Beginning Balance:11412.44
Ending Balance:7757.39
Check from Schwann’s was given to Adam
Old Business:
Christmas Greenery:Total 2955, profit 1664.65, greenery profit was 1000, Schaefer’s profit was 671
New Business:
Santa’s Workshop:Santa’s Workshop is Dec 14. Kim is sending out a note for volunteers and giving information about the workshop.
Holiday Raffle:More prizes are coming in. Tickets and money is due next Friday, December 15. This Friday, December 8, the raffle baskets items are due.
Teacher/ Staff Christmas Lunch:Lunches start around 11, everyone is done eating about 1.
Book Fair:December 14-18, No cash box or volunteers needed. Teachers/classrooms get books according to sales. Teachers will fill out wish lists so people can purchase for classes. School gets 50% of profit of sales
2nd quarter Scholastic Breakfast:January 19 at 715 am following grades being released
Robert Rowe Winter Reading Program:After Martin Luther King day. In the past we donated 200. PTO check will go with Lesly LaRock to the Robert Rowe Library.
PeeWee BBall: School doesn’t have smaller, adjustable hoops. Since many of our Sheridan Students will use them for practice/games, asking PTO for the purchase of the stands/hoops. Kim and Jeanne moved to approved $500 to purchase hoops and perhaps smaller balls for the K-2.
AR Reading Program:Mr. Goodbred is checking to see if they are still going to renew the program, as Harding and Sheridan need to do similar programs. He’s checking on licensing, etc…
Correspondence/ Thank you:none
Questions:Nicole asked teachers about Christmas parties. Teachers are willing to let PTO assign “room parent” to coordinate parties by assigning supplies/food/entertainment starting next school year. Nicole also asked about why we are not moving the Christmas program to Serena. Mr. Goodbred explained he understands there will be a lot of people, but he chose to keep the program here this year.
Cookie Dough:Mr. Goodbred offered the cookie dough fundraiser to the PTO. We will revisit the idea in January.
Jeanne moved to adjourn the meeting and Lisa seconded.
Next Meeting: Monday January 8th, 2018