Minutes of the Burton Pidsea Parish Council Meeting held on
Tuesday 3rd May 2016 at the Burton Pidsea Primary School
Present: Cllr S Willie in the Chair, Cllr D King, Cllr S Parker, Cllr N Taylor, Cllr J Smales and Cllr J Smith
1500 Public Participation session
There were no matters raised for discussion
1501 Apologies for absence
Apologies for absence were received from Cllrs P Barker, N Sellar and K Sadler
1502 Declaration of Interests
i) To record declarations of interest by any member of the council in respect of the agenda items listed below. Members declaring interests should identify the agenda item and type of interest being declared
ii) To note dispensations given to any member of the council in respect of the agenda items listed below
There were no dispensations to note
1503 Approval of the Minutes of a meeting held on 11th April 2016
The Minutes of a meeting held on 11th April were approved as a correct record of proceedings thereat subject to item 1499) ii) should read “dry ditch outside “Harland”
1504 Matters Arising
i) Dry Ditch – “Harland” – it was RESOLVED that no further action be taken on this matter
1505 Matters Pending
i) Village Christmas switch on event - meeting to be arranged – RESOLVED noted
ii) “Shoe bins” outside old Post Office – it was RESOLVED that the clerk continue to pursue the relocation of the shoe bins to the Burton Pidsea Garage
iii) Phone Box – Main Road – maintenance – next agenda pending action being taken by BT to re-paint the phone box
iv) Bus service to Hedon – Cllr N Taylor gave details of usage and arrangements made with the Doctors surgeries in Hedon and she agreed to email recent usage/revenue figure to members – RESOLVED noted
v) Bridge over drain to rear of Gemel Road – Cllr J Smith to continue to pursue this matter
vi) Parking outside Burton Pidsea Primary School/school signage – following discussion it was RESOLVED that Cllr N Taylor and other members as appropriate forward concerns to the clerk who will then write to ward member – Cllr J Holtby. It was further RESOLVED that the clerk write to the school regarding morning access times
vii) Grass verge – Jubilee Lane to drain bridge – Following discussion relating to cost of drainage pipe etc it was RESOVLED that a letter be sent to Mr T Stamford (adjacent hedge owner) suggesting he work with the parish council to provide a level verge that can be used as a footway
ix) Website – It was RESOVLED that grant funding recently awarded be used to purchase a lap top
1506 Accounts i) payments May 2016 – it was RESOLVED that accounts for payment as follows be approved for payment:-
Salary £186.00
T Grassby grass cutting etc £406.88
ii) Annual Return 2015/2016 – financial information, including cashbook having been circulated it was RESOLVED that the chairman be authorised to sign the Annual Return on behalf of Burton Pidsea parish Council
1507 Wind Farm Funds
Cllr D King gave information and update on the Burton Pidsea Fund – RESOLVED noted
1508 Planning Matters
i) 16/01309/TPO | BURTON PIDSEA NO.6 2007 (REF:1068) T1 &T2; T1 Horse Chestnut - fell due to structural decline and risk of failure. Replace with Oak, Quercus robur, T2 Lime - fell, not subject to a TPO, T3 Horse Chestnut - fell due to structural decline and risk of failure. Replace with Horse Chestnut. The Chestnuts Back Lane Burton Pidsea East Riding Of Yorkshire HU12 9AN – RESOLVED support subject to any trees felled being replaced with semi mature trees, not whips
ii) New Vicarage – bay window – to receive an update from ERYC – the chairman read an email from ERYC stating that they will no be to pursuing the submission of a planning application when it is certain the approval will be granted in any case – RESOVLED noted
1509 Cemetery
i) to receive a report from Mrs C Taylor for the month of May 2016 – RESOLVED noted
ii) Burial Charges – review – it was RESOLVED that burial charges as attached be implemented as of 4th May 2016 and that “residents” be classed as anyone living within 3km radius from the new Burton Pidsea post office on Main Road.
The chairman confirmed that he had carried out testing of memorials within the cemetery on 3rd May 2016 and would be reporting any issues to the cemetery manager (Mrs Taylor) for action to be taken – RESOLVED noted. It was further RESOLVED that a water supply to the cemetery be investigated – chairman to contact Mr T Grassby regarding the installation of pipe work
1510 Parish Paths Partnership
i) Bridleway no. 3
ii) Footpath 8 to Roos
iii) Woodland
The Chairman confirmed that the PPP return/claim had been finalised and it was RESOLVED that it be submitted to ERYC
1511 Memorial Hall new build
There was nothing further to report at this time
1512 Matters raised by members of the public
There were no matters raised
1513 Correspondence
There was no correspondence
1514 Information/Future Business
i) Drainage – play area/field – is being looked into