The Shelton School District Board of Directors met in regular session at 6:00 p.m. on May 13, 2008 in the board room located at CHOICE High School.

Board members present: Vice-Chairman Sue McCausland, Gene Crater, Julianna Miljour and student representative Sydney Finlay.

Staff members present: Superintendent Joan Zook, Linda Arnold, Alison Nutt, Eric Barkman, Jennifer Deyette, Jackie McGuire, Gordy Hansen, Bracken Budge, Steve Warner, Deena Alley, Carey Murray, Janet Parsons, Wendy Wilson-Hoss, Heather Byington, Mary Whitehouse, Jacqueline Collett, Dan Kass, Vicki Sawyer, Ron Grinnell, Cindy Roaf, Gar Thornton, John Johnson, Randy Grostick, Sharon Hobson and Bobbie Wilson.

Others present: Jeff Green, Dedrick Allen, Kim Sloan, Dan Coumo, Janis Byrd, and a number of other guests.


Vice-Chairman McCausland called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m.


There were two additions to the agenda:

1)  A new Item 8.05 – Salary schedule for the position of Assistant Supervisor of Transportation for Fleet Maintenance; and

2)  A new Item 9.12 – Supplemental personnel report.

Julianna Miljour made a motion to adopt the agenda as amended. Gene Crater seconded the motion and the motion passed 3-0.

Julianna Miljour read the district’s Mission Statement.


§  Gene Crater recently spent time at Oakland Bay Junior High helping judge Mr. Mortensen’s slot car races, visiting a special education classroom, and getting re-education on how the library works. He is spending the day on Thursday at Bordeaux’s outdoor camp.

§  Sue McCausland said that she, along with Holly Sharpe and Gene Crater, interviewed students for the board’s Drake Scholarship awards last night and it was a lot of fun. Next Thursday in Senior Awards Night and the board will be presenting their Drake Scholarships at that time.


7.01 – Recognition of Kim Sloan:

Board members presented long-time parent volunteer Kim Sloan with their Community Partners for Kids individual award. Kim has volunteered for many years in the schools, but in most recent years has been involved with the Shelton High School Band Booster Club. Randy Grostick spoke about the many things Kim has done in support of the Booster Club.

7.02 – Teacher of the Year award:

Board members also recognized the nominee from each of the school buildings for Shelton School District’s Teacher of the Year. The nominees were Wendy Wilson-Hoss from Bordeaux; Heather Byington from Evergreen; Mary Whitehouse from Mt. View; Jacqueline Collett from Olympic Middle School; Dan Kass from Oakland Bay Junior High; Ron Grinnell from CHOICE High School; and Vicki Sawyer from Shelton High School. Joan Zook then announced the winner from Shelton School District who is Heather Byington. Heather will now go on to the ESD 113 selection process for consideration as this region’s candidate to the state competition.

7.03 – Introduction of the new Athletic Director:

Deena Alley introduced Jim Judson, who is on tonight’s agenda for hire as the district’s new Athletic Director.


§  Janis Byrd said she was a long-time supporter of the schools and urged the board not to dip into the principle from the Drake Scholarship Fund for a project such as replacement of the high school track. She felt it would set a wrong example in a community who has struggled to have academic focus. She said she was sure there were people in the community who would take on a fundraising project for track replacement.


8.01 – Proposed Title IIa grant application for 2008-09:

Debbie Wing requested approval of the proposed Title IIa grant application for the 2008-09 school year. Debbie is predicting that the 2008-09 allocation will be the same as last year, which was $214,025. Title IIa funds are designated by the federal government for teacher and principal professional development. The funds will pay for 28 hours of professional development for each certificated teacher this year (an increase from 21 hours last year), which will take all but approximately $27,000. The remainder will be used for New Teacher Day before schools starts and other new teacher training days, supporting 2 days for each beginning teacher/mentor pair to observe and/or train. Previously, the Coaching Cadre was paid for out of this budget but was moved to I-728 this year for lack of funds in this grant. Julianna Miljour moved, seconded by Gene Crater, to approve the grant application. The motion passed 3-0.

8.02 – Proposed Resolution No. 08-03:

Proposed Resolution No. 08-03 delegates authority to the Washington Interscholastic Activities Association for the 2008-09 school year and is a routine resolution school district’s must adopt each year. Sue McCausland has been the school board’s representative to the WIAA for the past three years and is also currently the legislative representative and board vice-chairman, so she recommended another board member take on this duty. Gene Crater volunteered to take over as the WIAA representative. Gene Crater then moved, seconded by Julianna Miljour, to adopt Resolution No. 08-03. The motion passed 3-0.

8.03 – Proposed amendments to the 2006-09 bargained agreement with the SEA:

There were two proposed amendments to the 2006-09 bargained agreement with the Shelton Education Association. Both amendments were to Article VII – Economic Provisions. One amendment was to Section 4 – Professional Development and the other to Section 6 – Professional Responsibility Activities (TRI – Time, Responsibilities, Incentives). Julianna Miljour made a motion to approve the two amendments and Gene Crater seconded the motion. The motion passed 3-0.

8.04 – Date for a budget study session:

Board members tentatively set the date of Monday, June 2nd at 4:00 p.m. in the central office conference room for a study session on the 2008-09 budget. Joan will check with Holly Sharpe and Peter Boome to see if this date will work for them.

8.05 – Proposed salary schedule for position of Asst. Supervisor for Fleet Maintenance:

Linda Arnold explained that the lead mechanic position at the Mason County Transportation Coop has recently been vacated which gave Sandi Thompson the opportunity to reorganize. Sandi is proposing that we don’t fill the lead mechanic position but instead create a new position that has more supervisory authority at basically the same salary. Linda said this change has no financial impact on the district and the structural reconfiguration will really help at the Coop. Gene Crater made a motion to approve the salary schedule for the new position of Assistant Supervisor of Transportation for Fleet Maintenance. Julianna Miljour seconded the motion and the motion passed 3-0.


Julianna Miljour made a motion to approve the consent agenda with the addition of the supplemental personnel report and Gene Crater seconded the motion. The motion passed 3-0.

The board:

§  Approved minutes from the April 21, 28 and 29, 2008 board study sessions and the April 29, 2009 regular board meeting.

§  Approved overnight travel to the Olympic Park Institute at Lake Crescent on May 27-29, 2008 for CHOICE students;

§  Approved overnight travel to Ellensburg, WA on June 14-15, 2008 for the varsity girl’s volleyball team to participate in the Central Washington University Volleyball Tournament.

§  Approved out-of-state travel to Lincoln City, OR on May 28-30, 2008 for students in the Shelton High School Independent Living and Life Learning programs.

§  Approved out-of-state travel to Kansas City, MO on June 22-29, 2008 for a Shelton High School/New Market Vocational Skills Center student to compete in the SkillsUSA National Conference.

§  Approved General Fund Voucher Nos. 110654 through 110937 in the amount of $644,700.39 for April 2008.

§  Approved Associated Student Body Fund Voucher Nos. 17673 through 17726 in the amount of $41,911.73 for April 2008.

§  Approved Private Purpose Trust Fund Voucher Nos. 142 through 143 in the amount of $1,500.00 for April 2008.

§  Approved Private Purpose Trust Fund Voucher No. 144 in the amount of $500.00 for April 2008.

§  Approved the regular and supplemental personnel reports as submitted and as attached. (See Attachment #1.)


§  Joan Zook reported that the Legislative Funding Committee is hard at work trying to figure out how to solve the K-12 funding crisis. Jennifer Priddy, Asst. Superintendent at OSPI, recently reported to the committee about the K-12 funding crisis and how districts are less and less able to respond to rising costs. The current funding system cannot sustain the existing system and there is not enough money to keep districts afloat. There are six districts in the state in serious financial trouble and the prediction is that there will be more in the next few years. Joan said we may be at the point where we should prepare a press release so the community knows what we are facing.


§  Senior project presentations begin tomorrow at 7:30 a.m. at Shelton High School. Board members are invited to be part of the panel to listen to presentations.

§  May 22nd at 7:00 p.m. is Senior Awards Night.

§  The Native American Awards Banquet is this Friday at 6:00 p.m. in the SUB.


At 7:11 p.m. Vice-Chairman McCausland announced that the board would take a 5-minute recess and then enter into a 15-minute executive session to discuss an employee performance issue.


The board returned to regular session at 7:35 p.m. and Vice-Chairman declared the meeting adjourned.

Chairman, Board of Directors

Secretary to the Board