Discipline Plan for Mrs. Austin’s Spanish Classes

Classroom Rules

1.  Be in your assigned seat when the bell rings.

2.  Bring all books and materials to class.

3.  Follow directions the first time they are given.

4.  Stay in your seat unless you have permission to do otherwise.

5.  No candy/food/drinks (except bottled water) in class.

6.  Be open-minded to learning a new language and culture.

7.  Be respectful to your classmates and your teacher.

8.  No cell phones!!! (Major Offense)

If You Choose to Break a Rule

First Time: Warning.

Second Time: Student-teacher conference. Write up. 15 minutes before school on Thursday.

Third Time: Parent contacted. 30 minutes before school on Thursday.

Forth Time: 60 minutes before school on Thursday, referral written to the office.

Severe disruption: Student sent to office immediately.


Teachers will take care of student tardies to class. A student is late to class if he/she is not inside the door when the tardy bell rings. Teachers will enforce punctuality to class with the following system:

a.  First tardy per nine weeks - marked tardy in teacher’s grade book and warning given

b.  Second and third tardy per nine weeks - thirty minutes detention after school (STUDENT TO BE KEPT BY ISSUING TEACHER).

c.  Fourth tardy per nine weeks - Student referred to Assistant Principal. 1 hour detention assigned. If detention not served, Saturday School assigned. If no show for Saturday School, one day Suspension is assigned.

d.  Fifth and subsequent tardies - referred to Assistant Principal for assignment to ASP, alternative placement, and/or court referral for assistance.

15/15 Rule: Students will not be allowed to leave the first or last 15 minutes of class.

Students will not be excused from one class to make up work, or to do special work in another class, unless it is a very special case and has had prior approval by the Principal. This approval will rarely be given to any student or group of students. Every effort will be made to have students in their assigned area of study at all times. Any student tardy more than five minutes to class should be sent to the appropriate administrator for skipping.


Praise (Daily)

Positive notes sent home (Random)

Free-Time (Weekly)

Fiesta!!!!! (Monthly)

Candy (throughout the school year)

The joy of learning (every day of the school year)

STUDENTS: I have read this classroom discipline plan and understand it. I will honor it while in Mrs. Austin’s classroom.


PARENTS: My child has discussed the classroom discipline plan with me. I understand it and will support it.


TEACHER: I will be fair and consistent in administering the discipline plan.




Thank You.