PhD in Literary Sciences, Senior Research Fellow, Associate Professor
Work Adress 1:
Scientific ResearchCenter
of the SlovenianAcademy of Sciences and Arts
Novi trg 2
1000 Ljubljana
Slovenia, Europe
Work Adress 2:
Faculty of Theology of the
University of Ljubljana
Poljanska cesta 4
1000 Ljubljana
Slovenia, Europe
00386 (0)41 731 712
Born 28 June 1969 inJesenice, Slovenia
She has three children: David, Jurij, Mirjam
She completed her doctorate in the area of literary criticism. Her research work deals with literary history, literary theory and comparative research in the area of literary criticism: with literary-historical studies of Slovenian writers of the 19th and 20th centuries (especially Ivan Cankar and other authors from Slovenian modernity), with the sources and transformations of antique and folk motifs and symbols in literature (such as the Slovenian motif of Fair Vida); with the characterization of Jews in Slovenian literature; with the representation of reality, truth, weakness and temptation in literary works in Slovenia and the rest of Europe from antiquity to the present; with biblical motifs in modern literature; with literary types and genres, especially autobiography.
Doctor of Literary Sciences:
In June, 2004 she received her PhD for the doctoral thesis Sin, Guilt, Punishment and Forgiveness in the Works of Ivan Cankar, which was accepted at the Department of Slovenian language and literature of the Faculty of Art of the University of Ljubljana (UL)
Master of Slovenian literature:
On 4 June 1998 she received her M.A. at the same department.
Professor of Slovenian Language and Literature and of History of Art:
On 7 April 1994 she received certificate at the Department of Slovenian language and at the Department of history of art UL.
As a researcher she is employed at three academic institutions: Research Centre of the Slovenian Academy of Sciences and Art (ZRC SAZU) – Centre for Interdisciplinary Research (since 2006); Faculty of Humanities of the University of Nova Gorica (FH UNG) – Institute of Cultural Studies (since 2005); Faculty of Theology of the University of Ljubljana (TEOF UL) – Institute for the Bible, Jewish Studies and Early Christianity (since 1999). She carries out her research work independently in the framework of research programmes and projects, while teaching at FH UNG and TEOF UL.
Employment (cont.):
– 21. 6. 2012 – awarded title: Senior Research Fellow at ZRC SAZU
– 12. 5. 2011 – awarded title: Associate Professor for “Literature” at UNG.
– 29. 9. 2006 – present: Research Fellow at TEOF UL.
– 21. 6. 2006 – avarded title: Research Fellow at ZRC SAZU
– 27. 2. 2006 – awarded title: Docent for the area of “Slovene literature” the UNG.
– 2004−2006 – TEOF UL Research-Development Assistant TEOF UL.
– 1999−2003 – Young Researcher at TEOF; doctoral dissertation at FF UL.
– 1996−1999 – proofreader and phonetician at Radio-TelevisionSlovenia.
– 1993−1996 – solo soprano at the professional Slovenian Chamber Choir.
The area of Literary studies at research programmes and projects:
– From 1999 to 2003: member of the research programme P0-0502-0170 Guilt and Reconciliation, TEOF UL, Institute for the Bible, Jewish Studies and Early Christianity (leader Acad. Prof. Dr. Jože Krašovec).
– From 2004 to 2008: member of the research programme P6-0262 History of Forms in Jewish-Christian Sources and Tradition,, TEOF UL, Institute for the Bible, Jewish Studies and Early Christianity; leader Acad. Prof. Dr. Jože Krašovec).
– From 2005 to 2008: member of the fundamental research project J6-7002 (B) Permanence and Breakings in the History of the Slovenian Area, ZRC SAZU, Institute for Cultural History (leader Prof. DDr. Igor Grdina).
– From 2009 to 2012: responsible leader of the research project J6-2090: Origins and Transformations of Motifs and Symbols in Literature and Languages at the Centre for Interdisciplinary Research, ZRC SAZU.
– From 2013: member of the basic research project J6-3627 (A): Transformation of memory of breaking periods in Slovenian history of 20th century (leader Director of ZRC SAZU Prof. Dr. Oto Luthar).
– From 2013: member of the basic research project 470: The Word in Dialogue (leader Acad. Prof. Dr. Jože Krašovec)
Three scientific monographs of Irena Avsenik Nabergoj were published in Slovenian, another three monographs were published in English at international publishing houses:
– Mirror of Reality and Dreams: Stories and Confessions by Ivan Cankar. Frankfurt am Main [etc.]: Peter Lang, 2008.
– Longing, Weakness and Temptation: From Myth to Artistic Creations. Newcastle upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2009.
– Power of Love and Guilt: Representations of Mother and Woman in the Literature of Ivan Cankar. Frankfurt am Main [etc.]: Peter Lang, 2013.
The following monograph (the sixth) has been accepted for publication in 2012:
Reality andTruthin Literature. From Ancient to Modern European. Literary and Critical Discourse. Vandenhoeck&Ruprecht, V&H Unipress, 2013.
The Zois award for an important achievement in the field of literary studies (23 November 2009) for the monographs on Ivan Cankar in Slovene and in English.
1) Her pedagogical work includes three courses in the undergraduate programme at the Department for Slovenian Studies, FH UNG:
– Introduction to the study of literature and literary theory
– Writing of genre texts
– Selected chapters from older Slovenian literature: the literature of Ivan Cankar
2) She is responsible for two courses from the area of literary studies in the postgraduate programme TEOF UL:
– The world of myths and comparative studies about Biblical motifs in literature
– Literature and ethics
3) She has been supervisor of nine graduate theses at the FH UNG.
4) Since 2010 she has been Supervisor to a Young Researcher in the doctoral programme at ZRC SAZU and UNG. The area of her research is ancient motifs in Slovenian literature of the 19th and of the 20th centuries. In 2011 she had a research stay at CharlesUniversity, Prague.
5) She is supervisor also to a doctoral student at TEOF UL. He received a full-year scholarship in 2010 for his studies in Beijing, China. He carried out the major part of his study activity with Prof. Dr. Jianhong Ma; Zheijang University School of Psychology and Behavioural Sciences, who wrote also a report about his successful work for the project Psychological Preparations of Actors in Beijing Opera compared with Method Acting (from August 2010 to June 2011).
6) Since 2013 she has been Supervisor to a Young Researcher in the doctoral programme at TEOF, elected by the Slovenian Research Agency.
Since 2005 she has been a member of the American Association of Teachers of Slavic and East European Languages (AATSEEL), with headquarters in the USA. In the framework of the AATSEEL, I have participated at these peer-reviewed American conferences:
– 28 December 2006: paper Metaphors, Models and Self-expression in Personal Literature (in Philadelphia).
– 30 December 2007: Psychology of Temptation as the Key to the Darker Side of Human Existence (in Chicago).
– 30 December 2008: Intertextual Representations of Longing and Temptation (in San Francisco).
29 December 2009: Ivan Cankar on the Suffering of Humiliated Girls and the Question of Forgiveness (in Philadelphia).
7 January 2012: Stereotypes of Jews in Slovenian Literature (in Seattle).
4 January 2013: The search for love and identity in Prešeren's "The baptism on the Savica" (in Boston, Massachusetts).
She is a member of the Society of Biblical Literature (headquarters in Atlanta, USA).
Since 2009 she has been a member of the International Medieval Association at the Institute for Medieval Studies of the University of Leeds in England. At peer-reviewed congresses (IMC) in Leeds she has presented papers on the medieval use of motifs in Slovenian folklore tradition and literary transformations and Old Testament Biblical nar ratives:
– July 2010: Slovenian Motif of Fair Vida in the Context of Migrations in the Medieval Area.
– July 2011: Rich and Poor in the Reception of the Story of Joseph of Egypt.
– July 2013: accepted paper Reception of Beauty and Love by Augustine, Bernard, and Dante (Section: Positive Evaluations of Curiosity, Beauty, and Love and Its Emergence in the Middle Ages)
She has also presented papers, among other places:
– the XIXth Congress of the International Organization for the Study of the Old Testament (IOSOT), held in Ljubljana (July 2007).
– International scientific congress in Split, organized by the University of Zagreb, University of Split and the Croatian Academy of Sciences and Arts (September 2007).
– International congress of Slavicists in Opatia, Croatia (2009).
– International symposium on Ljubka Šorli in Gorizia, Italy (2010).
– International conferences in Ljubljana, Slovenian Porabje (Hungary), etc.
In 2009, she presented two invited lectures for students of Slavic Studies at the Department for Slavic and East-European Studies at the Charles University of Prague, Czech Republic and for Slavic Studies students in Udine (Italy)
– She is leading the fundamental research project for the area of literary studies at ZRC SAZU (2009−2012); also members of the project group are Dr. Andreja Žele [12845], higher scientific co-worker, the leader of the Lexicology section at the Fran Ramovš Institute for the Slovene language; Professor Dr. Jože Krašovec [13884], a member of SAZU and of the European academy of arts and sciences, the head of the Department of Biblical Studies and Judaism at the Faculty of Theology, University of Ljubljana, leader of the research program P6-0262.
– Leading and co-ordinating the group of proofreaders in the preparation of a new Bible translation (the first portion already appeared in 2010 [the New Testament and Psalms]; in the next years two book trilogies are to appear).
–Leading a panel at the 2009 AATSEEL conference in Philadelphia (on the invitation of the conference organizer, Professor Dr. Alexander Burry, Ohio State University).
–In 2011, I became Editorial Assistant of the Editor-in-Chief of the academic journal Bogoslovni vestnik/Theological Quartely at the TEOF UL.
– Invited to chair a section at the International Medieval Association at the Institute for Medieval Studies of the University of Leeds in England (July 2013).
– In 2006 she was invited by editors Dieter A. Binder, Klaus Lüdicke, and Hans Paarhammer (Graz, Münster) to contribute an article for the Festschrift: Kirche in einer säkularisierten Gesellschaft. Innsbruck / Wien / Bozen: Studien Verlag, 2006, 275–293.
– In 2010, she was invited by the editor Irina Podtergera in the name of the editorial board (Universities of Bonn, Mainz, and Tübingen) to contribute an article for Schnittpunkt Slavistik: Ost und West im wissenschaftlichen Dialog. Festgabe für Helmut Keipert zum 70. Geburtstag. Göttingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht Verlag (Unipress Bonn).
– On 14 October 2009, she had the status of Visiting Scholar at St Edmund's College of the University of Cambridge for summer 2010. In fall of the same year, she was elected Visiting Scholar for the summer time 2011.
– In 2010, she established in Vienna scholarly collaboration with two faculties:
– Universität Wien, Philologisch-Kulturwissenschaftliche Fakultät, Institut für Slawistik, Prof. Dr. Alois Woldan (director).
– Universität Wien, Katolisch-Theologische Fakultät, Institut für Alttestamentliche Bibelwissenschaft, Prof. Dr. Ludger Schwienhorst-Schönberger (director).
– During the summer 2009, she was at the École biblique et archéologique française in Jerusalem.
– From December 2012 to April 2013 status of Visiting Researcher at the Harvard College Library (Boston, USA).
Selected Publications
Scientific Monographs
- AVSENIK NABERGOJ, Irena. Ljubezen in krivda Ivana Cankarja (Love and Guilt of Ivan Cankar), (Zbirka Kultura). Ljubljana: Mladinska knjiga, 2005. 794 pages, ilustr. ISBN 86-11-17060-1. [COBISS.SI-ID 221508096]
- AVSENIK NABERGOJ, Irena. Mirror of reality and dreams : stories and confessions by Ivan Cankar. Frankfurt am Main [etc.]: Peter Lang, cop. 2008. 309 pages, ilustr. ISBN 978-3-631-57812-4. [COBISS.SI-ID 28453421]
- AVSENIK NABERGOJ, Irena. Longing, weakness and temptation : from myth to artistic creations. Newcastle upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars Publishing, cop. 2009. XII, 321 pages. ISBN 978-1-4438-0185-0. ISBN 1-4438-0185-2. [COBISS.SI-ID 29219117]
- AVSENIK NABERGOJ, Irena. Hrepenenje in skušnjava v svetu literature : Motiv Lepe Vide (Longing and Temptation in the World of Literature: The Motif of Fair Vida), (Zbirka Kultura). 1. izd. Ljubljana: Mladinska knjiga, 2010. 726 pages, ilustr. ISBN 978-961-01-1236-5. [COBISS.SI-ID 250153984]
- AVSENIK NABERGOJ, Irena, LAMPING, Dieter (ur.). Literarne vrste in zvrsti : stari Izrael, grško-rimska antika in Evropa (Literary Modes and Genres : Ancient Israel, Greco-Roman Antiquity and Europe). Ljubljana: Cankarjeva založba, 2011. 623 pages, ilustr. ISBN 978-961-231-846-8. [COBISS.SI-ID 255187712]
- AVSENIK NABERGOJ, Irena. The power of love and guilt : representations of the mother and woman in the literature of Ivan Cankar. Frankfurt am Main: Peter Lang, 2013. 463 pages, ilustr. ISBN 978-3-631-62232-2. [COBISS.SI-ID34981933]
University or Higher Education Textbook with Peer Review
- AVSENIK NABERGOJ, Irena, SMOLEJ, Tone (ed.). Tematologija : Izbrana poglavja (Thematology: Selected Chapters) (Knjižna zbirka Scripta). Ljubljana: Študentska založba, 2007. 173 pages. ISBN 978-961-242-096-3. [COBISS.SI-ID 230995456]
- AVSENIK NABERGOJ, Irena. Jožef iz Egipta: Zgodba o Jožefu iz Egipta v svetovni in slovenski književnosti (The Story of Joseph of Egypt in World and Slovenian Literature). In: SMOLEJ, Tone (ed.). Tematologija : Izbrana poglavja, (Knjižna zbirka Scripta). 2. dopolnjena izd. Ljubljana: Študentska založba, 2010, pp. [111]−127. [COBISS.SI-ID 31049005]
Original Scientific Article
- AVSENIK NABERGOJ, Irena. The experience of sin, guilt, punishment and forgiveness in a secularized social and cultural milieu. V: BINDER, Dieter A. (ed.), LÜDICKE, Klaus (ed.), PAARHAMMER, Hans (ed.). Kirche in einer säkularisierten Gesellschaft. Innsbruck; Wien; Bozen: Studien Verlag, 2006, pp. 275−293. [COBISS.SI-ID 25784621] (izvirni znanstveni članek v angleščini)
- AVSENIK NABERGOJ, Irena. Literarna kritika in esejistika v reviji Meddobje (1954) (Literary Criticism and Essayist Work in the Periodical Meddobje (1954)): magistrska naloga / Master's thesis. [1. del]. Meddobje-Entresiglio (slovensko-španska revija za Slovence po svetu), (Slovenian-Spanish language journal for Slovenes around the world). Buenos Aires, Argentina, 2000, letn. 34, št. 1/2, pp. 92−157. [COBISS.SI-ID 116627712]
- AVSENIK NABERGOJ, Irena. Literarna kritika in esejistika v reviji Meddobje (1954) : magistrska naloga / Master's thesis. [2. del]. Meddobje-Entresiglio (slovensko-španska revija za Slovence po svetu), Buenos Aires, Argentina, 2000, letn. 34, št. 3/4, pp. 236−299, ilustr. [COBISS.SI-ID 2700122]
- AVSENIK NABERGOJ, Irena. Literarna kritika in esejistika v reviji Meddobje (1954) : magistrska naloga / Master’s thesis. [3. del]. Meddobje-Entresiglio (slovensko-španska revija za Slovence po svetu), Buenos Aires, Argentina, 2001, letn. 35, št. 1/2, pp. 78−103, ilustr. [COBISS.SI-ID 2825050]
- AVSENIK NABERGOJ, Irena. Literarna kritika in esejistika v reviji Meddobje (1954): magistrska naloga / Master’s thesis. [4. del]. Meddobje-Entresiglio (slovensko-španska revija za Slovence po svetu), Buenos Aires, Argentina, 2001, letn. 35, št. 3/4, pp. 219−251. [COBISS.SI-ID 116760320] (magistrska naloga, objavljena v celoti v štirih delih), (Master's thesis, published in its entirety in four parts)
- AVSENIK NABERGOJ, Irena. Cankarjeve poti k slovenskemu človeku, k sebi in Bogu : eseji in razprave (Cankar's Ways to Slovenian Man, to Himself and to God: Essays and Discusions). Meddobje-Entresiglio (slovensko-španska revija za Slovence po svetu), Buenos Aires, Argentina, 2004, letn. 38, št. 1/2, pp. 117−135. [COBISS.SI-ID 215972608]
- AVSENIK NABERGOJ, Irena. Resničnost in fikcija v podobah ljubezni do matere v delih Ivana Cankarja (Truth and Fiction in Symbols of Love towards Mother in the Works by Ivan Cankar). Znanstvena revija Riječ: Časopis za slavensku filologiju. Academic Journal Riječ: A Newspaper for Slavic philology. Rijeka, Hrvaška, 2010, god. 16, sv. 1, pp. 169−184. [COBISS.SI-ID 30598445]
- AVSENIK NABERGOJ, Irena. Transformation of Sensuality in the Slovenian Ballad of Lepa Vida (Lovely Vida). Revija Traditiones. Revijo izdajaInštitut za slovensko narodopisje, Ljubljana (ZRC SAZU). (The Journal Traditiones is published by the Institute of Slovene Ethnology (ZRC SAZU)). 2007, letn. 36, št. 1, pp. 209−225. [COBISS.SI-ID 27632941] (izvirni znanstveni članek v angleščini) (Original academic article in English)
- AVSENIK NABERGOJ, Irena. Simbolni slog v Cankarjevi osebnoizpovedni prozi (Symbolic Style in Cankar's Confessional Prose). Slavistična revija: Časopis za jezikoslovje in literarne vede – Journal for linguistic and literary sciences (sedež uredništva: Filozofska fakulteta Univerze v Ljubljani Editorial Office: Faculty of Arts, University of Ljubljana; the members of the editorial and advisory boards are from, among other institutions: University of Ljubljana, ZRC SAZU, Bowling Green University; Masaryk University (Brno), the University of Maribor, SAZU, Ljubljana); člani uredništva in časopisnega sveta so med drugim iz ustanov: Univerza v Ljubljani; ZRC SAZU, Ljubljana; Državna univerza Bowling Green; Masarykova univerza, Brno; Univerza v Mariboru; SAZU, Ljubljana). [Tiskana izd.], okt.−dec. 2005, letn. 53, št. 4, pp. [553]−568. [COBISS.SI-ID 31003746]
- AVSENIK NABERGOJ, Irena. Nasilje v Cankarjevi drami Kralj na Betajnovi in medbesedilni stiki z evropsko literaturo (Violence in Cankar's Drama A King in Betajnova and Intertextual Contacts with European Literature). Revija Jezik in slovstvo (sedež uredništva: Filozofska fakulteta Univerze v Ljubljani), (The Journal Jezik in slovstvo; Editorial office: Faculty of Arts, University of Ljubljana) ([Tiskana izd.], mar.−apr. 2008, letn. 53, št. 2, pp. [33]−47. [COBISS.SI-ID 2527067]
- AVSENIK NABERGOJ, Irena. Ivan Cankar med domovino in tujino (Ivan Cankar between the Homeland and the Foreign Country). Dve domovini/Two homelands [Tiskana izd.], Ljubljana, ZRC SAZU: Inštitut za slovensko izseljenstvo in migracije (Slovenian Migration Institute), 2004, št. 20, str. 95−111. [COBISS.SI-ID 22996781] (Revija Dve domovini/Two Homelands je indeksirana v bazah: FRANCIS, IBZ, IBR, Sociological Abstracts IBBS, MSH)
- AVSENIK NABERGOJ, Irena. Hrepenenje po domovini v poeziji slovenskih avtoric v zdomstvu (Longing for the Homeland in the Poetry of Slovenian Writers in Exile). Dve domovini/Two Homelands [Tiskana izd.], Ljubljana, ZRC SAZU: Inštitut za slovensko izseljenstvo in migracije, 2005, št. 21, pp. 125−142. [COBISS.SI-ID 23838253]
- AVSENIK NABERGOJ, Irena. Tema zapeljevanja v izročilu starega Bližnjega vzhoda (The Theme of Seduction in the Tradition of the Ancient Near East). Znanstvena revija Teološke falultete Univerze v Ljubljani Bogoslovni vestnik / Academic Journal of the Faculty of Theology, University of Ljubljana Theological Quarterly. [Tiskana izd.], 2009, letn. 69, št. 3, pp. 259−275. [COBISS.SI-ID 4993370] (v uredniškem svetu so med drugim sodelavci znanstvenih ustanov v Rimu, Torontu, Buenos Airesu, Gradcu). In the editorial council are participants from academic institutions in, among other places, Rome, Toronto, Buenos Aires and Graz.
- AVSENIK NABERGOJ, Irena. Hermenevtika v razmerju do splošnega in specifičnega pomena motiva preizkušnje (Hermeneutics in Relation to the General and Specific Meanings of the Motif of Temptation). Bogoslovni vestnik/Theological Quarterly. [Tiskana izd.], pp. 343−354. [COBISS.SI-ID 27474221]
- AVSENIK NABERGOJ, Irena. Hrepenenje po odpuščanju pri Ivanu Cankarju (Longing for Forgiveness in Ivan Cankar). Bogoslovni vestnik/Theological Quarterly. [Tiskana izd.], 2004, letn. 64, št. 2, pp. 297−315. [COBISS.SI-ID 22657069]
- AVSENIK NABERGOJ, Irena. Cankarjeve vrednote za naš čas (Cankar's Values for Our Time). Revija 2000 (Ljubljana), 2004, 168/170, pp. 255−268. [COBISS.SI-ID 23458093]
- AVSENIK NABERGOJ, Irena. Kriteriji resničnosti v Cankarjevem romanu Hiša Marije Pomočnice (Criteria of Reality in Cankar's novel the Ward of Our Lady of Mery). Sodobnost, okt. 2010, letn. 74, št. 10, pp. 1254–1262, portr. [COBISS.SI-ID 31912493]
- AVSENIK NABERGOJ, Irena. Resničnost in fikcija v podobah ljubezni do matere v delih Ivana Cankarja (Reality and Fiction in Figures of Love to Mother in the Works of Ivan Cankar). Riječ, 2010, god. 16, sv. 1, pp. 169–184. [COBISS.SI-ID30598445]
- AVSENIK NABERGOJ, Irena. Paradoks moči in šibkosti v recepciji pripovedi o egiptovskem Jožefu (The Paradox of Power and Weakness in the Reception of the Narrative about Joseph of Egypt). Bogoslovni vestnik/Theological Quarterly. [Tiskana izd.], 2011, letn. 71, št. 3, pp. 395–409. [COBISS.SI-ID 5552218]
- AVSENIK NABERGOJ, Irena. Resnica v avtobiografiji: Sporočanje resničnega v nekaterih svetovnih avtobiografijah in v Cankarjevem Mojem življenju (Truth in Autobiography: Communication of Reality in some World autobiographies and in Canar’s My Life). Slavia Centralis, 2011, letn. 4, št. 1, pp. 80–96. [COBISS.SI-ID 32784429]
Rewiewed Scientific Article
- AVSENIK NABERGOJ, Irena. “Pesem nad pesmimi” za vse narode, kulture in religije (The “Song of Songs” for All nations, Cultures and Religions). Bogoslovni vestnik/Theological Quarterly. [Tiskana izd.], 2012, letn. 72, 4, pp. 583–588. [COBISS.SI-ID35135021]
- AVSENIK NABERGOJ, Irena. Neki aspekti shvaćanja grijeha, krivnje i kazne u Svetom pismu Staroga zavjeta (Some Aspects of Perception of Sin, Guilt and Punishment in the Bible of the Old Testament). Bogoslovska smotra. Zagreb: Teološka fakulteta Univerze v Zagrebu (Ephemerides Theologicae Zagrabienses), Zagreb: Faculty of Theology, University of Zagreb (Original academic article in Croatian) (Ephemerides Theologicae Zagrabienses), letnik 2006, god. 76, br. 4, pp. 817−830. [COBISS.SI-ID 26733613] Izvirni znanstveni članek v hrvaščini.
- AVSENIK NABERGOJ, Irena. Literarna interpretacija svetopisemske zgodbe o Jožefu iz Egipta pri Thomasu Mannu (Literary Interpretation of the Biblical Story about Joseph of Egypt by Thomas Mann). Bogoslovni vestnik/Theological Quarterly. [Tiskana izd.], Ljubljana: Teološka fakulteta Univerze v Ljubljani (Ljubljana, Faculty of Theology, University of Ljubljana), 2006, letn. 66, št. 2, pp. 239−260. [COBISS.SI-ID 3810650]
- AVSENIK NABERGOJ, Irena. Greh, krivda, kazen in odpuščanje pri Ivanu Cankarju (Sin, Guilt, Punishment and Forgiveness by Ivan Cankar). Tretji dan, Ljubljana, 2003, letn. 32, št. 1/2, pp. 47−55, ilustr. [COBISS.SI-ID 3163482]
Short Scientific Contribution
AVSENIK NABERGOJ, Irena. Pomen kazni in odpuščanja v Svetem pismu (The Meaning of Punishment and Forgiveness in the Bible). Bogoslovni vestnik/Theological Quarterly. [Tiskana izd.], 2006, letn. 66, št. 4, pp. 471−483. [COBISS.SI-ID 3925850]