Introduction to CKLA for PreK: Session 7
Sequence of Sessions
Overarching Objectives of this February 2013 Network Team Institute
High-Level Purpose of this Session
Related Learning Experiences
Key Points
Session Outcomes
What do we want participants to be able to do as a result of this session? / How will we know that they are able to do this?In this session teachers will:
1. Become familiar with additional features of CKLA-Preschool that support instruction and learning. These include: Learning Centers, Pausing Points, Take Home materials, and Assessments.
2. Understand how to set up and implement, a domain-related Learning Centers as detailed in the Teacher Guide and on the Learning Center Cards.
3. Know that Pausing Points are used as a time of reflection, review, and extension, and state an example of a Skills-related Pausing Point activity and a Listening & Learning-related Pausing Point activity.
4. Find where Take Home materials are listed in the Teacher Guide and Activity Page Books and reflect on how Take Home materials can reinforce the home-school connection.
5. Know how to use the three types of Domain Assessments: Portfolio Collection, Assessment Opportunities, and Task Assessments, and what they each measure. / In-session activities.
Session Overview
Section / Time / Overview / Prepared Resources / Facilitator PreparationLearning Centers / 9 minutes / Participants will learn about the purpose of the domain-related Learning Center and where to find information about the Learning Center in the Teacher Guide. In addition, participants will understand how to use the Learning Center Cards in conjunction with the Teacher Guide to facilitate play in the Learning Center. / Materials used include:
1. CKLA PreK Additional Features PPT
Pausing Points / 7 minutes / Participants will learn that Pausing Points are a time to reflect, review, and extend Skills and Listening & Learning content. In addition, participants will learn about quick “check-in” assessments during the Pausing Point that they can use to guide instruction. / Materials used include:
1. CKLA PreK Additional Features PPT
Take Home Materials / 6 minutes / Participants will become familiar with the Take Home materials provided by CKLA and reflect on how Take Home materials can enhance the home-school relationship. / Materials used include:
1. CKLA PreK Additional Features PPT
Assessments / 8 minutes / Participants will learn about the three types of Domain Assessments: Portfolio Collection, Assessment Opportunities, and Task Assessments and what each one is useful in measuring. / Materials used include:
1. CKLA PreK Additional Features PPT
Session Roadmap
Section 1: Learning Centers / Time: 9 minutes[9 minutes] In this section, you will…
1. Understand how to set up and implement, a domain-related Learning Centers as detailed in the Teacher Guide and on the Learning Center Cards. / Materials used include:
1. CKLA PreK Additional Features PPT
Time / Slide #/ Pic of Slide / Script/ Activity directions / GROUP
Key Points:
1. Over the past two days, you have become familiar with the three sections of the day that comprise CKLA-Preschool lessons (Starting the Day, Skills, Listening and Learning).
2. You have also been exposed to transition cards, which are a component of the program that are provided with all consecutive domains and can be used in a variety of ways, as you have seen.
DAP 154: “Teachers use a number of formats, including large and small groups, choice time and routines. For any learning goal, teachers choose the format that seems best suited to that specific purpose.”
Key Points:
1. Beyond the three core parts of the day, there are other resources in the Teacher Guide and related components that support learning and help students generalize skills.
2. The four additional features include: learning centers, pausing point activities, take-home materials, and domain assessments.
3. We do not have time to cover these in-depth, and you are encouraged to read more about them on your own. We will talk about their main features and where to find them in the Teacher Guide.
Key Points:
1. Learning Centers are areas of the classroom where students make choices to work with materials that support and extend learning.
2. Effective teachers plan the materials and activities available in these areas and rotate them frequently.
3. Effective teachers actively facilitate learning in centers.
4. CKLA-Preschool gives explicit guidance on how to set up and facilitate one domain-related learning center per domain.
5. These learning centers complement the content taught during the domain.
6. They also provide important opportunities for teachers to model domain-related vocabulary and to facilitate emergent writing.
DAP 153: “Teachers allocate extended time periods in learning centers so that children are able to get deeply involved in an activity and sustain dramatic play, construction, and other activities at a complex level.”
Key Points:
1. The guidance for setting up and facilitating the domain-related learning center is found in the front of the Teacher Guide immediately following the Introduction.
2. Specific Core Content and Language Arts Objectives are addressed in learning centers. These objectives are listed at the beginning of the sections.
3. There are also lists of materials needed—teachers are encouraged to add their own and adapt the set-up of the center to their own classroom space.
4. Language modeling and facilitation is a large part of the teacher’s role during centers, and guidance is given as to particular vocabulary and phrases to model during each domain.
5. Teachers also play an active role in facilitating play. More support is given earlier in the domain, and students become more independent later in the domain.
DAP 155: “[There are] child-guided and adult-guided learning experiences."
Key Points:
1. Found with Transition Cards
2. The purpose of the cards is to increase students’ use of environmental print.
3. The card on the left is to help students locate and identify the center.
4. The card on the right is for the adults (teachers, aides, parents, volunteers) who are facilitating the centers. It lists the words and phrases to model while in the center.
DAP 169: "Teachers create a print-rich environment in which lots of print is present but is also used in ways that show print's many purposes."
Section 2: Pausing Points / Time: 7 minutes
[7 minutes] In this section, you will…
1. Know that Pausing Points are used as a time of reflection, review, and extension, and state an example of a Skills-related Pausing Point activity and a Listening & Learning-related Pausing Point activity. / Materials used include:
1. CKLA PreK Additional Features PPT
Time / Slide #/ Pic of Slide / Script/ Activity directions / GROUP
Key Points:
1. Pausing points are periods of 2-3 days that occur at the mid-point and end-point of a domain.
2. Pausing Points are opportunities to review and extend learning throughout the domain.
3. There are no read-alouds or small group activities during Pausing Points, although teachers may choose to repeat these activities from earlier in the domain. Routines continue during Pausing Points.
4. Teaches may add their own projects and ideas to the suggested activities.
DAP 161: “The curriculum, which is in written form, provides teachers with a useful and flexible framework for planning learning experiences and materials and for seeing how those experiences can fit together to accomplish the program's stated goals.”
Key Points:
1. Each Pausing Point begins with a suggested “check-in” assessment that helps the teacher quickly gauge children’s progress relative to Core Content and Language Arts Objectives.
2. Example activities include project-based activities, outdoor activities, field trips, guest speakers, etc.
Section 3: Take Home Materials / Time: 6 minutes
[6 minutes] In this section, you will…
1. Find where Take Home materials are listed in the Teacher Guide and Activity Page Books and reflect on how Take Home materials can reinforce the home-school connection. / Materials used include:
1. CKLA PreK Additional Features PPT
Time / Slide #/ Pic of Slide / Script/ Activity directions / GROUP
Key Points:
1. There are a few take-home materials in each domain. Students take home more materials as they gain more skills later in the year.
2. These materials are located with Activity Pages.
3. There are no new materials introduced in take-home material. It is all review.
4. The purpose is to inform families about learning at school so that they can reinforce this learning in the home environment.
5. Creative suggestions for how parents might reinforce topics and skills covered at school are given. These ideas typically integrate with activities parents already do with their children (e.g., give back, take a walk, eat dinner), so they do not require additional time and resources above and beyond things parents might already do with their children.
DAP 182: “Teachers actively work to create a partnership with each family, communicating regularly to build mutual understanding and trust.”
Key Points:
1. At the beginning and mid-point of each domain, children take home Family Letters. Family Letters tell families about domain-related content and skills being learned at school and provide ideas for ways to extend learning into the home environment.
2. Children take home two Read-Alouds per domain. These are shortened versions of the Read-Alouds they are hearing at school and include the same pictures. Parents might choose to read these aloud to children at bedtime.
3. Sometimes students take home Activity Pages that can be completed at home. These typically describe activities and discussions that families might engage in. They require little pencil-and-paper work, except in the case of handwriting practice later in the year.
Section 4: Assessments / Time: 8 minutes
[8 minutes] In this section, you will…
1. Know how to use the three types of Domain Assessments: Portfolio Collection, Assessment Opportunities, and Task Assessments, and what they each measure. / Materials used include:
1. CKLA PreK Additional Features PPT
Time / Slide #/ Pic of Slide / Script/ Activity directions / GROUP
Key Points:
1. Domain Assessments are located at the end of the domain in the Teacher Guide—however, assessment is ongoing throughout the domain.
2. Assessments are not meant to be comprehensive and they are not normed. They are for instructional purposes only in that they help track students’ progress and identify those students who would benefit from additional instruction.
3. They provide a snapshot of how students are progressing relative to key Core Content and Language Arts Objectives addressed up until that point.
4. Teachers will likely also choose to use other types of assessment and reporting, as required by their district or dictated by best practice.
5. There are three types of assessment that are conducted during each consecutive domain.
DAP 178: “Assessment is done for specific beneficial purposes: planning and adapting curriculum to meet each child's developmental and learning needs.”
Key Points:
1. The first type is portfolio collection.
2. Portfolios are collections of students’ work and teachers’ reflections on that work across time.
3. They are comprised of examples of written work or artwork, photos of work, recordings of storytellings, etc.
4. The Domain Assessment points out specific work products that are appropriate for inclusion in a portfolio.
Key Points:
1. Assessment Opportunities are chances for teachers to observe students’ play and interaction and to reflect on their progress relative to certain Language Arts Objectives.
2. Learning Centers provide an excellent opportunity to conduct these observations.
3. Teachers use sticky notes to record these observations and store the sticky notes in students’ portfolios.
Key Points:
1. Task assessments are individual assessments that are given at the end of each domain.
2. They provide information regarding each student’s progress.
3. These are activities and materials that students have interacted with multiple times over the course of the domain.
4. Scored as ‘not yet’ (student does not demonstrate skill), ‘progressing’ (student sometimes demonstrates skill), and ‘ready’ (student consistently demonstrates skill)
5. Useful for determining which students may need additional instruction before progressing to the next domain.
Key Points:
1. Learning Centers, Pausing Point activities, Take Home materials, and Domain Assessments are each an integral part of the CKLA-Preschool program.
2. We have only given an overview today, and we encourage you to read more about these in the General Overview, the Introduction to each Teacher Guide, and the separate sections devoted to each of these.
Use the following icons in the script to indicate different learning modes.
Video / Reflect on a prompt / Active learning / Turn and talkTurnkey Materials Provided
· See materials section.
Additional Suggested Resources