Name ______Pd Name ______Pd
______Check here if you want to submit your project and the associated paperwork to the regional science fair office for review and possible participation in the regional fair.
Choose 2 problems that you would be interested in doing for a science fair project. Make sure they meet the criteria below each problem.
1. Problem______
Can you do a controlled experiment on this problem? ______
What is the IV?______
What is the DV?______
Can you collect quantifiable data to get your DV? If so, what? ______
What are some CFs?______
Can you afford the materials necessary to do this experiment?______
Is it safe?
Will it harm organisms or people?
Optional: Do you know a scientist or professional who can help you with this or loan you the equipment you need? ______
2. Problem______
Can you do a controlled experiment on this problem? ______
What is the IV?______
What is the DV?______
Can you collect quantifiable data to get your DV? If so, what? ______
What are some CFs?______
Can you afford the materials necessary to do this experiment?______
Is it safe?
Will it harm organisms or people?
Optional: Do you know a scientist or professional who can help you with this or loan you the equipment you need? ______