
Shared Governance Committees Overall Evaluation

The 2010-11 academic year found the shared governance committees once again all fully functioning. The Facilities Planning Committee has been reconstituted and has been meeting regularly after a year long period of inactivity.

All committees have made great strides in accomplishing their goals as set in last year’s evaluation period. All committees have been commended for the excellent work that took place this past year (see attached). Each committee also received recommendations that the task force would like them to focus on during the coming year. As with last year, the most common challenge amongst several of the committees dealt with :

  • the monitoring of membership and
  • the timely posting of agendas, minutesand resources.

This is the first year that we saw members terming out of committee service which caused a bit of unease to some committees. There have been requests to the task force to revisit the terming out policy and it will be up for discussion in the next few meetings.The committees waited several weeks for constituent appointments to be made that somewhat disrupted the workflow of the committees. For this reason, the task force will send out a call for new members to constituent leadership earlier in the spring semester to enable appointments for the coming year to be made before the summer break. The task force would like to encourage the co chairs of the committees to continually monitor their memberships and alert the constituent leadership if and when members have exceeded the 3 allowed absences in a year.

All committees are still encouraged to post agendas and minutes to their respective web sites in a timely manner. The task force particular recommends to the Student Support Services and Facilities Planning Committees to be more diligent in this area.

The Shared Governance Task Force is confident in saying that the committees

Are fully functioning and that the shared governance process at LA Mission College has firmly taken hold. We hope to see the process get stronger and stronger but for now it appears that it has become a vital process that has become part of the culture of the college.