Share Point User Instructions
Windows SharePoint Services site is a way of providing intra-office collaboration using the easiest accessible means possible: the internet.By default, anyone who has a Gatorlink UFID can access this site and view the material posted. And by default, the individual sites for each office/dept can only be changed by members of those respective offices/depts.
There are three levels of permissions: Visitor(Read Only), Member (Contribute - Add, Edit, Delete) and Owner (Full). Any IFAS employee with a valid Gatorlink will have Member permissions to their respective dept/office site. They can add, delete, edit any file/folder/calendar on their respective dept/office site.
These rights are only applicable to a member's dept/office site. If a member is trying to access another dept/office site they will only have Visitor permissions to that site. A member can have permissions to several different sites, but those permissions are set by the respective site Owners.
To access Share Point go to the Home page at You may want to put this on your desktop as a shortcut. Once you are on the Home page to can begin looking for what you want.
1.How to find what you are looking for.
- Tool Bar at the top: a quick way to navigate to the department, office, center, Extension, administration, CALS, and services.
- Click on the Tool Bar button for a list of the sites. For example if you want a list for Extension click on the Extension button. This is the listing you will find. Here is where you will find your district, 4-H district, county, county operations and EPAF Sites.
IFAS County Extension Shared Documents
Vacation Policies
IFAS County Extension Calendar
Responsibility Adoption
Team Discussion
South Central
International Extension
Extension Search
IFAS County Operations
2.Where do I find I statewide 4-H Youth Development?
- This will be found at the Services button. Here is what you will find.
View All Site Content
DocumentsIFAS Offices & Service Units Shared Documents
IFAS Offices & Services Calendar
Team Discussion
4-H Youth Development
Budget & Finance
District Directors
Governmental Relations
Personnel Affairs
Partnership for WACS
- Then click on 4-H Youth Development. Here is that site content.
FL 4-H Pictures
4-H Youth Dev. Shared Documents
4H Resources
State 4-H Conference Room Calendar
State 4-H Vehicles Calendar
State 4-H Office Staffing Calendar
Team Discussion
4-H Reporting
Camp Cherry Lake
Camp Cloverleaf
Camp Ocala
Camp Timpoochee
Regional Specialized Agents
4H Centennial
4-H Agents
South District 4H Agents
Operation: Military Kids
3.Shared Documents: shared documents includes word documents, media such as ppts, pdf pictures, excel, publisher, etc.
- To retrieve a document: click on the title or icon to open the document – depending on the document format it may open right away (pdf), or you will have a choice for Read Only or Check Out and Edit. If you are a Visitor you will not be able to check out the document.
- If you are a site member and want to edit the document click on Check Out and Edit. Remember no one else can now check out the document until you check it back in.Make your edits and exit the document. You can now save it and check it back in. Save it as a minor or major revision or overwrite the previous document. The new document will list the last person making a revision and the date revised.
- If you are not a site member, or want to work on a checked out document, first save it to your computer, make your edits, then save it to a new name and upload the document to the site. Be descriptive with your title and include what the revision is.
- To upload a document: if you have a document you want to put on a particular site. Directly below the large print Shared Documents, you will see another toolbar. (only if you are a site member). Click on the Upload button, then Upload Document. Type in the document (include full path) in the Browse box, or click on the Browse button. After you have found your document click OK. On the next screen click Check In. The document will be uploaded to the site with your name as author and the current date. The word Newappear next to the title in green.
- Word Documents: I suggest working in Word 199-2003 rather than in a newer version. The difference is word.doc versus word.docx. A lot of people do not have the .docx version and therefore cannot read this version. When you put a document on Share Point save it in the .doc format.
a.On the same tool bar under Shared Documents click on the Actions button. Then click on Alert Me. Then click OK.
b.Now anytime there is an update or addition to the site you will automatically receive an e-mail. This is handy when several people are working on a document, or you are asking people to review a document you have uploaded for their suggested revisions.
- Use the Calendar to inform others and keep informed of upcoming meetings, deadlines, and other important events. Very handy when you are working on a cooperative event, have a final deadline and other deadlines along the way.
- Click on tasks on the side of the page. The click on the New button. Give a descriptive title and it’s priority. In the description box you can type in more specific instructions. Handy for the lead person in an event such as the Area Show, County or District Events, etc.
7.Team Discussion: Use Team Discussion to hold newsgroup-style discussions on topics relevant to your team or project.
8.Pictures: Upload pictures you want to share with others, or want others to share with you. This is more efficient than sending pictures via e-mail. This is a good way for a group working on a marketing piece (brochure, poster, etc.) to select the photos you want to use.