F. No. Admn.-20/NSS/DIR/2015/2240

Government of India

Ministry of Youth Affairs & Sports

Directorate of NSS

12/11, Jamnagar House, New Delhi-110011

Dated the 4th March, 2016

Sub: Outsourcing of Manpower – Data Entry Operator, Hindi Typist and Housekeeping boy.

I am directed to invite sealed tenders for providing the services of 6Data Entry Operators, One Hindi typist and One Housekeeping/MTS boy at Directorate of NSS, New Delhi under the Ministry of Youth Affairs & Sports. The number may be increased/decreased based on requirement.

2.Data Entry Operator should be a Graduate from a recognized university having good knowledge of computer like MS-Word, MS-Office, MS-Excel, MS Power point, internet, typing etc. The candidate should have typing speed of 30 WPM in English and for Hindi typist should have typing speed of 25 WPM. He/she should have good communication and analytical skills.Hindi Typist should be at least 10 +2.

3.An earnest money deposit of Rs.5,000/- (Rs. Five Thousand Only) in the form of Demand Draft drawn in favour of “Accounts Officer, PAO (Sports) may be submitted with the technical bid, failing which the bid shall not be considered valid.Name and address should be written on the reverse side of the DD/Bankers cheque.

4.Terms and conditions: only those who fulfill the following minimum criteria may submit their bids as per Annexure-I.

  1. The manpower supplying agencies should have been in existence for at least 2 years.
  2. It should have been registered with the Government authorities concerned and a copy of each of the registrations shall be attached with the bid.
  3. It should have PAN number, Sales Tax/Service Tax registration proof, ESI and EPF Registration Number. Necessary documents in this regard may be attached with the bid.
  4. It should not have been blacklisted by any Government organization.
  5. It should be willing to take up the contract on the terms and conditions as at Annexure-I.

5.The tenders should be submitted in two separate sealed covers and both the sealed covered should be placed in the main sealed envelope superscripted ‘Tender for outsourcing of Manpower – DEO and Hindi Typist”:-

(1)The first sealed cover should be superscribed “Technical Bid” and should contain.

(i)The proforma at Annexure –II dully filled in.

(ii)Agency profile, including previous experience of manpower supply to Government Department.

(iii)Acceptance of terms and conditions at Annexure – I

(iv)Demand Draft for earnest money deposit.

(v)Latest Income tax return file (Assessment Year 2015-16)

(vi)All other required documents.

(2)The second sealed envelope superscripted “Financial Bid” should contain only rates which is to be quoted on monthly basis for normal duty of 8 hours per day per person for five day a week. (Annexure – III)

6.Financial Bids of only those companies will be opened who are found eligible in Technical Bid. The contract can be terminated by this Ministry at any time without assigning any reason, if the work of the contractor is found unsatisfactory. In this respect, the decision of the Ministry shall be final and binding on the Contractors.

7.If the rates/quotations (wages plus the statutory contributions like EPF, ESIC, etc.) submitted by any Agency are found to be less than the minimum wages notified by the labour Department, Government of NCT of Delhi, the bids of such an Agency will not be considered.

8.No denial will be accepted from the firm after the contract is awarded to the firm. In case of such denial earnest money will be forfeited and firm will be blacklisted forever. The Ministry reserves the right to reject any quotation in whole or in part without assigning any reason.

9.TDS on payment wherever applicable will be deducted as per Income Tax Rule of Government of India.

10.Quotation in sealed cover should reach to this office by post or hand delivered latest by 3.00 PM on 21.03.2016 and the technical/financial bid will be opened on the same day at 3.30 PM in the presence of bidders or their authorized representative.

Yours faithfully


(Dr. G. K. Tuteja)

Director (NSS)

Annexure : I

Terms and Conditions for outstanding of the services of Data Entry Operators, Hindi Typist and Housekeeping boy

  1. All services on outsourcing basis shall be performed by persons qualified and skilled in performing such services as per the eligibility criteria.
  2. The firm/Agency shall submit a copy of PAN, ESI, EPF, service tax registration and registration certificate with labour department and registration of company/firm for outsourcing.
  3. No increase in the agreed rates shall be entertained ruing the period of contract except the minimum wages if increased by the NCT of Delhi during the contract period.
  4. The agreement shall be valid for a period of one year andis extendable on mutual agreement between the Directorate of NSS, Ministry of Youth Affairs Sports, New Delhi & the contractor on the same term and conditions, if agreed by both parties. In case the service of the contractor are not satisfactory or contractor fails to comply with any of the terms and conditions of the contract or commits any breach of contract, Directorate of NSS may terminate the contract by giving one month notice.
  5. The duty of the Data Entry Operator, Hindi Typist and Housekeeping boy will be 09.00 AM to 5.30 PM on all Central Government working days in Delhi.
  6. The Data Entry Operator, Hindi Typist and Housekeeping boy may have to work beyond office hours if there is any exigency.
  7. The agency to which the contract is awarded has to supply a panel of suitable candidates to enable a proper choice to be made and depending on the qualifications/credentials/experience the selection would be made by council.
  8. The service provider’s personnel shall not divulge or disclose to any person any details of office operation proves, technical know-how, security arrangements, administrative/organizational matters as all are confidential/secret in future.
  9. The service provider before selecting the manpower will satisfy himself about the character and integrity of the persons proposed to be provided to council. He has also to submit the Police Verification Report before the actual deployment of their employees in the Directorate of NSS. The agency/contractor will also provide the council, a list of personals so deployed with the permanent and present address along with two photographs and documents related to their educational qualification and experience. Directorate of NSS, Ministry of Youth Affairs has right to change/replace the personal at any point of time if their performance/conduct are not found satisfactory.
  10. The contractual staff should be properly dressed. The staff will be well qualified any trained for performing services. The staff must be well mannered. If at any point of time, the staff is found to be guilty of misconduct in any matter or unsuitable to the Directorate of NSS, the concerned personal may be replaced by the agency within 24 hours.
  11. The department may require the service provider to dismiss or remove from the site of work any person or persons employed by the service provider who may be incompetent or his/her/their misconduct and the service provider shall forthwith comply with such requirements. The service provider shall replace immediately any of its personnel if they are unacceptable to this department because of security risk, incompetence, conflict of interest and breach of confidentiality or improper conduct upon receiving written notice from this department.
  12. The service provider shall ensure proper conduct of his persons in office premises and enforce prohibition of consumption of alcoholic drinks, smoking, loitering without work.
  13. In emergent case such as the person deployed falls sick is not able to attend the office for the reason beyond his/her control continuously more than three days, the service provider shall deploy a suitable substitute. If the service provider fails to deploy a substitute shall attract a pre-estimated agreed liquidated damage @ 2% of monthly charges per day per person [i.e., charges for one person per day = monthly payment made to the agency for one person (which include salary + service charges) x 2%] shall be recovered from monthly bills of the service provider.
  14. The company/contractor shall be responsible for all the acts of commissions and omissions on the part of the manpower engaged for the purpose. The company/contractor will also be responsible any damage done to the property of council by the personal so employed. The council shall not be responsible in any manner, whatsoever, in matter of injury/death/health etc of the company/contractors employees performing duties under contract.
  15. All the persons/relievers engaged by the service provider shall be deemed to be the employee of service provider agency. The service provider agency shall be responsible for their monthly salary, fringe benefits, behavior, duty roaster, leave records, reliever among other details. These employees deputed by the service provider agency will be only for the contract period. They will not be the employee(s) of Directorate of NSS, Ministry of Youth Affairs & Sports. They cannot claim, at any point of time to be government servant.
  16. The service provider will ensure that the compensation to the personnel deployed is made latest by 10th of every month under any circumstances.
  17. Any dispute regarding working hours and compensation to be paid to the personnel deployed will be the responsibility of the contractor and no representation will be entertained on this issue by this office.
  18. For judicial adjudication, if any, arising out of the contract shall be the subject to the jurisdiction of the court in Delhi only.
  19. The agency shall pay to the persons engaged minimum wages as approved under Minimum Wages Act of NCT of Delhi. The entire responsibility of payment of per Minimum Wages Act shall be of the contractor/Agency. Directorate of NSS will not be liable to pay and amount other than mentioned in the contract. Any payment under provisions of ESI Act 1948 and Employees Provident Fund 1952 or any other statutory liability shall be made by the agency only. Directorate of NSS has no responsibility in this regard. The liability of service tax or any other tax will be borne by the company/contactor. The responsibility of statutory/compulsory deduction Like EPF/ESIC, any other deductions. The agency will be required to provide particulars of EPF & ESI of its employees engaged in this office.
  20. A pre-receipted bill in triplicate is to be submitted by the Agency, after disbursement of the wages to the employees engaged, for release of the payment by means of an Account payee Cheque or ECS transfer as mandated by the Central Government from time to time.
  21. In no case salary/wage payment to the deployed personnel would be correlated with the monthly bill/claim of the contractor, which are to be done/processed (or pending for payment) by the Directorate of NSS, New Delhi i.e. if payment of the contractor bill/claim is pending with Directorate of NSS due to unforeseen circumstances, the contractor will have to make payment of monthly wages to his deployed staff at this office and will not have any right to stop/withheld the salary/wage payment of the deployed staff at this office.
  22. The contractor will not assign, transfer, pledge or appoint any sub-contractor for the performance of services under any circumstance.
  23. The service provider agency shall provide a bank guarantee as performance guarantee for an amount of 5% of the amount payable per year from a nationalized bank in the name of the “Accounts Officer, PAO (Sports), New Delhi” which shall be valid for three months beyond the date of completion of contract. This will be forfeited in case the supply of manpower is delayed beyond the stipulated period or frequent absence from duty/misconduct on the part of manpower supplied by the agency or non-compliance of the terms and conditions of the contract. No interest will be payable on the said amount performance guarantee will be refunded after the completion of all contractual obligations on the providing satisfactory service.
  24. No wage/remuneration will be paid to any staff for the days of absence from duty.
  25. This department shall not be liable for any loss, damage, theft, burglary or robbery of any personal belongings, equipment or vehicles of the personnel of the service provider.
  26. That on the expiry of the agreement, the agency will withdraw all its personnel and clear their accounts by paying them all their legal dues. In case of any dispute on account of the termination of employment of or non-employment by the personnel of the agency it shall be the entire responsibility of the agency to pay and settle the same.
  27. The council shall have the right to terminate the contractor at any stage, without assigning any reason. Non-compliance of any terms and conditions enumerated hereinafter the award of contract shall be treated as breach of contract. This council reserves the right to accept/reject any tender/quotation. The decision of Secretary (YA), Ministry of Youth Affairs & Sports would be final and binding on all.


Annexure – II


S. No. / Particular / To be filled by the tenderer
1 / Name of the Agency
2 / Details of Earnest Money
(i) Demand Draft No.
(ii) Date
(iii) Issuing Bank
3 / Date of establishment of the agency
4 / Detailed Office address of the agency with Telephone/Fax Number and Name of the contact person with Mobile Number
5 / Whether registered with all concerned Government Authorities (EPF, ESI etc.)
(document may be attached)
6 / PAN/TAN No.
7 / Service Tax. Registration Number
8 / Experience

Note :Necessary document may please be attached with technical bidi.e. Experience, latest income tax return filed, EMD, ESI Registration Certificate, EPF Registration Certificate, Service Tax Certificate, PAN Card

I/we undertake that documents are genuine/authentic. I/we understand that the contract is liable to be cancelled, if found to be having obtained, through fraudulent means/concealment of information. We have also understood the scope of work and other schedule of requirements as stated in the invitation to tender.

This offer is made to valid for acceptance by your Department within 30 days from the date of tender opening.


(Signature of Authorized signatory)

Office Seal

Annexure – III



The Director

Directorate of NSS

12/11, Jamnagar House, New Delhi


In response to your letter No. F. No. Admn.20-1/NSS/DIR/2015 dated ……………., calling sealed tenders for outsourcing of Manpower - Data Entry Operator, Hindi Typist and Housekeeping boy, we quote our rates as under:-

Data Entry Operator/Hindi Typist

Category of worker / Minimum wages as per NCT of Delhi / PF@ / ESI@ / Service Charge / Service Tax / Total (Rs.)
1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6

Housekeeping Boy

Minimum wages as per NCT of Delhi / PF@ / ESI@ / Service Charge / Service Tax / Total (Rs.)
1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6

We agree to abide by the terms & conditions unconditionally as given in the above referred letter.


(Signature of Authorized Person)

(Office Seal)