Date received / Application Ref / Applicant / Proposal / Officer / SPC observations / Deadline / Outcome06.02.08 / K/58090/TR1 / Mr Salmon / Work to trees at Beechdene SN8 3RP
Thinning exercise and removal of decaying trees in 3 groups
Trees protected by preservation order 280 / Simon Turner / In principle no objections provided that the KDC Arboriculture Officer is satisfied that the work is necessary / 26.02.08
Emailed response 27.02.08 / Approved
01.03.08 / K/58216/TR2 / Mr Rees / Works to trees in the garden of The Elms Kingston Rd SN8 3QF / Simon Turner / No Objections / 21.03.08
Email response 10.03.08 / Approved with conditions
/ Waldon Telecoms on behalf of Airwave Solutions / Extension of permission for a temporary 22m guyed monopole fitted with 3 no. directional antennas, ground based equipment cabin, generator, gas tank and development of ancillary thereto for a period of 12 months / Andrew Guests / No objections / 7th April 2008 / Approved With conditions29.03.08 / K/58383/F / N&A Crees / Replacement of dwelling at Keeble SN8 3QF / Andrew Guest / No objections / Full planning Granted
22.04.08 / K/58535/VAR / Mr & Mrs T L Snow / Variation of conditons 7 and 10 of planning permission K/51540/F / Peter Horton / Concerns over change of use / 09.05.08 / Approved with conditions
22.04.08 / K58491/F / Mr J Stirland / Demolition of redundant barn and replace with new light industrial unit renewal of K45524 / Peter Horton / No Objections / 05.05.08 / Approved with conditions
28.04.08 / K/58583/LBC / Mr & Mrs Badman / To replace windows in dorner in rear roof of Ivy House / Rebecca Hughes / No Objections / 14.05.08 / Granted
/ Mrs D Scott / Demolish existing stable and replace with similar / Julie Matthews / Objections on grounds of height of building / 14.05.08 / Approved with conditions29.04.08
/ K/58603/F / Mr D Verey / Removal of existing stable and construction of new single storey stable SN8 3QD / Julie Matthews / No objections / 15.05.08 / Withdraw03.05.08
/ K/58672/TR2 / The Homestead / Reduction in holly hedge to 3 m high on the boundary with Shalbourne cottage / Simon Turner / No objections / 23.05.08 / Granted08.05.08
/ K/58662/F / Doves Farm Foods / Proposed new building to incorporate new milling and blending plant / Peter Horton / Objections on grounds of height and light pollution / 22.05.0809.05.08 / K/58668/F / Ropewind Development / Demolition of farm house & farm buildings and a replacement dwelling and a further 7 dwellings including 3 affordable houses / Andrew Guest / With conditions / 22.05.08
20.05.08 / K58833/F / Mrs K M Pols / Removal of existing garage and erection of new garage/barn/garden room / Gill Salisbury / No objections / 23.06.08 / Approved with conditions
20.05.08 / K/58662/F Amended/revised plans / Doves Farm Foods / Proposed new building to incorporate new milling and blending plant / Peter Horton / Unable to make informed decision until visual appraisal and design and environmental impact assessments are available / 16.06.08
13.06.08 / K/58954/TR2 / Mr S Beavan / Work to Trees in a conservation area / Simon Turner / No Objections / 08.07.08 / Approved
24 October 20181|Page