18th September 2017


Shakespeare Schools Festival – ‘As You Like It’

Important Information and Consent Form

Your daughter has successfully auditioned for a part in ‘As You Like It’ which will be performed on November 20th at The Rose Theatre in Kingston. This is part of the nationwide Shakespeare Schools Festival. The key dates are listed below:

6th September – tickets go on sale from the theatre

13th Oct 2017, 1.30pm ‐ 4.00pm– cast workshop at the venue

20th Nov 2017, 1.30pm – 10.00pm - rehearsal at theatre and performance in the evening

Performers are rehearsing after school on Mondays and Fridays, from the beginning of the Autumn term. Only performers required for the specific scene being rehearsed need attend. In November, as the performance date approaches, there will be some additional rehearsals.

Travel Arrangements

Cast workshop on 13th October 2017 - The Rose Theatre, Kingston

Students will travel by train as a group with Mr Rogers and/or Mr Wells. We will meet in room J32 at 11am and proceed to the venue. We will return via train and we will be back at Carshalton Rail Station at approx 5.20pm.

Students will have to cover their own travel costs and they will need to make sure that they have enough money on their oyster card or purchase a travel card on the day of travel. We recommend £5.00 to cover travel costs.

Performance on 20th November 2017 - The Rose Theatre, Kingston

Students will travel by train as a group with Mr Rogers. We will meet in room J32 at 11am and proceed to the venue. The performance finishes between 9:30 pm - 10pm. We will return via train and be back at CHSG by approx 11.30pm. If you intend to come to the performance or pick your daughter up from the venue then please indicate this on the reply slip attached.

Students will have to cover their own travel costs and they will need to make sure that they have enough money on their oyster card or purchase a travel card on the day of travel. We recommend £5.00 to cover travel costs.

Please can you make sure your daughter has a packed lunch (and dinner for November 16th) for both of the dates mentioned above.

Your daughter’s place on this trip is subject to satisfactory behaviour, attendance and conduct within school and this will be constantly monitored before the trip. If your daughter’s attendance or behaviour is deemed to be unsatisfactory, she will not be allowed to participate. If she is not allowed on the trip, there will be no refund of any monies paid.

Whilst on the visit please emphasise to your daughter/son that she will be required to obey the instructions and advice of the Party Leader and other accompanying adults.

Tickets: 30 tickets at a discounted rate of £7.00 will be purchased by the CHSG Drama department. These will be sold on a first come first served basis. They will be available between the 20th September and 13th October.

Cost £7.00 each. Please make your non refundable payment online via the link on the School’s website by clicking on the large £ sign on the home page to link you to the payment site Online payment will be available from the 18th September 2017.

Additional tickets for the performance are available from the box office (Adult: £9.50/ Concessions: £7.00) at The Rose Theatre, Kingston: 020 8174 0090.

You can contact me with any questions you may have on . Please complete the slip attached and returned it to me as soon as you can.

Yours sincerely

Mr D Rogers

Drama Department

Shakespeare Schools Festival – ‘As You Like It’

Important Information and Consent Form

Reply slip: Please return to Mr Rogers (J32) or Mr Wells (J23)

Student’s Name: ...... Tutor Group: ......

Date of Birth......

I give permission for my child to be involved in this project, considering the dates mentioned above.

Please tick () all appropriate boxes

I am aware that my daughter will be arriving at Carshalton Rail Station, from the workshop, at 5.20pm on October 13th

I acknowledge that I have already signed and returned a Generic School Consent Form to allow my daughter to participate in the visit.

I am aware that my daughter will need enough money on her oyster card or will purchase a travel card on both days of travel. We recommend £5.00 per day to cover travel costs.

I will arrange to collect my daughter from Carshalton Rail Station on November 20th at 11.30pm


I will collect my daughter from The Rose Theatre, Kingston (performance venue) on November 20th at 10pm

I will provide my daughter with a packed lunch for both of the dates mentioned

Ticket Details

Payment reference: ......

Date of Payment: ......

Amount £

Signed: ...... (Parent/Carer) Date: ......

Print Name: ......

Emergency contact number …………………………………......

Medical Information: Please provide details of any conditions requiring medical treatment including any medication......