Circ Advisory Minutes March 27, 2013
Vickie Totton—Cicero, Victoria Tracy—Prairie State College, Cynthia Maiello-Gluecklich—Melrose Park, Julie Lombardo—Woodridge, Melinda Provost—Chicago Ridge, Peggy Tomzik—Eisenhower, Bridgette O’Halloran – Steger South Chicago Heights
Samantha Cresswell – Elmhurst, Debbie Sheehan – Indian Prairie, Mary Moss – Elmwood Park, Lori Kinzel – Bridgeview, Kate Boyle - SWAN
Vernette Richmond – Westchester, RoseMarie Lozanski – Oak Lawn
SWAN Staff – Renee Clanton, Samantha Dietel and Edlyn LeFevour
Next meeting: May 15th Treats: Lori Kinzel
1. Samantha Dietel, SWAN Member Services consultant, introduced herself to the group and each committee member also introduced themselves.
2. Multiple barcodes in a patron record – The pros and cons of retaining multiple patron barcodes in a record were discussed again and the implications of having only one barcode in a patron record vs. retaining the list of all barcodes issued to the patron. Multiple patron barcodes can affect Create List, Millennium Offline and Billing performed by SWAN Member Services. The pros seem to outweigh the cons so it was recommended that ONE valid patron barcode be retained in the barcode field and all other invalidated barcodes are moved and retained in a separate Note field. Some libraries are already using this procedure and this was the recommendation of the committee.
3. SWAN(ka) – The kickoff meeting is April 10th in Burr Ridge and each library will be sent a “Golden Ticket” for admission to this meeting . Peggy, Julie, Cindy and Debbie are assisting in planning the program and the names of the host libraries were shared as well as suggestions for the April 10th kickoff meeting. The attendance is limited to one Circ Manager/Supervisor from each SWAN library. The intent is to foster relationship building among Circ Managers and learn from each other new ideas and procedures.
4. Renee discussed Hinsdale Public Library will begin using Ecommerce for Express Lane on Monday April 1st. Testing has been done by SWAN staff and Renee will check in with Jeff @ Hinsdale at the end of the month. SWAN intends to offer this functionality to other Express Lane libraries in the near future.
5. Vickie Totton from Cicero gave an update from the ILS committee –what the committee has focused on so far and what they intend to accomplish in the coming months. Hopefully, demos will be conducted for SWAN library staff in the future.
6. Renee noted the new SWAN website will be available soon and will include a search engine which should make it easier for our members to locate information quickly. All password protected information on the old website will be accessible by any SWAN library staff that has an account in the L2 calendar.
7. Many thanks to Vickie and Julie for their Offline Circ presentation at the last Tech users group meeting. A number of SWAN libraries tried Offline Circ for the first time as a result of this presentation when SWAN was unavailable due to the server migration. Thanks, Ladies!
8. Orland Park’s last day as a SWAN library is Thursday March 28th. Orland Park patron records will be rapid updated in SWAN with a new Ptype, Pcode3, Pcode4 and a short expiration date. The Ptype will become 217, the Pcode4 will become undefined and the Pcode3 will become ors. This will make the transition for Orland Park patrons as non-SWAN Reciprocal Borrowers easier and should assist SWAN library staff in reregistering these patrons in SWAN.
9. Routing labels: people are still guessing at locations! Also, items are being sent in delivery with no owning library on the label. This is a problem across the board and various ways of dispersing this info to Circ staffs was discussed. A recommendation from the committee is to have a screencast demonstrating the correct way to address a label on the new SWAN website.
10. Broadview Public Library District will be moving to an interim facility in the near future so that they will be able to begin construction on the current library building.
11. A patch was installed March 18th to address the slowness issue in Millennium. Innovative is working on the fix for the Ecommerce problem in IE, and also on a fix for “your patrons’ circulation activity” report.
· Bridgette –STS asked about movie licenses and where other staffs have advertised—no advertising out of the building or on social media websites. ATLAS is sponsoring a “Geocaching” event in the southern SWAN libraries.
· Vicki – CIS inquired about repetitious titles on her Title Paging List and how randomness affects the assignment of these bib level holds.
· Julie – WRS asked about the Resource Sharing manual for RAILS and obtaining a copy of the final document. Renee will contact Veronda @ RAILS for more details.
· Renee -SWAN confirmed that you cannot renew your item for your patron if there are any open holds that your item can filled.
· Melinda – CRS shared that a patron from another SWAN library was told by their home library that if they returned a CRS item there, it will probably take a week to come off their card and get checked in. Renee will follow up. Also, sign up for Reaching Forward—a library conference for all staff held on May 3rd at the Donald E. Stephens Convention Center in Rosemont, IL.
· Rosemarie –OLS noted that Oak Lawn is busy with their RFID project.
Next meeting is May 15, 2013
Lori Kinzel will bring treats