Personal data file sheet for non-Bundeswehr personnel

for filing personal data in the Bundeswehr personnel management system

A /

Filing agency (to be completed by the cognizant Bundeswehr agency)

1 Address of filing agency: Street, number; postal code, city, email address
Führungsakademie der Bundeswehr, Blomkamp 61, 22549 Hamburg,
B / Personal data
2 Prefix
Ms. / Mr. / 3 Rank*/Official Designation*/Title*
4 First name(s) (underline name by which person is called)
5 Family name (including name affix, birth name / former names)
6 Date of birth / 7 Nationality
8 Place of residence: Street, number
Postal code / City / Country (only if not Germany)
9 Telephone number*
(including dialling code) / Mobile telephone number* / Email address*
10 Bank account number*
/ Bank code* / Bank institute*
11 Name of agency/company: Street, number
Postal code / City / Country (only if not Germany)
11.1 Telephone number
(Including dialling code) / Mobile telephone number (if applicable) / Email address
12 Type of service(s) to be provided to the Bundeswehr (detailed description)
13 Period of service contract
14 Duration of course / Designation of course / Number of course
C / 15 Language skills (to be completed only by foreign service providers/course participants)
Standard Language Profile (SLP) / Native Language Skills / School-Level Foreign Language Skills
D /

16 Designation of occupation /Job title

First name / Family name
E / Information and consent
I have been informed in compliance with Section 4 of the German Federal Data Protection Act (Bundesdatenschutzgesetz - BDSG) that due to the fact that I provide services to the Bundeswehr my personal data are stored, processed and used by the Bundeswehr. My personal data may not be transferred to third parties. These data are only accessible by the Bundeswehr and will be used by the Bundeswehr for the sole purpose of personnel management. In accordance with Section 20 Subsection 2 of the BDSG, the data shall be erased if knowledge of them is no longer required.
By entering personal data that are marked "voluntary“ and giving my consent to this data protection statement I consent to the storage of my personal data in the Bundeswehr personnel management system. I have the right to revoke my consent to the storage of personal data that are marked “voluntary” at any time and such a notice of revocation shall also refer to the storage of my personal data in the future. A notice of revocation must be in writing and must be sent to the aforementioned filing agency (see part A 1.)
I certify that the above statements are true and complete to the best of my belief.
Place, date, signature (first name, family name)
To be completed by the filing agency (cognizant Bundeswehr agency)
Date of entry of data into Bw personnel
management system / Service number of the
officer-in-charge / Cognizant agency