Shakeel AhmadPhD,Associate Professorof Agronomy

Department of Agronomy,Faculty of Agricultural Sciences and Technology, (FAST),

Bahauddin Zakariya University, Multan-60800, Pakistan


Telephone: +92-300-7318911; Fax: +92-61-9210098


  1. Post-Doctorate (2009-2010):The University of Georgia, Griffin-Georgia USA.
  2. Ph.D. Agronomy (2006):University of Agriculture Faisalabad (UAF), Pakistan.

National Awards:

  1. Research Productivity Awards;RPA-2010-11, RPA-2011-12,RPA-2012-13 and 2013-14.
  2. Productive Scientist of Pakistan for year 2013.

Research Projects Completed:02

Workshops/Conferences/Seminars/Symposiums Organized:08

Workshops/Conferences/Seminars/Symposiums Attended:15

Professional Trainings/Courses Attended:09


  1. Papers published in International Refereed Journals:31

1.Ali, H., R.A. Hameed, S. Ahmad, A.N. Shahzad and N. Sarwar. 2014. Efficacy of different techniques of nitrogen application on American cotton under semi-arid conditions. Journal of Food, Agriculture & Environment, 12(1): 157-160. (IF = 0.435).

2.Ali, H., S.A. Abid, S. Ahmad, N. Sarwar, M. Arooj, A. Mahmood and A.N. Shahzad. 2013. Integrated weed management in cotton cultivated in the alternate-furrow planting system. Journal of Food, Agriculture & Environment, 11 (3&4): 1664-1669. (IF = 0.435)

3.Mahmood, A., H. Ullah, A.N. Shahzad, H. Ali, S. Ahmad, M. Zia-Ul-Haq, B. Honermeier and M. Hasanuzzaman. 2013. Dry matter yield and chemical composition of sorghum cultivars with varying planting density and sowing date. Sains Malaysiana, 42(10): 1529-1538. (IF = 0.408)

4.Ali, H., N. Iqbal, A.N. Shahzad, N. Sarwar, S. Ahmad, A. Mehmood. 2013. Seed priming improves irrigation water use efficiency, yield and yield components of late-sown wheat under limited water conditions. Turkish Journal of Agriculture and Forestry, 37(5): 534-544. (IF = 0.544)

5.Sarwar, N., H. Ali, M. Maqsood, E. Ullah, A.N. Shahzad, M. Shahzad, K. Mubeen, M.A. Shahid and S. Ahmad. 2013. Phenological response of rice plants to different micronutrients application under water saving paddy fields on calcareous soil. Turkish Journal of Field Crops, 18(1): 52-57. (IF = 0.544)

6.Ahmad, S., A. Ahmad, H. Ali, A. Hussain, A. Garcia y Garcia, M.A. Khan, M. Zia-Ul-Haq, M. Hasanuzzaman and G. Hoogenboom. 2013. Application of the CSM-CERES-Rice model for evaluation of plant density and irrigation management of transplanted rice for an irrigated semiarid environment. Irrigation Science 31(3): 491-506. (IF = 2.289)

7.Ali, H., N. Iqbal, S. Ahmad, A.N. Shahzad and N. Sarwar. 2013. Performance of late sown wheat crop under different planting geometries and irrigation regimes in arid climate. Soil & Tillage Research, 130: 109-119. (IF = 2.367)

8.Ali, H., N. Tariq, M. Zia-Ul-Haq, A. Ali and S. Ahmad, 2012. Effect of phosphorus application methods and zinc on agronomic traits and radiation use efficiency of wheat (Triticum aestivum L.).Journal of Food, Agriculture & Environment, 10(3&4): 757-763. (IF = 0.435)

9.Ahmad,S., and M. Hasanuzzaman. 2012. Integrated effect of plant density, N rates and irrigation regimes on the biomass production, N content, PAR use efficiencies and water productivity of rice under irrigated semiarid environment. Notulae Botanicae Horti Agrobotanici Cluj-Napoca,40(1): 201-211. (IF = 0.590)

10.Ali, H., N. Tariq, S. Ahmed, T.H. Chattha and A. Hussain. 2012. Effect of irrigation at different growth stages and phosphorus application methods on agronomic traits of wheat (Triticum aestivum L.). Journal of Food, Agriculture & Environment, 10(2): 1371-1375. (IF = 0.435)

11.Ahmad, S.,A. Ahmad, C.M.T. Soler, H. Ali, M. Zia-Ul-Haq, J. Anothai, A. Hussain, G. Hoogenboom and M. Hasanuzzaman. 2012. Application of the CSM-CERES-Rice model for evaluation of plant density and nitrogen management of fine transplanted rice for an irrigated semiarid environment. Precision Agriculture, 13(2): 200-218. (IF = 1.728)

12.Ali, H., M.N. Afzal, S. Ahmad, D. Muhammad, Z. Hasnain, R. Perveen and M.H. Kazmi. 2010. Quantitative and qualitative traits of Gossypium hersutum L. as affected by agronomic practices. Journal of Food, Agriculture & Environment, 8(3&4): 945-948. (IF = 0.435)

13.Ahmad, S., A. Ahmad, M. Zia-ul-Haq, H. Ali, T. Khaliq, M.A. Anjum, M.A. Khan, A. Hussain and G. Hoogenboom. 2009. Resources use efficiency of field grown transplanted rice (Oryza sativa L.) under irrigated semiarid environment. Journal of Food, Agriculture & Environment, 7(2):487-492. (IF = 0.435)

14.Ali, H., M.N. Afzal, S. Ahmad and D. Muhammad. 2009. Effect of cultivars and sowing dates on yield and quality of Gossypium hirsutum L. crop. Journal of Food, Agriculture & Environment, 7(3&4):244-247. (IF = 0.435)

15.Usman, M., A. Ahmad, S. Ahmad, M. Irshad, T. Khaliq, A. Wajid, K. Hussain, W. Nasim, T.M. Chattha, R. Trethowan and G. Hoogenboom. 2009. Development and application of crop water stress index for scheduling irrigation in cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.) under semiarid environment. Journal of Food, Agriculture & Environment, 7(3&4):386-391. (IF = 0.435)

16.Zia-ul-Haq, M., S. Iqbal, S. Ahmad, M. Imran, A. Niaz and M.I. Bhanger. 2007. Nutritional and compositional study of desi chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.) cultivars grown in Punjab, Pakistan. Food Chemistry, 105:1357-1363. (IF = 3.334)

  1. Papers published in Local Refereed Journals:41
  1. Eyduran, E., A. Waheed, M.M. Tariq, F. Iqbal and S. Ahmad. 2013. Prediction of live weight from morphological characteristics of commercial goat in Pakistan using factor and principal component scores in multiple linear regression. Journal of Animal & Plant Sciences, 23(6): 1532-1540. (IF = 0.638)
  2. Qasim, S.A., M.A. Anjum, S. Hussain and S. Ahmad. 2013. Effect of pea intercropping on biological efficiencies and economics of some non-legume winter vegetables. Pakistan Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 50(3): 399-406. (IF = 1.240)
  3. Ali, H., S.A. Abid, S. Ahmad, N. Sarwar, M. Arooj, A. Mahmood and A.N. Shahzad. 2013. Impact of integrated weed management on flat-sown cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.). Journal of Animal and Plant Sciences, 23(4): 1185-1192. (IF = 0.638)
  4. Sarwar, N., H. Ali, A. Ahmad, E. Ullah, S. Ahmad, K. Mubeen and J.E. Hill. 2013. Water wise rice cultivation on calcareous soil with the addition of essential micronutrients. Journal of Animal and Plant Sciences, 23(1): 244-250. (IF = 0.638)
  5. Ali, H., N. Sarwar, S. Ahmad, A.W. Tariq and A.N. Shahzad. 2012. Response of wheat crop to phosphorus fertilizers and application methods grown under agro-climatic conditions of Southern Punjab. Pakistan Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 49(4): 485-489. (IF = 1.240)
  6. Ali, H., N. Tariq, S. Ahmad, M. Rasheed, T.H. Chattha, A. Hussain. 2012. Growth and radiation use efficiency of wheat as affected by different irrigations levels and phosphorus application methods. Journal of Animal and Plant Sciences, 22(4): 1118-1125. (IF = 0.638)
  7. Rehim, A., M. Hussain, M. Abid,M. Zia-Ul-Haq and S. Ahmad. 2012. Phosphorus use efficiency of Triticum aestivum L. as affected by band placement of phosphorus and farmyard manure on calcareous soils. Pakistan Journal of Botany, 44(4): 1391-1398. (IF = 0.872)
  8. Ahmad, S., H. Ali, M. Ismail, M.I. Shahzad, M. Nadeem, M.A. Anjum, M. Zia-Ul-Haq, N. Firdous and M.A. Khan. 2012. Radiation and nitrogen use efficiencies of C3 winter cereals to nitrogen split application. Pakistan Journal of Botany, 44(1): 139-149. (IF = 0.872)
  9. Ahmed, M., Fayyaz-Ul-Hassan, A. Razzaq, M.N. Akram, M. Aslam, S. Ahmad and M. Zia-Ul-Haq. 2011. Is photothermal quotient determinant factor for spring wheat yield. Pakistan Journal of Botany, 43(3): 1621-1627. (IF = 0.872)
  10. Zahoor, A., M. Riaz, S. Ahmad, H. Ali, M.B. Khan, K. Javed, M.A. Anjum, M. Zia-Ul-Haq and M.A. Khan. 2010. Ontogeny growth and radiation use efficiency of Helianthus annuus L. as affected by hybrids, nitrogenous regimes and planting geometry under irrigated arid conditions. Pakistan Journal of Botany, 42(5): 3197-3207. (IF = 0.872)
  11. Usman, M., M. Arshad, A. Ahmad, N. Ahmad, M. Zia-ul-Haq, A. Wajid, T. Khaliq, W. Naseem, Z. Husnain, H. Ali and S. Ahmad. 2010. Lower and upper baselines for crop water stress index and yield of Gossypium hersutum L. under variable irrigation regimes in irrigated semiarid environment. Pakistan Journal of Botany, 42(4): 2541-2550. (IF = 0.872)
  12. Wajid, A., A. Ahmad, T. Khaliq, S. Alam, A. Hussain, K. Hussain, W. Naseem, M. Usman and S. Ahmad. 2010. Quantification of growth, yield and radiation use efficiency of promising cotton cultivars at varying nitrogen levels. Pakistan Journal of Botany, 42(3):1703-1711. (IF = 0.872)
  13. Ahmad, S., M. Zia-ul-Haq, H. Ali, A. Ahmad, M.A. Khan, T. Khaliq, Z. Husnain, A. Hussain and G. Hoogenboom. 2009. Morphological and quality parameters of Oryza sativa L. as affected by population dynamics, nitrogen fertilization and irrigation regimes. Pakistan Journal of Botany, 41(3):1259-1269. (IF = 0.872)
  14. Ahmad, A., S. Iqbal, S. Ahmad, T. Khaliq, W. Nasim, Z. Husnain, A. Hussain, M. Zia-ul-Haq and G. Hoogenboom. 2009. Seasonal growth, radiation interception, its conversion efficiency and biomass production of Oryza sativa L. under diverse agro-environments in Pakistan. Pakistan Journal of Botany, 41(3):1241-1257. (IF = 0.872)
  15. Ahmad, S., M. Zia-ul-Haq, M. Imran, S. Iqbal, and M. Ahmad. 2008. Determination of residual contents of pesticides in rice (Oryza sativa L.) crop from different regions of Pakistan. Pakistan Journal of Botany, 40(3): 1253-1257. (IF = 0.872)
  16. Ahmad, S., M. Zia-ul-Haq, H. Ali, S.A. Shad, A. Ammad, M. Maqsood, M.B. Khan, S. Mehmood and A. Hussain. 2008. Water and radiation use efficiencies of transplanted rice (Oryza sativa L.) at different plant densities and irrigation regimes under semi-arid environment. Pakistan Journal of Botany, 40(1):199-209. (IF = 0.872)
  17. Mahmood, S., K. Farzana, M. Zia-ul-Haq, S. Ahmad, F. Raiz and Abaidullah. 2007. Biochemical responses of Pisum Sativum L. under cadmium and mercury regimes.Journal of Chemical Society of Pakistan, 29(4):379-382. (IF = 1.377)
  18. Ahmad, S., H. Ali, M.M. Javaid and M.A. Khan. 2006. Growth and yield components of wheat cultivars as affected by sowing dates under agro-ecological conditions of Multan. Indus Journal of Plant Sciences, 5(3):863-871.