FCE Result Words and Phrases

Alphabetical Wordlist

a bite to eat (phr)
abandon (v)
abruptly (adv)
absent-minded (adj)
abstract (adj)
abusive (adj)
access (n)
accuse of (v)
achievement (n)
aching (adj)
acknowledgement (n)
acquire (v)
activist (n)
adaptation (n)
addicted to (adj)
addictive (adj)
additional (adj)
admire (v)
admission (n)
adoptive (adj)
adrenalin (n)
adulthood (n)
aerial (n)
aging (n)
aisle (n)
alarming (adj)
alien (n)
alike (adv)
allegedly (adv)
alley (n)
alongside (adv)
aloud (adv)
alternate (adj)
amateur (n)
ambitious (adj)
anaemic (adj)
analysis (n)
ancestor (n)
ancient (adj)
angel (n)
ankle (n)
announce (v)
annual (adj)
anthropologist (n)
anticipate (v)
antisocial (adj)
apart (adv)
ape (n)
apparatus (n)
apparent (adj)
appeal to (v)
appetising (adj)
applicable (adj)
apprenticed to (adj)
approach (v)
approximately (adv)
arch criminal (n)
archaeological (adj)
archbishop (n)
architect (n)
argumentative (adj)
arrogant (adj)
articulated lorry (n)
artificial intelligence (n)
ascent (n)
aside from (prep)
aspect (n)
assembled (adj)
assert (v)
assess (v)
assumption (n)
astonishing (adj)
at a loss (phr)
at random (phr)
at the forefront (idm)
at your fingertips (idm)
attached to (adj)
attachment (n)
attitude (n)
audition (n)
aura (n)
autopsy (n)
avalanche (n)
award (v)
aware (adj)
awesome (adj)
back (v)
background (n)
backlash (n)
baggage (n unc)
bait (n)
baked (adj)
ballerina (n)
bank (n)
bank balance (n)
barbecued (adj)
bare (adj)
barely (adv)
barge (n)
barrier (n)
based (on) (adj)
bat (n)
battery (n)
battle it out (phr)
battlefield (n)
be at a loose end (idm)
be better off (idm)
be dying to (idm)
be set to (v)
beak (n)
beg (v)
behave (v)
bellow (v)
benefit (n)
bestseller (n)
binoculars (n pl)
biodiesel (n)
bit of a handful (phr)
bitter (adj)
blade (n)
blame (v)
blast off (phr v)
blind (adj)
blink (v)
blister (n)
block (v)
board (v)
boarding pass (n)
boast (v)
boo (v)
boost (v)
boot (n)
bossy (adj)
brain scan (n)
break a record (phr)
break out (phr v)
breakdown (n)
breakthrough (n)
breathtaking (adj)
breezy (adj)
brief (adj)
broken-down (adj)
brontosaurus (n)
bronze (adj)
bruise (n)
buggy (n)
burglar (n)
burn an album (phr)
burst of laughter (n)
bushy (adj)
by consequence (adv)
cabin (n)
cabinet (n)
cadet (n)
calculator (n)
calf (n)
call centre (n)
call off (phr v)
camcorder (n)
campaigner (n)
candidate (n)
candle (n)
capable (of) (adj)
capture (v)
card (n)
cardboard (n)
carer (n)
carnival (n)
carpenter (n)
carry out (phr v)
cartoon (n)
case (n)
casserole (n)
cause (n)
cause a stir (phr)
cave (n)
cell (n)
cell (n)
cellar (n)
central to (adj)
(under) certain circumstances (phr)
chain (n)
chain (v)
chalk (n)
challenge (v)
change your mind (idm)
chapter (n)
character (n)
charge (v)
chart (n)
chat show (n)
chauvinism (n unc)
check-in (n)
cheer up (phr v)
chest (n)
chest of drawers (n)
chewy (adj)
chilli (n)
chimpanzee (n)
choir (n)
cholesterol (n)
chord (n)
choreography (n)
chronologically (adv)
chuck (v)
chuckle (v)
chunk (n)
circuit board (n)
circulation (n)
circus (n)
civilisation (n)
claim (v)
classical (adj)
claw (n)
clearing (n)
click your fingers (phr)
client (n)
climax (n)
clip (n)
close-up (adj)
clown (n)
clue (n)
cluttered (adj)
code (n)
coincidence (n)
collapse (v)
collide with (v)
colonise (v)
coma (n)
combat (v)
come forward (phr v)
come up to scratch (idm)
come upon (phr v)
coming (adj)
commentator (n)
commit (v)
committed (to) (adj)
commute (v)
companion (n)
compassion (n unc)
compel (v)
compile (v)
complacent (adj)
computer-generated (adj)
con (n)
conceal (v)
concede (v)
conceivably (adv)
concentrate (v)
concentration (n)
concept (n)
conceptual art (n)
concerned (adj)
condition (n)
conduct (v)
confess (v)
confidence (n)
congestion (n)
connect with (v)
connection (n)
conscientious (adj)
consecutive (adj)
consequence (n)
conservation (n unc)
considerate (adj)
consist of (v)
consistent (adj)
consistent with (phr)
constitute (v)
construct (v)
consultant (n)
consumer (n)
contact (n)
contain (v)
contemplate (v)
contented (adj)
contestant (n)
contradict (v)
contrast (n)
contribution (n)
controversial (adj)
conventional (adj)
converted (adj)
convey (v)
convict (v)
convinced (adj)
cooperation (n unc)
cope (with) (v)
coriander (n)
cornflakes (n)
corpse (n)
correspond with (v)
cosmopolitan (adj)
costume (n)
cot (n)
count (v)
countless (adj)
crack (v)
crackdown (n)
cramped (adj)
crawl (v)
creature (n)
creeping (adj)
critic (n)
crossfire (n)
crossing (n)
crouch (v)
crow (n)
cruise (n)
crunchy (adj)
cub (n)
cumin (n)
curious (adj)
curly (adj)
current (adj)
customs (n pl)
cutlery (n unc)
CV (n)
cynical (adj)
daily grind (n)
damage (n unc)
dangle (v)
dare (v)
data (n unc)
database (n)
dawn (n)
deadline (n)
deadly (adj)
deal with (phr v)
dear (adj)
debate (v)
debunk (v)
decade (n)
deceive (v)
decipher (v)
deck (n)
declare (v)
decline (v)
dedicate (v)
deed (n)
defence (n)
deliberately (adv)
demanding (adj)
demolish (v)
demonstrate (v)
demonstration (n)
dense (adj)
deny (v)
departure lounge (n)
deputy (n)
deserted (adj)
desirable (adj)
desperate (adj)
destination (n)
destroy (v)
detect (v)
deteriorate (v)
determine (v)
determined (adj)
device (n)
diagnose (v)
diagram (n)
diamond (n)
differ (v)
dig (n)
digit (n)
dilemma (n)
dimly-lit (adj)
diner (n)
dinosaur (n)
diploma (n)
direct (adj)
disability (n)
disagree (with) (v)
disarmingly (adv)
disaster (n)
disease (n)
disgusting (adj)
disillusioned (adj)
dispense (v)
disposable culture (n)
dissuade (from) (v)
distant cousin (n)
distinction (n)
distinctly (adv)
distinguish (v)
distraction (n)
divide (v)
DNA (n)
do your own thing (idm)
do-gooding (adj)
dominant (adj)
donate (v)
dose (n)
dot (n)
dough (n)
dove (n)
download (v)
dozen (n)
drag (v)
drag away (phr v)
draught (n)
draw the line (idm)
dredge up (phr v)
drift (v)
drive (v)
drown (v)
duck (v)
dull (adj)
dune (n)
dusk (n)
dye (v)
eager (adj)
easy-going (adj)
eccentric (adj)
ecologically (adv)
edge (n)
edible (adj)
eel (n)
eerily (adv)
effective (adj)
elaborate (adj)
elbow (n)
election (n)
electrical appliance (n)
element (n)
embarrassed (adj)
emerge (as) (v)
emigrate (v)
emission (n)
emotion (n)
encircle (v)
enclosure (n)
encyclopaedia (n)
end up (phr v)
end-of-line (adj)
endurance (n)
engaged (adj)
engineer (n)
enhance (v)
enlarge (v)
entirely (adv)
environmentalist (n)
epic (adj)
epidemic (n)
episode (n)
equally (adv)
equipped (with) (adj)
era (n)
erect (v)
erupt (v)
essence (n)
essential (adj)
establish (v)
estate agent (n)
ethnic (adj)
evacuate (v)
evaluate (v)
even (adj)
evidence (n)
evolve (v)
exaggerate (v)
excavate (v)
excel (at) (v)
exceptional (adj)
exclude (v)
excruciatingly (adv)
excursion (n)
exhausted (adj)
exhaustive (adj)
exotic location (n)
expansion (n)
expedition (n)
experiment (n)
exploit (n)
exploitation (n)
expression (n)
extend (v)
extinction (n)
extroversion (n unc)
eye contact (n)
eye-catching (adj)
fabric (n)
face (v)
face-lift (n)
facilities (n pl)
factor (n)
factory farming (n)
faddy (adj)
faint (adj)
fair trade (n)
fake (adj)
fall out (phr v)
familiar (with) (adj)
famine (n)
fanatic (n)
fancy dress (adj)
far from (phr)
fare (n)
far-fetched (adj)
fascinating (adj)
fatal (adj)
fatty (adj)
fearless (adj)
fearsome (adj)
feast (on) (v)
feat (n)
feathers (n)
feature (n)
fellow (adj)
feral (adj)
ferry (n)
fete (n)
fictional (adj)
figure out (phr v)
figure skating (n)
fill up (v)
filling station (n)
findings (n pl)
fine (v)
fire (v)
fire brigade (n)
firewood (n unc)
firm evidence (phr)
first aid kit (n)
first-rate (adj)
fit in (phr v)
fit in with (phr v)
fizzy (adj)
fjord (n)
flash (n)
flat tyre (n)
flee (v)
floating (adj)
flock (v)
flood (v)
florist (n)
flow (v)
flutter (v)
focus on (v)
foggy (adj)
fold (v)
folklore (n)
following (n)
fool (v)
for the time being (phr)
forbidden (adj)
forgery (n)
fort (n)
forward (v)
fossil (n)
foul-mouthed (adj)
foundation (n)
founder (n)
fraud (n)
freezing (adj)
frog (n)
frost-bite (n)
frustrated (adj)
fuel consumption (n)
fulfil (v)
function (v)
fund (v)
fur (n)
fuse (n)
gadget (n)
gag (n)
gain (v)
gain an edge (idm)
gap year (n)
garlic (n)
gasp (v)
gate (n)
gather (v)
gaze (v)
gazelle (n)
gear (n)
generalise (v)
generation (n)
generator (n)
genetically (adv)
genius (n)
genuine (adj)
germ (n)
get hold of (phr)
get on with (phr v)
gift (n)
giggle (v)
gill (n)
ginger (n)
give away (phr v)
give it a go (idm)
give sb the sack (idm)
glacier (n)
gloomy (adj)
glove (n)
glow (n)
glue (n)
go halves with (phr)
go into a decline (phr)
go on about (phr v)
go on strike (v)
go so far as to (phr)
go to extraordinary lengths (idm)
gorilla (n)
goth (n)
grab (v)
graffiti (n)
grape (n)
gravestone (n)
graveyard (n)
gravity (n unc)
greasy (adj)
grief-stricken (adj)
gripping (adj)
groceries (n pl)
grounded (adj)
grunt (n)
guarantee (v)
guess (v)
guide dog (n)
guilt (n unc)
gunfire (n)
gust (n)
gutter (n)
habitat (n)
hallmark (n)
halt (v)
hand in your notice (idm)
handlebars (n pl)
handset (n)
handy (adj)
hang up (phr v)
harm (n)
have got the makings of (idm)
hayfever (n)
hazel (adj)
head off to (phr v)
headquarters (n pl)
heartbroken (adj)
heart-warming (adj)
heated (adj)
hedge (n)
heel (n)
helmet (n)
herb (n)
herbivore (n)
herd (n)
highlight (v)
high-profile (adj)
hilarious (adj)
hip (n)
hippy (n)
hoax (n)
hoof (n)
hooked (adj)
hooked on (adj)
host (n)
host of (n)
hover (v)
hovercraft (n)
humid (adj)
humiliate (v)
humorous (adj)
hunt (v)
hysteria (n)
I can’t hear myself think!
identical (adj)
identify (v)
ignition (n)
ill-disciplined (adj)
illusion (n)
immigration (n)
immoral (adj)
immortality (n)
immune system (n)
impact (n)
impersonal (adj)
impersonate (v)
implication (n)
imposter (n)
impress (v)
in favour of (phr)
in its infancy (phr)
in response to (phr)
in short (phr)
in single file (phr)
in terms of (phr)
in the long term (phr)
in the process (phr)
in the pursuit of (phr)
incident (n)
inconvenient (adj)
incorporate (v)
incurable (adj)
indicate (v)
individual (n)
induct (v)
indulgent (adj)
inevitable (adj)
infect (v)
inferior (adj)
infuriating (adj)
ingredient (n)
inhabitant (n)
inherit (v)
inhibition (n)
inhospitable (adj)
initial (adj)
injury (n)
input (n)
inquiring (adj)
inspire (v)
install (v)
instance (n)
instant (adj)
instinctive (adj)
institution (n)
insulated (adj)
integral (adj)
intend (v)
intense (adj)
interact with (v)
intimacy (n)
intriguingly (adv)
invade (v)
inventor (n)
invest (v)
involve (v)
ironically (adv)
irrelevant (adj)
irresponsible (adj)
irritable (adj)
isolated (adj)
issue (n)
it goes to show that (phr)
itch (v)
jam (n)
janitor (n)
jeep (n)
jet-lagged (adj)
jigsaw (n)
junction (n)
jungle (n)
justify (v)
kayaking (n)
keep up (phr v)
key (adj)
key ring (n)
kidnapper (n)
laboratory (n)
labour-saving (adj)
lack (v)
lack of demand (n)
lagoon (n)
landfill (n)
landmark (n)
landscape (n)
lane (n)
lap (n)
laptop (n)
last chance (n)
launch (n)
laundrette (n)
layer (n)
leak (n)
leap (n)
leave a lot to be desired (phr)
legitimate (adj)
lens (n)
leopard (n)
lessen (v)
let down (adj)
lifelong (adj)
life-raft (n)
like (adv)
line (n)
lines (n pl)
litter (n unc)
livelihood (n)
lively (adj)
load (v)
lobby (n)
loft (n)
long haul (n)
long-standing (adj)
look into (phr v)
loose (adj)
lorry (n)
lose out (on) (phr v)
lose touch with (idm)
loudspeaker (n)
lumpy (adj)
lyrics (n pl)
mainly (adv)
maintain (v)
major (adj)
make out (phr v)
make up your mind (idm)
mannerism (n)
manual (n)
marathon (n)
mask (n)
mast (n)
mate (n)
matter (v)
mature (v)
melody (n)
memorable (adj)
memorise (v)
menial (adj)
mention (v)
mess (n)
mess things up (phr)
messy (adj)
meteor (n)
meteorological (adj)
migraine (n)
mild (adj)
milk tooth (n)
mind you (idm)
mind your head (idm)
minimise (v)
misbehave (v)
misery (n unc)
misfortune (n)
misguide (v)
mission (n)
misunderstand (v)
mix (with) (v)
model (n)
modem (n)
modesty (n unc)
moisture (n)
monarchy (n unc)
monorail (n)
monument (n)
moody (adj)
moorland (n)
mortality (n)
mosquito (n)
motivational (adj)
mould (v)
mountain range (n)
mouth-watering (adj)
moving (adj)
mug (v)
multiply (v)
mumble (v)
murmur (v)
mussel (n)
mutual (adj)
naked (adj)
nanny (n)
napkin (n)
narrow-minded (adj)
nationwide (adj)
native people (n)
natural habitat (n)
nerve-racking (adj)
network (n)
neuroticism (n unc)
news bulletin (n)
next to worthless (phr)
nickname (n)
no mean achievement (phr)
no trace of (idm)
nocturnal (adj)
nod off (phr v)
nomadic (adj)
notably (adv)
notion (n)
nourishing (adj)
novel (adj)
novelty (n)
nursery rhyme (n)
object (v)
obsession (n)
occur (v)
occur (v)
odd (adj)
odour (n)
odyssey (n)
offend (v)
offended (adj)
official (n)
olive (n)
on all fours (phr)
on balance (phr)
on duty (phr)
on the cards (idm)
on the contrary (phr)
on the spur of the moment (idm)
on top of the world (phr)
ongoing (adj)
onlooker (n)
open-minded (adj)
open-plan (adj)
opponent (n)
oppose (v)
optimistic (adj)
option (n)
originality (n)
ornament (n)
orphanage (n)
otherwise (adv)
out of (phr)
outcry (n)
outrun (v)
outweigh (v)
overall (adj)
overcharge (v)
over-commit (v)
overcrowded (adj)
overestimate (v)
overhear (v)
overshadow (v)
overtake (v)
overthrow (v)
overwhelming (adj)
own up (phr v)
ownership (n)
oyster (n)
pack (n)
pad (n)
paella (n)
palm (n)
pan (n)
panic (v)
paprika (n)
parachute (n)
paranormal (adj)
parcel (n)
partially (adv)
participant (n)
passage (n)
passion (n)
patent (n)
pattern (n)
pay in full (phr)
peak (n)
peanut (n)
peck (v)
pedal-powered (adj)
pedestrian (n)
peel (v)
peer (v)
penniless (adj)
perfectly (adv)
performance-enhancing drug (n)
period (n)
permanent (adj)
persistence (n unc)
personable (adj)
personality (n)
personally (adv)
perspective (n)
petition (n)
phase out (phr v)
phenomenon (n)
philanthropist (n)
phobia (n)
pie (n)
piercing (n)
pigeon (n)
pile (n)
pillow (n)
pine (n)
pioneer (n)
pitch (n)
plain (adj)
plain (n)
plant (v)
platform (n)
play on words (phr)
plot (n)
plug (n)
plus (prep)
pointless (adj)
poisonous (adj)
poker (n)
police custody (n unc)
policy (n)
ponder (v)
pool (n)
porridge (n)
port (n)
portion (n)
portrait (n)
pose a problem (idm)
pose as (v)
posh (adj)
possessed (adj)
postmark (n)
postpone (v)
potent (adj)
potential (adj)
potential (n)
pour (v)
power cable (n)
precaution (n)
precious (adj)
precise (adj)
preconception (n)
predator (n)
predictable (adj)
pregnancy (n)
press (n unc)
press conference (n)
pressure (n)
prey (n)
primitive (adj)
principle (n)
printable (adj)
printing press (n)
priority (n)
privacy (n unc)
probe (n)
process (n)
prodigy (n)
promote (v)
promote (v)
prop (n)
propeller (n)
proper (adj)
property (n)
prospect (n)
protection (n unc)
protest march (n)
prove (v)
provide (v)
public speaking (n)
publicity (n unc)
publicity stunt (n)
pudding (n)
pull out of (phr v)
pump (n)
punch (v)
punctual (adj)
puncture (n)
punk (n)
purchase (v)
pursue (v)
puzzled (adj)
query (n)
question (v)
raise (v)
ranch (n)
random (adj)
range (n)
ransom (n)
rash of (idm)
ratings (n pl)
rational (adj)
raw (adj)
razor (n)
react to (v)
realise an ambition (phr)
rear its ugly head (phr)
reassurance (n)
rebellious (adj)
reckon (v)
recognise (v)
recollect (v)
record (n)
recovery (n)
recreation (n)
redouble your efforts (phr)
reduce (v)
re-emerge (v)
reference (n)
reflect (on) (v)
refund (n)
regarded as (adj)
regardless of (phr)
regiment (n)
region (n)
register (v)
regret (v)
rehearse (v)
reject (v)
relative (n)
release (v)
reliable (adj)
relocate (v)
reluctant (adj)
remind (v)
remote (adj)
remove (v)
renowned (adj)
rent (v)
replace (v)
represent (v)
reproduced (adj)
reputation (n)
rescue (v)
researcher (n)
resent (v)
reserved (adj)
residence (n)
resolve (v)
resort (n)
resort to (phr v)
respect (n unc)
respectable (adj)
respond (v)
restore (v)
resulting (adj)
resurface (v)
retain (v)
reunite (v)
reveal (v)
revise (v)
rich (adj)
ridicule (n)
right angle (n)
rights (n pl)
risk-taking (adj)
rival (n)
rock chick (n)
rock face (n)
role (n)
roll back (v)
rook (n)
rope (n)
router (n)
row (n)
rubber (n)
ruins (n pl)
rumbling (adj)
run up against (phr v)
runway (n)
rural (adj)
ruthless (adj)
sabotage (v)
saddle (n)
sane (adj)
savoury (adj)
saying (n)
sb’s days are numbered (idm)
scandal (n)
scar (n)
scenery (n unc)
sceptical (adj)
scoop (v)
scooter (n)
scores of (phr)
scorpion (n)
screenplay (n)
script (n)
seal (n)
seaweed (n)
security (n unc)
segment (n)
seize the chance (phr)
selection (n)
self-centred (adj)
self-disciplined (adj)
self-esteem (n)
selfless (adj)
self-loading (adj)
self-righteous (adj)
sensational (adj)
sense of humour (phr)
senseless (adj)
sensible (adj)
sensitive (adj)
sensor (n)
sensory (adj)
serve (in) (v)
session (n)
set (n)
set a record (phr)
set down (v)
set up (phr v)
setback (n)
set-top box (n)
shadow (n)
shape (v)
share (v)
shark-infested (adj)
sheer (adj)
sheet (n)
shelter (n)
shepherd (n)
sheriff (n)
shield (v)
shin (n)
shiver (v)
shooting star (n)
shopaholic (n)
shop-lifting (n)
shortage (n)
shorten (v)
short-lived (adj)
shot (n)
sibling (n)
side-effect (n)
sigh (v)
sighting (n)
signal (v)
significant (adj)
similar to (adj)
simulated (adj)
simultaneously (adv)
singe (v)
single out (phr v)
single-minded (adj)
sinister (adj)
sink (v)
sitcom (n)
skin tone (n)
skinny (adj)
slap (v)
sleeve (n)
slice (v)
slip (v)
slogan (n)
smash a record (phr)
snack (n)
snail (n)
snort (n)
so far (adv)
soak (v)
sole (adj)
solid (adj)
solitary (adj)
soothing (adj)
soundtrack (n)
spare part (n)
speak your mind (idm)
special effects (n)
specific (adj)
specification (n)
specimen (n)
spectacular (adj)
spellbound (adj)
spicy (adj)
spill (v)
spiral out of control (phr)
split up (phr v)
spot (v)
spotless (adj)
sprawling (adj)
spray paint (n)
spread (n)
spread to (v)
sprinkle (v)
sprinter (n)
spur (on) (v)
spy (v)
squash (v)
squeeze in (v)
squid (n)
stable (adj)
stage (n)
stage a protest (phr)
stamp (v)
stand out (phr v)
starving (adj)
state (n)
steady (adj)
steam (n unc)
steep (adj)
steer (v)
stereotype (n)
stewed (adj)
stick (to) (v)
stick (v)
stick by (phr v)
stiff (adj)
stimulate (v)
sting (v)
stinging (adj)
stir (v)
stodgy (adj)
stop (n)
store (of) (n)
storm (v)
strained (adj)
strengthen (v)
stretch your legs (phr)
strict (adj)
strike sb (as) (v)
string (n)
strip (sb of sth) (v)
struggle (v)
stubborn (adj)
stuff (n)
stunt (n)
subjective (adj)
submit (v)
substance (n)
subtract (v)
suffer (v)
sufficient (adj)
suit you down to the ground (phr)
sum up (v)
summon (v)
summon the nerve (phr)
supply (n)
supply depot (n)
suppress (v)
surgeon (n)
surreal (adj)
surrounded by (adj)
surroundings (n pl)
surveillance (n unc)
survival (n)
suspect (n)
swallow (v)
swan (n)
swap (v)
swear (v)
sweaty (adj)
swell (v)
swerve (v)
swift (adj)
symbol (n)
sympathetically (adv)
tactic (n)
take it easy (phr)
take it for granted (phr)
take place (phr)
take sb up on (v)
take sth for granted (idm)
take the blame for (phr)
take your mind off something (idm)
talent (n)
talk back (phr v)
talk show (n)
tank (n)
tanned (adj)
tap (n)
tap (v)
target (n)
taste for (n)
tasteless (adj)
team player (n)
telegraph wire (n)
telepathic (adj)
temporary (adj)
tend (v)
tender (adj)
tense (adj)
terminal building (n)
terrain (n)
testify (v)
texture (n)
theft (n)
theme (n)
theory (n)
therapy (n)
thick and fast (phr)
thigh (n)
thirst-quenching (adj)
thorough (adj)
thought-provoking (adj)
threaten (v)
three-dimensional (adj)
thrill-seeker (n)
throw doubt on (phr)
thump (v)
thunderstorm (n)
tide (n)
tie in with (phr v)
time-consuming (adj)
time-keeper (n)
tinker around (v)
to cap it all (idm)
tolerant (adj)
tomb (n)
tongue (n)
tool (n)
torch (n)
tortoise (n)
tough (adj)
tournament (n)
tower block (n)
track down (v)
tracksuit (n)
traffic warden (n)
tragic (adj)
trail (v)
trait (n)
tram (n)
transform (v)
trapped (adj)
treat (v)
treat (v)
treatment (n)
trek (n)
trendy (adj)
trickle (v)
trip over (v)
triumph (n)
troops (n pl)
tropical (adj)
troubled (adj)
truffle (n)
truly (adv)
trumpet (v)
trust (n unc)
tube (n)
turmeric (n)
turned up (adj)
twin (n)
twitch (v)
UFO (n)
unbeatable (adj)
unconventional (adj)
underestimate (v)
undergo (v)
undertake (v)
ungrateful (adj)
unidentifiable (adj)
unique (adj)
unmanned (adj)
unmissable (adj)
unnervingly (adv)
unpredictable (adj)
unveil (v)
unwitting (adj)
up to date (adj)
upbringing (n)
update (v)
upright (adv)
urban (adj)
utterly (adv)
vacation (n)
valley (n)
value (n)
van (n)
vandalise (v)
vast (adj)
vegan (n)
vegetation (n unc)
venison (n)
venture (n)
venue (n)
version (n)
via (prep)
victim (n)
victorious (adj)
villain (n)
vinegar (n)
vineyard (n)
violin (n)
virus (n)
visa (n)
visibly (adv)
vision (n)
visualise (v)
vivid (adj)
volume (n)
volunteer (n)
wade (v)
wages (n pl)
waist (n)
wallpaper (n)
wardrobe (n)
waterfall (n)
weapon (n)
wear on (phr v)
wearable (adj)
webbed feet (n)
welfare (n unc)
well-being (n unc)
western (n)
wet-suit (n)
whale (n)
wheelchair (n)
when it comes to (phr)
whet your appetite (for) (idm)
whip out (v)
whistle (n)
white lie (n)
wholeheartedly (adv)
widespread (adj)
wig (n)
wilderness (n)
windscreen (n)
wing (n)
wipe (v)
wisdom (n unc)
witch (n)
with your bare hands (phr)
withstand (v)
witness (n)
wondrous (adj)
woods (n pl)
word of caution (phr)
work out (phr v)
worm (n)
worth (adj)
worthwhile (adj)
wounded (adj)
wrap (v)
wrestle (n)
wrist (n)
writer’s block (n)
yoghurt (n)
youngster (n)