SGA Finance Committee Meeting
Place: Room 109, Roosevelt Hall Date: Tues. March 7, 2017
Time: 6:00 PM – 10:00 PM Minute Writer: Megan Chorusey
Called to order by: GeovannyCortorreal
Members Present:
Advisor Eunice Ro
Treasurer GeovannyCortorreal
Senator Megan Chorusey
Senator Jessica Jensen
Senator Raymer Vargas
Senator SanjidaHaque
Senator Wagner Cepeda (work)
Advisor Eunice Roe met with us, the Finance Committee, to discuss upcoming changes and decisions. We worked together to research other SUNY school SGA budgets and use them to show examples. We pinpointed what definitions, limits, and guidelines needed to be added to the Finance Committee Bylaws. We spoke about the possibility of meeting with Dr. Corti for assistance on gaining cooperation from certain clubs.
She recommends we set guidelines for an Appeals Process for clubs that are unhappy with their budget.
Are we willing to pay things such as assistant coaches, directors, outside assistance that provides a service?
Wrestling: $3,200
Cheerleading: $500
Ice hockey: $100,000
Roller hockey: $46,800
Starlettes: $1,700
Ski and snow: $36,850
Farmingdale Fusion: $11,000
Total: $200,050
This comes to 12.5% of the overall budget.
Finance Committee agrees to cut sports clubs to receive 7% of the overall budget going forwards.
Finance Committee agrees to deduct 5% of budget for contingency fund before taking anything out.
ASC Management Fees: $138,026.53
OSA Service Fee: $103,519
Contingency Fund: $70,250.06
Non-Professional Staff Taxes/Disability: $10,000
SGA Directors Liability Insurance: $6,900
FSG Activities Insurance: $70,000
Technical Services: $3,465.00
Conferences/Student Leaders: $12,000
Stipends: $38,000
Concert: $200,000
Attorney Fees: $5,000
Auditing Fees: $10,000
SGA Scholarships: $9,000
Office Expenses: $10,000
Telephone: $1,000
Promotions: $2,000
Co-Sponsorship: $80,000
Total: $698,911.43
This comes to 43% of the overall budget. Finance Committee agrees to allocate 40% of the budget to Operational Fees.
Subsidized programs
Late Night Breakfast Study Session: $3,000
Campus Rec: $4,100
Opening Activities: $30,000
Tutoring Center: $68,000
Visiting Writers Program: $2,125.00
Movie Tickets: $20,000
Campus Life Awards: $4,000
Math Center: $34,000
Total: $165,225.00
This comes to 10.3% of the overall budget. Finance Committee agrees to allocate 10% of the budget to Subsidized Programs.
After these changes to the Finance Committee Bylaws, 62% of our overall budget will go towards these set programs. That leaves 38% of the budget for SGA to allocate to other clubs.
Meeting is adjourned at 10PM.
SGA Finance Committee Meeting
Place: SGA Office, Roosevelt Hall Date: Wed. March 8, 2017
Time: 6:30 PM – 12:00 AM Minute Writer: Megan Chorusey
Called to order by: GeovannyCortorreal
Members Present:
Treasurer GeovannyCortorreal
Senator Megan Chorusey
Senator Jessica Jensen
Senator Raymer Vargas
Senator SanjidaHaque
VP Messiah Gaymon
Finance Committee agrees to $350 or 10% of club budget limit per year..
Gifts and Awards:
“…or more, clubs may exceed the $200 limit and/or the $50 limit with the unanimous approval of the Finance Committee.”
“…shall reimburse the full cost of the gift(s). The club/organization may also be subject to other disciplinary action.”
“…or 10% of the SGA allocated budget on apparel unless the expected attendance is more than 100 students. If the expected attendance is greater than 100 students, you may request to exceed this limit. “
Finance Committee met with SGA VP to discuss current financial situations and our ideas on the matter moving forwards.
Meeting is adjourned at 12AM
SGA Finance Committee Meeting
Place: Room 109, Roosevelt Hall Date: Thurs. March 9, 2017
Time: 4:00 PM – 8:00 PM Minute Writer: Megan Chorusey
Called to order by: GeovannyCortorreal
Members Present:
Treasurer GeovannyCortorreal
Senator Megan Chorusey
Senator Raymer Vargas
Senator SanjidaHaque
Intersession Guidelines
Change everything that says “summer” to say “intersession” in order to include both summer and winter terms
Off Campus Trips
Add definition to the first page. Exclude the “included but not limited to” section.
On Campus Events
Move definition to first page.
Take out included but not limited to
Co Sponsorships:
- add “the” before director and SGA
- take out all of number 2 (unnecessary)
Ticketed Events:
1. “…sells tickets to their events must process sales online via TouchNet/Market Place or have the ticket seller be approved by the Office of Student Activities in order to sell tickets in person.”
Re Formatted Bylaws onto Word Document.