Microsoft Office Suite Week #1
The Microsoft Ribbon (Office 2007)
Ribbon Video & PowerPoint
Documents - The Ribbon
Tabs, Groups, and Commands
Live Preview
Quick Access Toolbar
Mini Toolbar
The Microsoft Office Button
New, Open, Save, Print, Options
ALT key, Key Tips
Version Compatibility
Word, Excel, and PowerPoint can Save as 97-2003 versions
If older versions of Access are upgraded to 2007 you cannot go back
Online - Read the Ribbon Document (Office 2007 version)
PowerPoint – The Ribbon
Watch the Ribbon Video (Office 2010 version)
Homework Online - Microsoft Ribbon Quiz (Office 2007 version)
The Ribbon
Yes, there's a lot of change to familiar Microsoft Office programs. But the good news is that the commands and other tools you need are now exposed and more readily available.
Your new control center, the Ribbon, in Word 2007Instead of having 30 or so undisplayed toolbars, and commands buried on menus or in dialog boxes, you now have one control center that brings the essentials together and makes them very visual.
And once you learn how to use the Ribbon in one program, you'll find it easy to use in other programs too.
There are three basic components to the Ribbon.
Tabs sit across the top of the Ribbon. Each one represents core tasks you do in a given program.
The three parts of the Ribbon are tabs, groups, and commands.Groups are sets of related commands, displayed on tabs. They pull together all the commands you're likely to need for a type of task, and they remain on display and readily available, giving you rich visual aids.
Commands are arranged in groups. A command can be a button, a menu, or a box where you enter information.
How do you get started? Begin with the first tab.
For example, the first tab in Word 2007 is the Home tab. The principal task in Word is writing, so the commands on the Home tab are the ones that people use most commonly when they write documents: font formatting commands (in the Font group), paragraph options (in the Paragraph group), and text styles (in the Styles group).
You'll find the same organization in other 2007 Office system programs, with the first tab including commands for the most key type of work. The primary tab in Excel, PowerPoint, and Access is also the Home tab. In Outlook, when you create a message, it's the Message tab.
Paste, Cut, and Copy commands in Word and Excel. Frequently used, they logically appear on the Home tab, the first tab on the Ribbon.Commands are organized by how they are used. Microsoft found that people using Microsoft Office favor a core set of commands, which they tend to use over and over. Those core commands are now the most prominent.
An example is the Paste command. It's one of the most frequently used commands. Why not give it maximum exposure in the window, along with its related commands, Cut and Copy?
Frequently used commands don't have to share space anymore with a range of remotely related commands on a menu or toolbar. They're the ones that get used, and so they're the ones that are at your fingertips.
Less frequently used commands are less prominent on the Ribbon. For example, most people use Paste Special less often than they use Paste. So, to access Paste Special, you first click the arrow on Paste.
The commands you use most are on the Ribbon and readily available all the time. Some other commands appear only when you may need them, in response to an action you take.
For example, if you don't have a picture in your Word document, the commands to work with a picture aren't necessary.
But after you insert a picture in Word, the Picture Tools appear, along with the Format tab that contains the commands you need to work with the picture. When you are through working with the picture, the Picture Tools go away.
If you want to work on the picture again, just click on it, and the tab appears again, with all the commands you need. Word knows what you are doing and provides you with the tools you need. The Ribbon responds to your action.
So don't worry if you don't see all the commands you need at all times. Take the first steps. Then the commands you need will be at hand.
The Picture Tools appear at the top of the Ribbon in Word after you insert a picture.Click the arrow at the bottom of a group to get more options if you need them.
Click the arrow in the Font group.
The Font dialog box opens.
When you see a small arrow in the lower-right corner of a group, it means there are more options available for the group. Click the arrow (called the Dialog Box Launcher), and you'll see a dialog box or a task pane with more commands.
For example, in PowerPoint, on the Home tab, the Font group contains all the commands that are used the most to make font changes: commands to change the font face and font size, and to make the font bold, italic, or underlined.
But if you want a less commonly used option, such as superscript, you click the arrow in the Font group to open the Font dialog box, which has superscript and other options related to fonts.
Live Preview
Have you ever spent time in the try-undo-try-undo cycle? You select a font, font color, or style, or make changes to a picture. But the option you select turns out not to be what you want, so you undo and try again, and perhaps again, until you finally get what you have in mind.
Now you can see a live preview of your choice before you make a selection. You get better results faster by picking what you want the first time. You don't have to undo and try again.
To use live preview, rest the mouse pointer on an option. Your document changes to show you what that option would look like, before you actually make a selection. After you see the preview of what you want, then you click the option to make your selection.
Quick Access Toolbar
If you often use commands that are not as quickly available as you would like, you can easily add them to the Quick Access Toolbar, which is above the Ribbon when you first start your Microsoft Office program. On that toolbar, commands are always visible and near at hand.
For example, if you use Track Changes in Word or Excel every day to turn on revision marks, and you don't want to have to click the Review tab to access that command each time, you can add Track Changes to the Quick Access Toolbar.
To do that, right-click Track Changes on the Review tab, and then click Add to Quick Access Toolbar. To delete a button, right-click it, and then click Remove from Quick Access Toolbar.
Mini Toolbar
The new "Mini Toolbar" is a type of context menu that is automatically shown (by default) when text is selected. The purpose of this feature is to provide easy access to the most-used formatting commands without requiring a right-mouse-button click, as was necessary in older versions of the software. Because the Mini Toolbar is automatically displayed, it remains semi-transparent until the mouse pointer is situated on the control in order to allow an almost-unobstructed view of what is beneath it. It also appears above the right-click menu when a user right-clicks on a selection of words. The Mini Toolbar is currently not customizable, but can be turned off.
Everything we've told you so far applies if your screen is set to a high resolution and the program window is maximized. If that's not the case, things look different. How? Like this:
Low resolution If your screen is set to a low resolution, for example to 800 by 600 pixels, a few groups on the Ribbon will display the group name only, not the commands in the group. You need to click the arrow on the group button to display the commands.
For example, in Word, with a higher resolution you will see all the commands in the Show/Hide group on the View tab. But with 800 by 600 resolution, you will see the Show/Hide button only, not the commands in the group.
In that case, you click the arrow on the Show/Hide button to display the commands in the group.
The Show/Hide group on the View tab. All commands in the group are displayed in high resolution. In low resolution you need to click the arrow on the group button to display the commands.Generally, the groups that display only the group name at a lower resolution are those with less frequently used commands.
Minimized At any resolution, if you make the program window smaller, there is a size at which some groups will display only the group names, and you will need to click the arrow on the group button to display the commands.
Tablet PCs If you're working on a Tablet PC with a smaller screen, you'll notice that the Ribbon adjusts to show you smaller versions of tabs and groups. If you have a larger monitor, the Ribbon adjusts to show you larger versions of the tabs and groups.
See what else is new in some of the 2007 Office system products.
The Microsoft Office Button is new. This button takes the place of the File menu in several Office programs. It provides more options, more conveniently located together. What else is new? New keyboard shortcuts, and new file formats for Word, Excel, PowerPoint, and Access 2007.
The Microsoft Office Button in Word and Excel.Find out how to work with some of the new options, see what to do if you can't find a command you need, see how to work with the new file formats, and find out how people who haven't upgraded to Word, Excel, or PowerPoint 2007 can open your files and work in them as usual.
The Microsoft Office Button appears in the upper-left corner of the window in several Microsoft Office programs. You get the same basic commands as appeared before on the File menu to open, save, and print your documents.
But the button offers more commands than the File menu did. For example, you've got support here for checking that files in Word, Excel, and PowerPoint don't contain private information or comments.
The Microsoft Office Button also leads you to the program settings that control things like your preferences for correcting spelling.
Click Excel Options, Word Options, and so on, at the bottom of the menu, and then click any of the categories in the list on the left. For example, in Excel, click Formulas to turn the R1C1 reference style on or off. In Word, click Proofing to turn on or off the feature to check spelling as you type.
In previous versions of Office you could set options in the Options dialog box, which you opened through the Tools menu. Many of those options can now be found when you click the Microsoft Office Button— where they are more visible, and conveniently close at hand when you start work on old files or new ones.
The New Presentation window in PowerPoint 2007.When you create a new document, workbook, presentation, or database, you'll get a full, colorful window to help you begin. Start with a blank or existing file, as you're accustomed to doing. Or on the left, under Microsoft Office Online, click Featured and choose from the catalog of links to online templates and training courses to jump-start your authoring work.
To begin, click the Microsoft Office Button in the upper-left corner of the window. Then click New to open the New Document window in Word, the New Workbook window in Excel, the New Presentation window in PowerPoint, or the Getting Started with
Microsoft Office Access window in Access.
You can use Key Tips to remove a heading style in Word, for example.
Press ALT to make the Key Tips appear.
Then press H to select the Home tab.
Press E to select the Clear Formatting button in the Font group to remove the heading style.
If you rely on the keyboard more than the mouse, you'll want to know about keyboard shortcuts in the 2007 Office system.
The Ribbon design comes with new shortcuts. Why? Because this change brings two big advantages over previous versions:
- Shortcuts for every single button on the Ribbon.
- Shortcuts that often require fewer keys.
The new shortcuts also have a new name: Key Tips. You press ALT to make the Key Tips appear. You'll see Key Tips for all Ribbon tabs, all commands on the tabs, the Quick Access Toolbar, and the Microsoft Office Button.
Press the key for the tab you want to display. This makes all the Key Tip badges for that tab's buttons appear. Then, press the key for the button you want.
What about the old keyboard shortcuts? Keyboard shortcuts of old that begin with CTRL are all still intact, and you can use them like you always have. For example, the shortcut CTRL+C still copies something to the clipboard, and the shortcut CTRL+V still pastes something from the clipboard.
Benefits of the new file formats.
In Word 2007, Excel 2007, and PowerPoint 2007, there are new file formats. Why? There are a lot of reasons! For example, increased security for your files; reduced chance of file corruption; reduced file size; and new features.
If the technical details interest you, the new file formats are based on XML (Extensible Markup Language) and embrace the Office Open XML Formats.
A bit more about the new format in Word, Excel, and PowerPoint
- For documents, workbooks, and presentations, the default file format now has an "x" on the end, representing the XML format. For example, in Word, a document is now saved by default with the extension .docx, rather than .doc.
- If you save a file as a template, the same applies: You get the template extension of old, with an "x" on the end; for example, .dotx in Word.
- If your file contains code or macros, you have to save it using the new macro-enabled file format. For a Word document, that translates into .docm; for a Word template, it's .dotm.
Sharing documents between the 2007 Office system and an earlier version of Office.