Notes from a meeting of the Town Council and partners to discuss marketing issues held on 27 September 2011 at the Town Council offices
Present: Cllr Vivienne Ash Honiton Town Council (HTC)
Cllr Les Bayliss HTC
Mrs Sue Bewsey Honiton Chamber of Commerce
Mrs Liz Chilcott Local business
Cllr Roy Coombs HTC
Mrs Lyn Hargood HTC Clerk
Cllr Marianne Harman HTC
Mrs Margaret Lewis Honiton Chamber of Commerce/Honiton Museum
Mr Tony McCollum HTC Market Manager
Mr Richard Pinney Local business
Ms Heidi Radford Honiton TIC
Cllr Vernon Whitlock HTC
Ms Andrea Wood Thelma Hulbert Gallery
Mr Colin Wright Honiton Chamber of Commerce/TIC
The meeting opened at 18.30 pm.
18. To receive apologies for absence
Apologies were received from Mrs Frances Lemmer (Honiton Library) and representatives from Honiton Community College
19. To receive declarations of interest from Honiton Town Councillors
Cllr Coombs – Wine Festival (P)
Cllr Whitlock – Thelma Hulbert Gallery (P)
20. To approve minutes of the meeting held on 28 June 2011
The minutes of the meeting held on 28 June 2011 were approved and signed.
21. To review regulations concerning A boards
Cllr Coombs raised concerns regarding the use of A boards in Honiton High Street, particularly with regard to problems with congestion, obstacles and equality and advised that the Town Management Advisory Committee had requested this be looked at by the Marketing Group. Cllr Whitlock advised that DCC had sent the following guidelines with regard to A boards :
Any interference with public passage is technically an illegal obstruction of the highway. Action will be taken to remove unauthorized signs, displayed goods and other items when a footway or pedestrian area is obstructed to the extent that :
o there is no longer a minimum width of passage of 1.5 metres; or
o they extend more than 450mm from the shop frontage; or
o they interfere with the visibility of motorists; or
o pedestrians are forced into the road, either directly or because of the number of pedestrians; or
o there is a significant hazard to pedestrians.
Where a shop is a genuine “corner” shop with two clear frontages e.g. windows and or doors on both elevations, it is interpreted that goods can be displayed up to 450mm from both “frontages” subject to compliance with the other conditions/sections of the policy. Where there is simply a blank wall to the side of a shop this does not constitute a shop frontage and therefore all obstructions have to be removed on this side, including those within 450mm.
It was agreed that the current A boards did not fall outside these guidelines but that members would be aware of the regulations and advise shopkeepers as appropriate should they observe a breach.
22. To establish a working group to organise celebrations for the Queen’s Diamond Jubilee
in 2012
The Town Clerk advised that the Town Council had approached both Combe Estate and St Paul’s Church regarding the lighting of a beacon on their property but this had not been successful. However she and the Mayor had met with the Honiton Rector and from this meeting it had been suggested that a working group be set up. This was agreed and the Clerk was instructed to place an article in the local press inviting people to participate. Mr Wright and Cllr Whitlock also offered to be part of the group. It was stressed that plans should include commemoration as well as celebration.
23. To review recent marketing opportunities
a) Honiton Show
The Town Council, TIC and Thelma Hulbert Gallery had shared a stand in the Blackdown Hills tent and this had proved very successful. Over 350 town guides had been distributed along with other information on the town, including flyers for the antiques week. It was noted that this had been the first time that the Gallery had exhibited at the Show and it had been very useful. It was agreed to repeat this marketing exercise in 2012.
b) Advertising in Devon Life and Coach Monthly
The Town Clerk advised that adverts had been placed in Devon Life concentrating on the new Thursday market, and in Coach Monthly jointly with the Thelma Hulbert Gallery. Following discussion it was agreed that no real increase in visitors had been noticed as a result of this advertising and it was decided not to continue.
The group discussed alternative advertising opportunities and the Clerk would follow these up :
o Via community transport group
o Marshwood Vale magazine
o Other locally available free publications
c) Use of market stalls to promote town
The Market Manager advised that over the past 4-6 weeks he had been using a free pitch to put up a gazebo and have a table of local literature available. This had proved very successful. In addition he had made a pitch available to the Community Cinema to promote their launch and had cleared the space in front of Complete Meats to help them celebrate their 10th anniversary. He was continuing to work on ways for the market and town centre to work together more effectively.
In response to a question, Mr McCollum confirmed that the Honiton traders regularly advertise Honiton events when trading on neighbouring markets and that the Honiton market carrier bags were an additional way of raising the profile of the town. It was agreed that at the next order the design of the carrier bags should be reconsidered to include the new Honiton logo.
It was agreed that Mr McCollum and Mrs Chilcott would liaise over the promotion of the antiques week.
d) Stories to local media
Mr Wright and Cllr Whitlock had met to plan a promotional pitch on Honiton targeted at TV companies and newspapers. Mr Wright would circulate a draft to Cllr Whitlock and the Clerk shortly.
e) Thelma Hulbert exhibitions
Mrs Wood advised that a new exhibition had just been launched at the gallery, which was proving to be very popular. She updated members on the break in that had occurred over the August bank holiday and also advised that East Devon District Council was, in line with its cost cutting, asking the gallery to lower its costs; the Thelma Hulbert was considering setting itself up as a Trust or charity and needed to come up with a strategy to improve funding.
Mrs Wood also advised that the Thelma Hulbert Gallery would be included from the beginning of October in the Waitrose charitable giving scheme, concentrating on raising funding for the youth group.
f) Allhallows Museum events and purchases
Mrs Lewis advised that shop sales had grown by 30% in the current year and that exhibitions were being taken to Italy, Belgium and also touring the UK. It had been decided to keep free entry to the museum for 2012 but she advised that shoplifting had increased significantly since the free entry had been introduced. Members noted that the popular Barber Surgeon would be in the museum on 22 October.
g) Honiton Hill Rally
Thanks to the owner of the Clock Clinic, the marketing group had been given a stand at the Honiton Hill Rally. Although at short notice, various members attended and the event had been very successful. It was agreed to repeat this in 2012.
h) Other
Mr Wright advised that the Honiton Chamber had taken forward an idea proposed by Mr Pinney of a competition to find the “best shop in Honiton”. This format had now been adopted by the East Devon chambers and would become a black tie event.
The poster at the new station was now in place as a joint venture between the Town Council, Allhallows Museum and the Thelma Hulbert Gallery. In addition the upgrade of the station had been included in a newsletter available at all local stations.
Members discussed the possibility of using a Honiton display, including dates of events, in empty shop windows. The Clerk and Mr Wright would follow this up.
Mrs Chilcott suggested that local businesses should be encouraged to link to the Honiton website by including a weblink at the end of their signature block. Mr Wright would follow this up.
24. To discuss ways to engage businesses on Honiton industrial estates
Mr Wright advised that very little interest had been shown by Heathpark businesses in advertising in the Honiton guide; he had also proposed a sponsored guide to the industrial estate but again this had not been taken up.
Mr McCollum advised that he was looking at ways to utilise all the Thursday markets and had proposed a once a month opportunity for businesses operating outside the High Street (including self employed people) to have a stall to promote their business and sell their goods. It was felt that this would be a good way of showcasing the wide range of businesses in the town.
25. To note progress on town entrance signs
Mrs Hargood outlined the work she had been doing with AG Signs and members considered the proposed designs and costs. It was agreed that the new design should be trialled at Copper Castle on the A35 but Mrs Hargood stressed that this was subject to agreement by the Highways Agency who had strict regulations regarding signs on trunk roads.
Cllr Coombs raised the issue of refurbishing the information boards on the trunk roads; the Clerk advised that this had been looked into and was possible but would need to be paid for by the Town Council and its partners.
26. To discuss marketing of upcoming events
a) Turn Honiton Pink 15 – 21 October
Mrs Lewis advised that over 100 local organisations/businesses had pledged their support and the Market Manager was trying to get the street market involved on Saturday 15th. All publicity was in hand.
b) Honiton Carnival 22 October and Christmas Carnival 3 December
Cllr Whitlock advised that bookmarks were once again being produced advertising future events in Honiton. These would be handed out during the carnival.
c) Antiques Week 14-20 November
Mrs Chilcott advised that a press release had just been sent out and the publicity was going well. The event was being covered by Antiques Information magazine, Antiques Gazette and the BBC Homes & Antiques magazine. A brochure for the event had been produced together with a brochure highlighting the antiques shops, coffee shops and places to stay in the area; the opportunity was also being taken to promote Honiton as a destination.
Mrs Chilcott outlined the programme for the week which included a Restoration and Renovation Fair on Saturday 19 November in the Mackarness Hall; this would include demonstrations and aimed to highlight the skills in the Honiton area. A stand was also available for the marketing group to put up a general display promoting Honiton and Cllr Whitlock would follow this up with the owner of the Clock Clinic.
A website had been set up and was linked to partner organisations. Posters had been developed that included a Q code for smartphones (it was agreed that this was a feature that could be used to good advantage in other general promotional material). The museum would be opening for part of the week. It was hoped that the Antiques Week would become an annual event.
The group thanked Mrs Chilcott and her associates for all their hard work on this event and she in turn thanked all the partners for their support, which had helped the project become a reality.
d) Christmas Tree Lighting and associated events 2 December
Mr Wright advised that the town centre small Christmas trees would be put up at the end of November. All was in hand for the main Christmas Tree Lighting on 2 December.
e) Christmas Eve Market 24 December
The Market Manager advised that Christmas Eve fell on a Saturday and the street market would be open on that day. He was also discussing with traders the possibility of running a Tuesday and Thursday late market in the run up to Christmas; if this went ahead he would liaise with the Chamber about getting shops involved on the same evenings.
27. To note progress on the planned 2012 wine festival
Mr Wright confirmed that the wine festival would go ahead on Charter Day in 2012 but that it would now probably be organised by a private company. The event would include English wines, produce, fruit juices etc.
28. To note progress on the Business Improvement District
Mr Wright advised that a meeting had been held with consultants to discuss the possibility of Honiton becoming a Business Improvement District. This would involve local businesses paying a top up to their business rates, this additional funding to be used directly for town development. Following the meeting it had been decided that the potential funding raised did not make this worthwhile. Members felt that the group was doing well with its own initiatives and the town was currently thriving.
29. Date of Next Meeting
24 January at 18.30 at Honiton Town Council.
30. To close the meeting
The meeting closed at 8.10pm.
Signed Chairman 24 January 2012