SG NotesForgiving and Being Forgiven 16 July 2017
- How would you define forgiveness?
- Why Did Jesus need to die? Why couldn’t God just declare us not guilty?
- 1 John 1 vv9 says “If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness. “ Does that mean we need to confess every sin in order to be forgiven?
- In the parable of the unforgiving servant (Matthew 18 vv21-35), what does Jesus mean in V35 by “So also my heavenly Father will do to every one of you, if you do not forgive your brother from your heart.” ?
- What if we just can’t forgive? Where do we go from here?
- Can there be real forgiveness in a non-Christian context?
- Is it true to say that vengeance never satisfies?
- How do you feel about the concept of forgiving God?
- How big a deal is it to forgive ourselves?
- How do we accept ourselves, when we know what we are really like?
- What should we do if we are in, or know someone in an abusive situation?
- What should we do when, after having forgiven someone, all the feelings of hurt, anger resentment and vengeance come back?
- How do we keep a short account with God?
Who do we need to forgive? Maybe take time as individuals or 2s / 3s / whatever, and allow God to put his finger on things that need to be addressed. Pray for each other, for unity, against the enemy, and for God to step into situations where people need to find ‘grace and mercy in time of need’
Prayer of forgiveness as used in Freedom in Christ:
Pray “Lord, I choose to forgive …...... person, organisation, my myself, God...... for what they did or failed to do ,which made me feel......
Then pray “I choose not to hold on to my resentment. Thank you for setting me free from the bondage of bitterness. I let go of my right to seek revenge and ask you to heal my damaged emotions. I now ask you to bless …...... In Jesus name, Amen”.