Name: ______
Sexually Transmitted Diseases and AIDS
Quick Write: Why is it important for teens to avoid sexual activity?
Sexually transmitted diseases (STD)-
infections that are spread from person to person through sexual contact.
Abstinence- the conscious, active decision to not participate in any high risk behaviors (using drugs, having sex, drinking alcohol etc)
- 12 million cases of STI’s are reported each year
- 1 in 4 sexually active teens have an STD (many don’t know it)
- 1 in 2 sexually active people have HPV
- The more sexual partners a person has, the greater the chance of contracting an STI.
- It only takes 1 sexual encounter with an infected person to get a STD.
- Most STD’s are spread through sexual contact
- You cannot tell if someone has an STD by his/her appearance
- Most STD’s have either very mild or no symptoms
- Many STD’s can be cured/treated, but early diagnosis is important
- STD’s can reoccur because the body does not build an immunity to them
- STD’s can cause infertility, blindness, deafness, birth defects, and cancer
- The only way to prevent STD’s 100%...... is ABSTINENCE
Bacterial STD’s- CAN be treated and cured
Viral STD’s- may be treated to alleviate symptoms but NOT cured
Kinds of STD’s
Chlamydia- most common bacterial STI
-Can be treated with antibiotics
-Silent disease because usually no symptoms
-Symptoms may include: discharge and pain when urinating
-When left untreated, can lead to infertility and PID (pelvic Inflammatory Disease)
Human Papilloma Virus (HPV)- most common viral STI
-many times no symptoms
-100’s of strains of HPV
-Vaccine “may” protect against only a few of the strains
-some strains cause genital warts
-some strains lead to cancer
-sometimes it disappears on its own
Gonorrhea-bacterial STI
-Symptoms include thick yellowish discharge and burning when urinating
-Can be treated with antibiotics
-If left untreated, can infect other parts of the body including the heart and reproductive organs
Genital Herpes- viral STI
-Caused by a virus
- caused by skin to skin contact
- painful blisters/sores
- Can be passed even when outbreak is not present
- 1/5 people (12 yrs older) are infected with a herpes simplex virus
- No cure
Syphilis-bacterial STI- bacterial STD
-1,000’s infected every year
-Can be cured with antibiotics
-Mild symptoms in early stages
-4 Stages- during advanced stages if left untreated can lead to blindess, heart problems, paralysis and even death
Genital Warts- viral STD
-Growths/bumps in the genital area
-Caused by skin to skin contact
-Can be treated (burned/lasered off) but no cure
Pelvic Inflammatory Disease- general infection of reproductive organs
-Usually a result of not treating an STD
-can lead to infertility
HIV and AIDS- Humanimmunodeficiency virus and Acquired immunodeficiency syndrome
-HIV is the virus that causes AIDS
-HIV attacks the T cells (T cells help fight pathogens)
-T cells are taken over by the infection
-When T cells dip below 200, the individual with HIV is diagnosed with AIDS
-35 million people living with HIV/AIDS worldwide today (1 million in US)
Carrier- person who appears healthy but is infected with HIV and may pass it on to others
Transmission of HIV
Bodily fluids (sperm, fluid from the vagina, blood, and breast milk
How can this happen???
sexual contact, shared needles, contact with blood, mother to baby
How HIV is NOT spread….
Breathing the same air
Being bitten by a mosquito
Swimming in a pool
Sharing utensils
Donating blood
Hugging or shaking hands
Using the same towel
Seeking Treatment for STD’s
If sexually active, get checkups every 6 months
Refrain from sexual activity and see a medical professional
If diagnosed with an STD, notify partners immediately!!
Review Questions:
- Define sexually transmitted disease.
- Give 3 examples of bacterial STD’s. (curable)
- Give 3 examples of viral STD’s. (not curable)
- Name 3 consequences of untreated chlamydia.
- Why is abstinence until marriage the best choice for teens?
- Why is it important to seek help from a health care professional if you suspect you have an STD?
- Define HIV and carrier.
- What are 2 ways teens could get infected by HIV.
- How does HIV weaken the immune system?
- What is HIV an extremely dangerous virus?
- Jasmine doesn’t want to share tennis racquets with Lucy who has HIV. Jasmin is afraid of getting infected with HIV. What would you tell Jasmine?