Annual Tri-Agency Coordination Meeting

November 17-18, 2009

Agri-Center – Memphis, TN


8:00 a.m.Welcome and IntroductionsReed/Smith/Cool

U.S. Geological Survey (Tuesday, November 17, 2008)

(8:10 a.m.-Noon)

*** Note that the USGS presentations are in the M:Presentations/Triagency09/USGS folder and the filenames are shown in red

8:10 a.m.Streamgaging program statusP. Turnipseed (OSW)

Hydroacoustics file MVD_Memphis_Nov_2009_Turnipseed

Datum Conversion

National Rating Depot changes

Real-Time Storm Surge Sensors

Instantaneous Data Archive Status and Plans

WaterWatch enhancements and new products

Headquarters coordination between USGS,


9:00 a.m.National GPS committee activities P. Rydlund (MO WSC)

9:25 a.m.NAVD 88 datum conversion statusP. Rydlund (MO WSC)both presentations from Rydlund are in RydlundTriAgency

9:30 a.m.USGS high-flow measurement proceduresM. Smith (CRSO)_USGS high-flow measurements using AA.MES rev 091112

Using the Price current meter

9:50 a.m.BREAK

10:20 a.m.Comparison of discharge measurements madeD. Mueller (OSW)

Using the ADCP and Price current meterADCP_Validation_Tri-Agency

10:50 a.m.MRSIN – Mississippi River SedimentP. Turnipseed (OSW) Information Network (MRSIN)MS_River Sediment-DPT

11:05 a.m.RESSED – REServoirSEDimentation (RESSED)M. Smith (CRSO)

Website and database_USGS RESSED.MWS rev091113

11:20 a.m.Sediment sampling project (St. Francis River)R. Green (AR WSC)

Note that Green’s presentation along with animation is in the R Green directory

11:40 a.m.NWSChat – 2009 Red River flooding in ND/MNJ. Fallon (MN WSC)

Fallon-Memphis-NWSChat Setup and Demonstration
11:50 a.m.Providing measurement data during flood eventsJ. Fallon, M. Smith

NoonLUNCH (on your own)

Corps of Engineers(Tuesday, November17, 2008)

(1:00-5:00 p.m.)

In the COE directory

1:00 p.m.Opening CommentsShadie

1:05 p.m.Decision Support Tools for Tropical EventsPowell (MVN)


1:30 p.m.Mark Twain Modeling EffortErrett (MVS) &

Kormanik-Sonterre (MVD)

Two files MarkTwain Jodi and Mark Twain (Tri Agency Meeting 2009)

2:00 p.m.MVP Gate Rating Verification UpdateChamberlin (MVP)

LD 10 Measurements

2:15 p.m.2009 Flood at Fargo & ValleyCityChamberlin (MVP)

MVP_Flooding on Sheyenne

2:45 p.m.Break

3:15 p.m.Report on River Forecasters MeetingMVS/MVD

3:30 p.m.COE/USGS Sediment & WQ Monitoring EffortShadie/USGS/NWS?

USGS-COE Monitoring Network Program

4:00 p.m.Rainfall-River Forecast Summit II ReviewMVD

2009 Rainfall-River Summit

4:45 p.m.Wrap-Up for the daySmith/Shadie/Reed

5:00 p.m.Adjourn for Day

5:00 p.m.Adjourn for Day

National Weather Service (Wednesday, November 18, 2008)

(8:00 a.m.-Noon)

In the NWS directory

8:00 a.m.Opening CommentsReed (LMRFC)

8:05 a.m.Integrated Water Resources Sciences and Weiger (SRH)

Services IWRSS_meg_WaterResources_111809

8:30 a.m.Community Hydrologic Prediction SystemReed


8:50 a.m.Conversion to HEC-RASReed

9:00 a.m.Ohio River Community ModelingAdams (OHRFC)

Mississippi R Tri-Agency meeting 20091118

9:10 a.m.Discussion and Feedback on Zero QPF forecasts

And QPF ensemble forecasts

9:30 a.m.Break

9:45 a.m.NWSChatDeWeese (NCRFC)


10:00 a.m.Coop Raingage upgradesAsmus (SRH)


10:30 a.m.Inundation mapping statusWeiger


10:45 a.m. Mainstem verificationWelch (LMRFC)


10:55 a.m. NWS Rainfall Products on the WebLawrence (ABRFC)


11:05 a.m.Fusion Team RecapShadie

Fusion Team Recap-Nov09

11:15 a.m.Fusion Team – COE PerspectiveShadie

11:25 a.m.Fusion Team – NWS PerspectiveSchwein (CRH)

11:35 a.m.Fusion Team – USGS PerspectiveSmith

11:45 a.m.Plans for next meeting

11:55 a.m.Closing commentsReed


Lunch (NWS and USGS leave. COE returns following lunch)