Sexual Offense Incident Report
This form is intended to convey information needed to track the University’s response to the incident being reported, as well as to assess the danger the incident represents to the University community at large. All efforts must be made to maintain the victim’s anonymity; no information should be included which might identify the victim. The victim may refuse to answer any or all items on this form: However, the report that a sexual offense occurred must be made. This form is to be forwarded to Dean of Student Services, 224 Elkins Hall.
PART I This information will be used for educational, statistical and preventative purposes.
Reporter’s name Department Phone
Date of report Date of discussion with victim
Victim’s age Academic year Sex
Date of incident Time of incident
Was the absence of consent due to the victim’s being incapacitated by?
Alcohol Yes No
Other drugs Yes No
Describe the nature of the relationship between the victim and the assailants(s) prior to the incident (check one):
Stranger Spontaneous date (i.e., met at party) Planned first date
Friend/non-romantic acquaintance Romantic acquaintance/ongoing date Relative
Other departments or agencies to which the victim reported or plans to report this offense:
Residential Services Campus Police Counseling Center Local Police Student Life VP for Student Affairs
Health Services Other:
Does want to file charges with police
Does not want to file charges with police
Plans to report incident for University judicial proceedings
Does not plan to report for University judicial proceedings
PART II Although the victim’s anonymity will be maintained if she/he chooses not to file charges, the following information may be used (a) in a campus alert in accordance with the Campus Security Act and/or (b) by the University Police.
Occurred on campus? Yes No
If the offense occurred on campus, indicate where:
Residence hall Other campus building Outdoors Automobile
Which hall Which building Where
Describe the sexual offense (check one):
Sexual contact (fondling, kissing, petting, but not penetration) without consent
Intercourse (oral, anal, or vaginal penetration by penis or other object) without consent
Other (describe):
Describe the kind of pressure of force used by the assailant: (check all that apply)
Verbal pressure or arguments
Position of authority (boss, teacher, supervisor, etc.)
Threat of physical force (threatened to hit, hold, or otherwise injure)
Actually used physical force (hit, held victim down, twisted arm, etc.)
Gave victim alcohol or drugs so victim was significantly incapacitated
Number of assailants:
Describe: Sex Race Age Height Weight
Role of assailant(s) on campus (check):
Student Faculty Staff Other No campus role
Name of assailant(s):