Sexual Exploitation Joint Sub Group

Strategic Action Plan

The Sexual Exploitation Sub Group is a joint group between North Tyneside Safeguarding Children’s Board, North Tyneside Safeguarding Adults Board and North Tyneside Community Safety Partnership

Strategic Overview

The aspiration of the North Tyneside Boards is to develop a strategic overview of sexual exploitation supporting a proactive partnership where those at risk are identified and safeguarded, and offenders are disrupted and prosecuted. This will include both Child Sexual Exploitation and Sexual Exploitation of adults at risk of harm. The Joint Sub group will take a lead role in developing and over seeing the implementation of a strategic action plan to address sexual exploitation across North Tyneside

In relation to sexual exploitation the Strategic Objectives of the Boards on the basis of a focus on victims, are:

·  Prepare –To provide strong leadership; common definition; effective

systems whilst working together to safeguard children, young people and

adults from sexual exploitation.

·  Prevent – To have a common understanding and approach to recognising and tackling sexual exploitation.

·  Protect – To have a planned immediate response to concerns or the first signs and indicators of sexual exploitation.

·  Pursue – To disrupt, arrest and prosecute offenders.

Aims and Objectives

The joint sub group will support the three boards to fulfil their statutory responsibility to monitor and evaluate the effectiveness of local arrangements to safeguard and protect children, adults at risk of harm and to prevent crime and disorder in relation to the prevalence and risk of sexual exploitation within North Tyneside.


Sexual Exploitation Strategic Action Plan North Tyneside 2016-18

Strategic Priority - Prepare
a)  Providing leadership and working in partnership
·  To provide strong leadership; common definition; effective
systems whilst working together to safeguard children, young people and
adults from sexual exploitation.
Outcome / Objective / Owner / Date / RAG / Action / Updates
1. Designated Sexual Exploitation Lead identified at chief officer, elected member, strategic and operational level for all partner agencies. This includes CSE, SE and Missing / ·  Leads to be identified and reported to LSCB, SAB and SNT
·  Ensure all strategic plans have a proportionate response to and priority for sexual exploitation. To include:
o  Police led Integrated Intelligence Groups
o  Independent Advisory Panels and Independent Advisory Groups. / SE sub group / Amber / List of leads to be shared with boards and published on safeguarding website
Each agency to provide this information. To include clarity regarding the core responsibilities and strategic plan for each agency / There is a strong commitment from senior leadership in relation to addressing sexual exploitation across North Tyneside.
2. To have a cohesive partnership approach to tackling sexual exploitation in North Tyneside. / ·  Establish a Sexual Exploitation Sub Committee of the Children’s, Adults and Community Safety Safeguarding Board
·  For the sub group to have clear governance arrangements and reporting structure / LSCB/SAB/SNT / Green / Terms of Reference and membership will be published on safeguarding website
TOR and New Action Plan will be available on website
Reporting structure and governance framework to be included in TOR / Sub group in place, terms of reference have been approved by Boards
The Sexual Exploitation Sub Group will report to the LSCB, SAB and Community Safety Partnership
·  To ensure that there are clear reporting and referral routes, supervision and supports and areas of expertise across all partner agencies. / All partner agencies / Amber / To identify sexual exploitation champions in teams or localities for professionals to seek advice and support from / In progress
·  Follow up work on Section 11 and adults Quality Assurance Framework QAF audit to ensure LSCB have a robust overview of agencies response to CSE and SE / LSCB and SAB / Amber / Section 11 audit and QAF to include CSE and SE
·  Develop mechanism for Elected Members to challenge and interrogate data effectively. / Amber / Report has been completed
To be monitored by committee to ensure actions are completed
3. To have confidence in professionals ability to identify possible sexual exploitation in children and adults at risk of harm. / ·  SE screening tool in place and used effectively / All partner agencies / Amber / Risk Assessment tool and guidance to be reviewed and embedded in all screening assessment documentation for children and adults / Risk assessment tool in place for Children.
Consideration for adults assessment in progress
4. To know and understand identified levels of child/young adult sexual exploitation across the borough; including locations; and circumstances where children/young adults are particularly vulnerable / ·  Conduct/commission a problem profile of North Tyneside
·  Produce a map of North Tyneside highlighting risk locations and ensure shared with partner agencies.
·  To support strategic leadership and influence operational practice / SE Sub Group
Police/LA/Health information to be shared by all partner agencies / Amber / Report will be made available to NTSCB, SAB and SNT
To have clarity in terms of information held by the police Force Intelligence Bureau / Profile information being gathered by police; analysis of information to be completed in conjunction with partner agencies
5. To be assured that there are effective links and protocols in place. / ·  Effective sharing of information and intelligence regarding sexual exploitation and cross border issues / SE Sub Group to report to LSCB and SAB / Amber / Information sharing protocol will be reviewed to ensure operational information is exchanged between various intelligence sources
Review learning from Project Sanctuary as an operational process / To be reviewed to ensure effectiveness
·  Assurance that there is an effective notification system in place. / SE Sub Group / Amber / Review the current system and practice of notifications, including data from other local authorities, private providers (including Independent Fostering Agencies) when children and young people/adults are placed in North Tyneside and when North Tyneside place children and young people/adults outside the borough.
Review of MSET Panel planned to be carried out
Strategic Priority – Prevent
b)  Training and awareness raising
To have a common understanding and approach to recognising and tackling sexual exploitation.
Outcome / Objective / Owner / Date / RAG / Action / Updates
1.  To have effective early help and prevention services effectively recognise and respond to sexual exploitation / ·  To use risk assessments effectively to ensure future risks for individuals or groups are identified before CE or SE has occurred
·  For responses to proportionate and timely to ensure preventative work is effective in reducing instances of CSE and SE. / SE sub group / Amber / Clear links to training plan and awareness raising for early help and prevention services / To ask LA Lead for Early Help to provide information regarding actions. Adults Operational group to inform re preventative work.
2.  To promote community and outreach engagement with children and young people and adults at risk of harm / ·  Views and experiences of children and young people to help shape and influence future practice. / SE sub group / Amber / To explore how best to capture and share this information. Look to Peer research from GAP for increased understanding / LSCB are in process of gathering information re engagement activity of all partner agencies
3. Multi agency child protection and safeguarding adult training provided to all appropriate
professionals who work with potential victims / ·  To ensure within the Boards training strategies and delivery that sexual exploitation is considered or identified at the point of referral and throughout key assessment stages and planning of all work involving children, young people and adults.
o  Review multi agency training programme
o  Identify opportunities for joint working and joint training options
o  Arrange further joint training / Training sub groups of SAB, LSCB, SNT / Green / Training performance data will be available
To ensure particular areas are targeted e.g. education, licensed providers e.g. taxi drivers.
Increase knowledge of signs of potential CSE and SE among front line staff
Report to provided to boards / Training strategy is in place, across LSCB and SAB
·  All partners o be clear about their training needs and access to/ or provision of appropriate training for their workforce. To include e-learning packages and to consider internet safety. To establish if mandatory training includes CSE and SE / All partner agencies / Amber / To provide feedback to SE sub group and each agency to develop action plan as required. / This information to be included in Section 11 and QAF
·  SE clearly visible on North Tyneside safeguarding webpage with resources for professionals, parents/carers, children and young adults / Workforce development sub group of the LSCB and SAB / Amber / Review and develop resource materials to support training
·  Feedback gathered from individuals identifying experiences and views of children and young people/adults (their testimonies) to inform and enhance future practice. / SE sub group / Amber / Review feedback mechanisms from all agencies to ensure this information is collated and used effectively
4. Clarity regarding training provision across education establishments / ·  Clear understanding of the provision of awareness raising and training available across all educational establishments in the borough / Amber / Assurance provided to sub group re awareness Raising materials available.
Report to LSCB, SAB and SNT on the work undertaken
ELearning packages will include SE and give links to the other areas / Work ongoing
An audit has been completed at secondary school level. Feedback from this will be discussed at sub group to offer assurance re current provision and actions required.
All high and middle schools include CSE in PSHE programme or have plans to add this in 2016/17.
5. Build on wider community understanding of, and encourage appropriate reporting of sexual
exploitation / ·  To have a clear Communication Strategy across all three boards to ensure there is awareness of issues relating to CSE and SE for professionals, families and parents
·  Clarity regarding the availability of training and awareness raising for particular vulnerable groups who may be at increased risk of sexual exploitation e.g. children, young people, looked after children, adults at risk of harm. / Amber / Development of a Communication strategy.
This will link to regional campaigns and related issues e.g. Hate Crime, internet safety and Domestic Abuse etc.
Information to be made widely available and website maintained
Run a multi
agency sexual
Campaign to raise awareness. Link with regional work
Campaign materials to be shared with all three boards via Sub Group
All partner agencies website will include appropriate materials or links / Task group set up from SE sub group to undertake this work
6. Clear data is available to enable analysis of evidence, trends and risk management in relation to individuals and places. / ·  SE data set to be established to support work of the group
·  Effective use of data and analysis regarding sexual exploitation and missing
·  MSET panel will critically analyse the data and provide challenge to all partners to inform gaps in information or particular themes and hot spots and subsequent reporting to the Boards.
·  Use of data is used effectively to inform practice, identify gaps and shape future services / SE Sub Group / Amber / Review of MSET Panel to support in decisions re data set
The Missing from Home Joint Protocol will be reviewed and updated to reflect the latest guidance
Data from return interviews will be collated and shared to inform risk assessments and provide intelligence to prevent future harm
The Return Interview format to be reviewed and updated to ensure a clear focus on the risk of sexual exploitation
7. Supervision frameworks will stipulate that the risk of sexual exploitation is considered and recorded as a standard item in every case and that monthly supervision will take place where sexual exploitation is identified as a risk / ·  Supervision templates will include SE / Amber / Supervision guidance for practitioners and team managers and templates for recording to be reviewed across all services.
Supervision records should evidence consideration of sexual exploitation, patterns of behaviour or possible triggers to missing episodes.
Strategic Priorities - Protect
c)  Engagement, intervention and supporting Victims.
·  To have a planned immediate response to concerns or the first signs and indicators of sexual exploitation.
Outcome / Objective / Owner / Date / RAG / Action / Updates
1.  All agencies have own policies and procedures in place. These must be compliant with multi agency policies and procedure / ·  Review multi agency policies, procedures, protocols and guidance for LSCB, SAB and Community Safety.
·  All pathways for frontline services to be reviewed and updated to include identification of risk factors associated with sexual exploitation.
·  All services to include risk of /impact of risk of/actual sexual exploitation in risk assessment / SE Sub Group / Amber / Section 11and QAF audit to include self-assessment by all agencies. To include safe recruitment practice
Assurance from each agency regarding their processes.
Sub Group to report to boards number of cases where SE identified
Risk profile and tools will include SE
2.  Clear processes for reporting and addressing concerns and risks regarding instances of CSE, SE and missing / ·  Notifications and referrals to highlight risks and concerns relating to CSE and SE / All partner agencies / Amber / clear mechanisms for reporting concerns and ensuring positive response and interventions when required
3. That practice and intervention is effective in reducing instances of CSE and SE / ·  Ensuring that there is good knowledge of the available resources to support practice
·  Inform a view that there are sufficient services are in place.
·  Plan and development of future resources.
·  identify the supports available to families
·  Victims will be offered appropriate emotional and psychological interventions to help them challenge, resist and recover from the risk of sexual exploitation / SE Sub Group / Amber / Clarity regarding resources available
Ensure that engagement, intervention and support services for victims are published via the North Tyneside Safeguarding website.
4. Identifying of risk factors with people subject to allegations of SE activity and provide suitable support. / ·  Partners will respond to persons subject to SE allegations to follow procedures and mitigate risks / SE Sub Group / Amber / Effective risk assessments to be used to identify concerns
Review arrangements for support to ensure these are in place and are being accessed where appropriate
Assurance provided to all three boards
Strategic Priority - Pursue
d)  Disrupting and prosecuting offenders
To disrupt, arrest and prosecute offenders.
Outcome / Objective / Owner / Date / RAG / Action / Updates
1.  The police and CPS will work effectively to investigate, prosecute and secure convictions / ·  Northumbria Police and partners will proactively use legislation to challenge and confront and disrupt inappropriate behaviour,
o  Child Abduction Orders.
o  Risk of Sexual Harm Orders
o  Sexual Offences Prevention Orders
o  Trafficking Orders / Police and partner agencies / Amber / Agree performance data to be shared regarding this
2.  Increased use of regulation by all relevant agencies / ·  Partners will work together using disclosure, licensing, civil orders and housing legislation to prevent children and young adults accessing risky premises, businesses or individuals. / NTC addresses Causing concern group
Oversight by Safer North Tyneside / Green / NTC addresses causing concern group meets regularly to consider areas of concern. This group reports back to the three boards
3.  Sharing key information re disruption activity / ·  Agreement in place regarding information to be shared between agencies / All key partner agencies / Amber