Name of country:Date of reporting:

Name of contact person:

Phone number: Email:


1. / ICGLR Declaration
Prevention / COMMENTS
Have you had armed groups in your country? (Yes/No)
If Yesto the above.
  • Have they been successfully eradicated in your country? (Yes/No)
  • Give the evidence of negotiations with armed groups
  • How were these groups reintegrated into the national army?
If No to the above.
  • Give reasons

Has the protocol on Non-aggression and mutual Defencebeen domesticated (Yes/No)
If Yes to the above
  • Is it being implemented? (Yes/No)
  • Give evidence of incorporation of protocol into national policies (name national policy)
  • Is/are the named policy/ies adequately funded?
  • What concrete actions have been undertaken to implement the protocol?
  • What were the challenges
If No to the above.
  • Give possible reasons

Has the Protocol on the Prevention and Suppression of sexual violence against women and childrenbeen domesticated? (Yes/No)
If Yes to the above
  • Give evidence of incorporation of protocol into national policies (name national policy)
  • Is the named policy adequately funded?
  • What actions areundertaken to prevent SGBV?
(List them in the next column)
Has the financial and technical support for judicial and security sector reform on human and women’s rights and SGBVimplemented? (Yes/No)
If Yes to the above
  • What specific technical support is in place for the judiciary ?(trainings on SGBV/women’s right, SGBV focal points)
  • Was the SGBV training for the security sector undertaken? Yes/No.(skills on handling SGBV survivors)
If yes list type of training and by who? ( CSO/ Donor agency/ State machinery)
  • Are there SGBV focal points in the Police what about other security organs like the army?)
  • Are there special courts on SGBV?

Early warning mechanism to facilitate and eradicate SGBV established(Yes/No)
If Yes to the above
  • Are there plans in place to track the level of occurrence of SGBV
  • Are women equipped with skills to prevent occurrence and defend attacks
  • What strategies are in place to support communities respond to SGBV or What community mechanism are in place to prevent and respond to SGBV
If No to the above.
  • Give possible reasons

SGBV prevention and response mechanismsintegrated into national planning frameworks (Yes/No)
If Yes to the above
  • What are the specific provisions to prevent and respond to SGBV in the national planning framework?
  • Do you have a national policy on SGBV?
  • Does the policy have budget allocation from the national budget I think this is catered for in the above bullet.
  • Is there a National Action Plan on SGBV?

National budget allocate resources for prevention, and response to SGBV(Yes/No)
If Yes to the above
  • How much is indicated in the health budget for prevention of SGBV?
  • How much is provided in the health budget for response?
  • How much is indicated in the following sector budgets for SGBV
  1. Education
  2. Security
  3. Water and sanitation

Gender desk in relevant ministries (gender, security, defence, local government, justice, interior, education and youth) (Yes/No)
If Yes to the above
  • Which of the following sectors have established gender desks
  1. Gender
  2. Security
  3. Local Government
  4. Justice
  5. Finance
  6. Water and Sanitation
  7. Interior (Foreign affairs)
  8. Education and youths

  1. Ending impunity for SGBV

Zero Tolerance on SGBV launched by government(Yes/No)
If Yes to the above
  • When did your government launch the Zero Tolerance campaign?
  • What structures have been put in place to ensure the declaration is implemented?
  • What actions are being undertaken to show governments commitment to zero tolerance?
If No to the above
  • Give possible reasons

Special courts, sessions and procedures to address SGBV established and strengthened (Yes/No)
If Yes to the above
  • Does your country have courts designated to handle SGBV?
  • Does your country have special days to handle SGBV?
  • If no, what are the challenges?

Appropriate mechanisms to investigate and prosecute sexual violence crimes in place strengthened (Yes/No)
If Yes to the above
  • Does your police have a special focal point on SGBV?
  • How many for the whole country?
  • Does the police have SGBV report desk?
  • How many?

SGBV / Gender sensitisation for Criminal Prosecutors and Judiciary (Yes/No)
  1. Providing support to victims/survivors of SGBV

Government contribute to the ICGLR special fund to assist survivors of SGBV (Yes/No)
If Yes to the above
  • How much has the government contributed to special funds?
If No to the above
  • Give possible reasons

SGBV recovery centres for comprehensive services established and functioning (Yes/No)
If Yes to the above
  • Does your country have SGBV recovery centres?
  • How many are there?
  • What are the specific services provided in the recovery centres?
  • How many women have utilized the centres (provide figures)
If No to the above, give reasons
Income generating programmes initiated to support survivors of SGBV (Yes/No)
If Yes to the above
  • How much was allocated for IGA for survivors?
  • How many survivors of SGBV have benefited from IGA?
  • What specific activities have been implemented by survivors?
  • Is there evidence of impact?

Progress is made in establishing the regional SGBV training facility in Uganda (Yes/No)
If Yes to the above
  • What specific actions have been taken to establish the regional SGBV training centre?
  • Steering committee put in place
  • Curriculum developed
  • List actions taken

SGBV media strategy in place and functioning (Yes/No)
If Yes to the above
  • Does a media strategy exist within the national policy on SGBV?
  • How much has been budgeted for the media strategy?

Inter-linkages between Regional Initiatives on Natural Resources (RINR) and Regional Initiative on SGBV exist (Yes/No)
If Yes to the above
  • Is there a linkage between the RINR and RI-SGBV?

2. / Ratification of International Law on SGBV
The Convention on the Elimination of all forms of Discrimination Against Women domesticated(Yes/No)
If Yes to the above
  • What specific CEDAW provisions have been adopted into your national policies?
  • When was the last time your country reported to the CEDAW committee?
  • What were the observations and areas of improvement?

The African Charter on Human and Peoples’ Rightsdomesticated (Yes/No)
If Yes to the above
  • Functionality of the African Court particularly Article 23 on ‘the right to national and international peace and security’

The Maputo Protocol domesticated (Yes/No)
If Yes to the above
  • Are ther laws in place to prevent girls and women from rape and other forms of violence (Yes/No)
  • What are the major causes of SGBV in your country?What mechanisms are in place for rehabilitation and reparation for survivors of SGBV

The Convention on the Rights of the Child domesticated (Yes/No)
  • Appropriate legislative, administrative, social and educational measures to protect the child from all forms of violence in place (Yes/No).

3. / National Legislation on SGBV
Constitutional provisions for gender equality and physical integrity (Yes/No)
Gender sensitive marriage, divorce and inheritance laws in place (Yes/No)
Legislation against harmful customary practices e.g. Female Genital Cuts in place (Yes/N0)
Guidelines on the Management of SGBV with medical and legal linkage (Yes/No)
Availability of Psycho-social support for SGBV survivors from
  1. Government (Yes/No)
  2. NGOs

Availability of legal services for SGBV survivors
  1. Government
  2. NGOs

4. / Policy and Institutional Framework for SGBV
Ministry for Women and Gender with adequate staff and budget
  • Number of full time staff
Female...... Male......
  • Budget for three years
Year 1
Year 2
Year 3
National Gender Policy in place (Yes/No)
National Reproductive Health policy in place (Yes/No)
If Yes:
  • Does it take cognisance of SGBV (Yes/N0)
Specific National Policy on SGBV
  • In place
  • Has adequate funding
  • Has monitoring and implementation plans

SGBV Working Group bringing together government and NGOs
  • In place(Yes/No)
  • What is the level of participation of NGOs

Staffed and equipped SGBV Units in hospitals/ health centres with provisions for HIV/AIDS post-exposure prophylaxis and morning-after pill (Yes/No)
SGBV Training Manual for Health Workers and/or included in curriculum (Yes/No)
SGBV Training Manual for Police Force and/or in curriculum (Yes/No)