Sex Offender Management Board Summary Minutes
February 23, 2015
The SOMB met at the House Hearing Room on the 2nd Floor of Legislative Hall in Dover, on February 23, 2015. Present at the meeting were:
Board Members or Designees:
Chair: Commissioner Rob Coupe Vice Chair: Cheri Will
Ashley BruncsakDaniel CherneskiMelanie Lahutsky
Valarie MarekLisa MinutolaSusan Burns
Bob GingrichFrancesca StaskoJohn Sadowski
Secretary Lewis SchiliroCol. Nathaniel McQueenDavid Henderson
Lt. Eric HammKathleen DickersonCurt Shockley
Jay LynchJudge William Nicholas
Interested Parties:
Robert DickEvelyn DickTim Collins
Kelly BartoStacey HuffmanNadia Dale
Ron BeardLisa Morris
CJC Staff: Valarie Tickle, Andrew Spruill
The meeting was called to order at approximately 1:40 p.m. The minutes from the October 27, 2014 minutes were approved unanimously.
The Board discussed the credentialing process. The Credentialing Subcommittee met prior to the Board meeting and discussed the regulations. Jay Lynch distributed handouts to the Board. Lynch reported that the SOMB Credentialing Subcommittee has proposed to revise the regulations and establish a trainingcurriculum over the next few months. Training for providers is targeted to occur in the fall of 2015. A motion was made by Lisa Minutola to approve the credentialing certification letter. The Board voted yes unanimously to approve the certification letter. A motion was then made and seconded to approve and certify the list of 10 providers as recommended by the Credentialing Subcommittee. The Board voted unanimously to approve the 10 providers. Applications may be continuously submitted throughout the year.
Lisa Minutola distributed and presented handouts to members in reference to the Legislative Subcommittee (Senate Bill 13). Ms. Minutola explained the risk assessment process and who will be affected. The SOMB voted to support the same piece of legislation last year. Dave Henderson stated that there is a very minimal list that will come from the State Bureau of Identification (SBI). Ms. Minutola made a motion to support the Bill, Board of Parole abstained. The motion was approved.
Valarie Tickle provided the committee with a Housing Report Update. Ms. Tickled suggested bringing the housing workgroup together and plan an update on housing report.
In regards to old business, Vice Chair Cheri Will gave an update to the Board in reference to back log sexual assault kits. Kits are now in the process of being numbered and the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) has agreed to complete them. Ms. Will is concerned about the backlog issue of older kits and what is being stored since they are not numbered. She is wondering how many are in the community and would like to possibly get kits onto college grounds.
It was agreed that Dr. Leon should be invited to speak at a future meeting.
Commissioner Coupe distributed the legislation that created the SOMB in 2007. The Commissionerwould like to review the goals and objectives of the Board. Ms. Tickle has a task list that was created in the past and will send it to the Executive Committee. The Executive Committee will meet to review the tasks and progress to date. This will help guide the future direction of the SOMB.
A concern was raised again about Title 13 § “724A Rebuttable presumption against unsupervised visitation, custody or residence of a child to a sex offender; (b)The above presumptions may be overcome if: (4)The sex offender has successfully completed an intensive program of evaluation and counseling designed specifically for sex offenders and conducted by a public or private agency or a certified mental health professional, and as a result of such, does not pose a risk to children.” Questions are being brought to Family Court in regard to courses and meeting the criteria. This has also been affecting custody cases. The members discussed program completion, assessment and reassessment, and risk levels. It was determined there is currently a separate subcommittee reviewing this legislation. The Legislative subcommittee will reach out to see if any other departments have feedback in regard to this matter.
Ms. Tickle announced that the Adam Walsh Act grant solicitation was released and is due in April. CJC is working with SBI on the application.
Public Comment- A member of the public asked if there was any progress on listing the local ordinances on the SOMB website. This is issue has been passed along to Peggy Bell at DELJIS. The existing chart on local ordinance will be reviewed and updated accordingly. A question was also raised about the draft legislation regarding local ordinances from last year. Since there has been some change in the State administration as well as SOMB membership, this will be revisited in the near future. Another member of the public spoke on their personal case and charges that affect custody issues.
Adjournment: The SOMB regularly meets the last Monday of each month at 1:30 p.m. The next meeting is scheduled for Monday March 30, 2015. The meeting was adjourned at 2:55 p.m.