MSC Physiological Sciences Implementation Group Minutes: Wednesday 8th August 2012

Organisation / Representative / In Attendance / Notes
Airedale NHS FT / Pauline Thorpe / Yes
BarnsleyHospital NHS FT / Sara Coulson / No
Bradford Teaching Hospitals / Carole Joyce
Rob Gardner
Geraldine Metcalfe / Yes
West Yorks Cardio-vascular network / Julie Corrigan / Apologies
Calderdale and Huddersfield NHS FT / Jane Mackenzie / No
Doncaster and Bassetlaw Hospitals NHS FT / Howard Briggs
Kevin Freeman / No
Harrogate and District NHS FT / Judith Lowry / Yes
Hull and East Yorkshire NHS Trust / Jo Smith
Warren Jackson / Yes
Leeds Teaching Hospital NHS Trust / Gina McGawley
Gill Wharton / Yes
Mid-YorkshireHospital NHS Trust / Alison Carr / Apologies
North Lincolnshire and GooleHospital NHS FT / Tracey Broom / No
Rotherham NHS FT / Jane Caldwell / Yes
Scarborough and North East Yorkshire Healthcare NHS Trust
Sheffield Children’s NHS FT
Sheffield Teaching Hospitals NHS FT / Mandy Scott
Georgina Martin
Alison Walsh / Apologies
Yes / Chair
University of Leeds / Nick Thyer
Rhona Riley / Yes
Y & H SHA / Neil Porter
Sally Drew
Alison Sampson
Naomi Dannenberg / Yes
York Teaching Hospitals NHS FT / Joanne Horrocks
Jane Allen / Yes

Action Point Summary

Agenda Item / Action / By Whom
  1. Welcome and Introduction
  1. Notes from June 2012 and matters arising
Group welcomed Alison Walsh from Sheffield Teaching Hospitals as the new MSC Chair for Physiological Sciences.
Attendee list to be modified from the June 2012 meeting to reflect correct attendance.
Bursary update provided by NP. Previous email had been send around ‘calls for evidence’. NP reported that a statement had been released stating that HCS were to be excluded from the scheme due to courses not being HEFCE funded. Issue was raised at the last MSC Leads meeting in London. It was agreed that all SHA Leads would write and ask that a 3 year review was too long and ideally the review would need to take place every year. NP reports that Mandy Scott has done a Trust Wide proforma in response to this.
  1. Band 2-4 Update
NP reported good national involvement in the work currently being undertaken. NP keen to assure the group that Physiological Science will have good coverage (previous CF2-4 had more of a Life Sciences bias).
NP reported that framework currently being undertaken by Shirley Fletcher on CF 2-4 will be revised (following input from multiple visits across England) by the end of September and launched after the England Implementation Board in March 2013. The region had the opportunity to feed directly into the process via email cascade to Implementation Group members from SF. In addition, SF had attended a regional meeting in Leeds (July 2012) to outline the framework. Regionally, the SHA have engaged the services of Mandy Scott to further ascertain the regional needs of CF 2-4. AS encourages all to complete the proforma that was sent out by her. The aim of this proforma is to help to gauge the current workforce at CF 2-4. If MS is unable to obtain the required data via this proforma, then ESR data will have to be used instead, recognising that this may not be completely representative.
NP reported that the SHA are keen to promote career options and progression at this level.
  1. PTP Update
NP reports that work is currently underway at a national level to ascertain the needs for In-service PTP students. Also reports that DH has recognised the need to develop Bands 5/6 without staff having to do a STP. Group supportive of this as it was felt that this would help to give PTPs a clearly defined career pathway. However, clarity would be needed on the following-would this enable a Band 5/6 to become highly specialised in a particular field or specialise over a wider remit.NP stated that this route may be useful to help train up those suitable for managerial roles in departments. However,concerns raised by the wider group that this route may be more pertinent to Life Sciences, and the STP role may be ‘dummed down’.
University of Leeds update provided by NT. Recruitment slow to the PTP audio scheme. No intake for cardiology in 2012 due to lack of interest. Currently waiting to for A-level results to see if the course is variable. NT reports 2 unconditional offers. (15 places in total). Any less than 12 students recruited to the course and it will not run. Concerns raised about the long-term variability of the course. Group reports that at present this may not be an immediate risk as nationally there at too many audiologists for advertised posts. However, no workforce planning has been carried out for cardiology.
NT also reported that is difficult to market the course. Input needed from the NHS and Professional bodies.
  1. STP Update
SD reported that the next Train The Trainer event is due to take place on 25th September 2012 in London. Encourages all who have a 2011 and 2012 cohort to attend. Registration details have already been passed onto interested parties.
NP reports that national the STP numbers for 2012 have fallen slightly compared to 2011. However, interest in STP is still high.
  1. HSST Update
NP reported that this is a slow moving agenda at present. No recent development to report. NP reported that this work-stream may have stalled for the time being as Education Commissioners are keen that HSST is linked with an integrated workforce planning process. We are waiting visits from DH EIB Members to discuss concerns about this part of commissioning.
  1. Strengthening of HCS Networks
AS reports that she is keen for Trusts and HCS to integrate. Reports that there is a clear gap between what is discussed at Implementation Groups and what is passed back to the Trust and other divisions. AS is keen that at minimum an email cascade exists to allow information to be passed on.
  1. Establishment and Development of Lead Scientist role in Trusts
NP reports that Sue Hill is keen for every Trust to have a Lead Scientist. Reports that STH should expect a letter directly from Sue Hill on this matter. NP reported that in 2010 each Chief Execute received a letter asking for 3 nominations across the divisions for membership to the Implementation Groups. However, NP keen that each Trust has a Lead Scientist in post to help inform the Trust on matters of importance to the HCS community, as well as to raise the profile of HCSs, and to act as a resource for the LETB. NP reports that he had previously felt that this could be part of the Implementation Groups, however, he reports that he has recently concluded that there may need to be a series of separate meetings. NP keen to get this work-stream underway as he reported that this would be integral to the new emerging architecture of the NHS. Keen that the expertise gathered would be available to the Board. Please note that as of yet, there is no funding available for these posts post March 2013.
Post Meeting Note: DH have provided funding for 4 Network Project Managers. These will be at 8a and are full-time until 31st March 2013. The North Cluster post will focus on supporting the NE and Y&H Scientific Director networks. Adverts are imminent.
NP reports that a letter will be send out to Trust Chef Executives asking for support for the networks. WJ asked to be copied into any correspondence.
  1. Promotion and marketing of HCS workforce and benefits to patient care and outcomes
AS reported that she is keen that a ‘bank of examples’ of the type of work undertaken by regional HCS and the benefits to patient care or outcomes can be created. Aim-to draw on examples when needed, either as promotional material or by the LETB. AS has recreated a proforma to help capture this.
  1. AOB
NP reported that Sue Hill continues to stress the importance of HCS Leadership. A number of initiatives are in place. Both London and the NW have specific HCSLeadershipAcademy involvement. Ian Barnes has supported an influencing the Future Leadership programme for senior scientists in Pathology in Y&H. More recently Pip Robinson who led the MSC Early Adopters Group has prepared a draft on leadership promotion for HCS following meetings with a number of NHS CE’s. This would allow local leadership initiatives to tie in with a collated share and learn forum around instigating change, on a quarterly basis in London.
NP reported that he has send out an email regarding capital monies and innovation. NP is keen for any examples where HCSs have made a significant contribution to care. Reports that a business case can be put forward. There is another circulation from DH regarding NIHR funding opportunities.
NP reported that all can expect an email from the National Institute of Health Research regarding Clinical Skills and AHP. NP confirms that the invite has been expanded to HCS. The meeting is on 23rd October at Normanton.
NP reports that an invitation has been sent out inviting all to attend the official launch of the Academy for Health Care Science. JA reports that she will attend and feedback to the Implementation Group. Will also forward on AHCS presentations.
Please note the next Physiological Sciences Implementation Group is due to take place on Monday 15th October 2012. 2pm-4pm. The Boardroom. Blenheim House. Leeds.
CLOSE / Complete proforma
Communicate opportunities
Refresh or instigate email cascade
NP to explore this
Feedback on proforma.
NP to explore this
Circulate email
Circulate email / All
SD to send out