Agenda Item 3
Severnside Programme Board – 30th June 2015
1. Present: County Cllrs A. Easson, D. Evans, J Crook, F Taylor, P Hobson, Alan Davies(CTC), Gavin Howells(MHA), Linda Symes - Gwent Police, , Aaron Reeks (CTT), MCC Officers: Dan Davies, Poppy Harris, Nicola Edwards, Cerys Halford, Ian Saunders, Debbie McCarty & Colin Phillips, Bronwen John (ABHB), Andrew David (SEW Energy Group) Paul Turner (Magor/Undy Walkway)
2. Apologies: Lysha Thompson, Gwent Police. County Cllrs J. Higginson, P Murphy, P. Fox & J Marshall. MCC Officers, Kellie Beirne, Deb Hill-Howells & James Woodcock, Rev. John Hall
3. Election of Chairperson: -
Outgoing Chair, Cllr Phyl Hobson invited nominations from the Board. Town Cllr Alan Davies nominated by Cllr Evans & seconded Aaron Reeks. Approved by the Board.
4. Declaration of Interest - None
5. Minutes of the Severnside Programme Board held on Tuesday 24th March 2015.
Agreed as true and accurate. Matters arising:
Magor & Undy Walkway Campaign – Business case received and circulated prior to meeting. Cllr Frances Taylor outlined consultation process undertaken and current position of the campaign for funding.
Decision: Board agreed to support the business case submitted.
6. Welcome to Severnside Theme
a. Proclomation Ceremony 2015 – Dan Davies reported on the successful Proclomation event held the previous weekend.
- Estimated attendance 4,000 in town and 800 at Castle ceremony
- 18 groups performed on the stage.
- Eisteddfod delighted at ‘best ever Proclomation event’
- BBC/ITV and Channel 4 covered. Great media for Caldicot and Severnside.
Board members all agreed it was a brilliant event, with particular thanks going to Dan Davies, Ben Winstanley and officers who volunteered all day.
Aaron Reeks confirmed positive feed from businesses eg Butchers running out of meat.
Accepted that business communication could have been better and needs to be addressed for future events.
b. Welcome to Severnside – Coastal Communities Fund application – Nicola Edwards updated the Board on theme progress and an application for funding that had been made.
A stage 1 application had been approved and officers were awaiting the outcome of a stage 2 application for £133k - £83K revenue and £50K capital. This was imminent.
If approved, the funding would allow a full time officer for 15 months and provide more support for volunteers that would improve interpretation, marketing, signage and integration of the Wales Coastal Path. Some small scale access improvements were also planned.
7. Severnside Total Place Plan & Programme Board Review
Colin Phillips outlined a report recommending review of the Plan and Programme Board Terms of Reference.
The report recommended that a representative sub group be established over the summer that would report recommendations back to the next meeting of the Board.
It was agreed that both the Plan and Board were unsatisfactory. Comments focused upon:
- Three years and the Plan is no further forward
- The Plan is Caldicot centric.
- Plan requires a root and branch review rather than a tweak
- Nothing for young people
- Only attend if something of relevance
- Agenda does not relate to health and well being
- Not sure why we are on the Board.
Particular concern was also expressed that there was no place in the plan for health, care and wellbeing.
Decision : the recommendations of the report were agreed. The sub group to comprise of Alan Davies, Aaron Reeks, Dave Evans, Frances Taylor, Dan Davies & John Hall – with support from Colin Phillips.
8. Rockfield Road and Crick Road Development Sites
Cerys Halford outlined that status of the two strategic mixed use developments at Rockfield Farm and Crick Road.
White Young Green had been commissioned to create a ‘place’ rather than a development. Consultation in May and June had been very successful, using additional communication channels ie through schools/SMS messaging etc. Over 120 people had attended the 4 events organised so far.
9. Caldicot Town Team – Progress Report
Aaron Reeks provided an overview of Town Team activity since the last meeting.
Alternative Markets had proved popular and beneficial to businesses. CTT had managed to reduce costs of hosting, so now likely to hold 4 or 5 events rather than 3 originally planned. A Family Fun Day being planned for August. Had started to raise money at events, with £81 raised through donations at the proclamation event.
Asda had confirmed funding for a town map. This may stretch to the possibility of a second map at the castle.
Visioning tender preparation going well. Expecting documents to issued at the beginning of July.
The Town Team have moved offices along the corridor in Holman House. Board members and organisations are welcome to use. A Coffee morning held in the offices in June had been successful with a lot of new contacts made.
Aaron wished it recorded that the CTT were yet to receive an invoice for the Fortress Wales event. Likely to be a consequence of changeover of managers. The monies were still in CTTs account and were available to return or re-allocate. Ian Saunders stated he would look into and advise CTT.
Aaron presented a business case application in accordance with the report circulated. The report requested an additional £2k contribution from s106 monies to cover miscellaneous ongoing costs associated with the continued operation of the CTT.
The Board agreed to recommend MCC Cabinet approve the request for £2k s106 funding towards CTT running costs, in accordance with the business case submitted.
10. 21st Century Schools
Poppy Harris provided a brief update. Works had commenced. Electric and gas being moved and new temporary buildings arriving September/October. Demolition will start in October for new build commencement in December 2015.
There is a concern regarding staff parking and investigating partial allocation of Woodstock Way car park. This will reduce the significant costs of the project. Cllr Taylor pointed out that that there was also significant investment in schools across the County, not just Caldicot.
11. AOB and Next Meeting
Following updates requested at next meeting, to be held at end of September
· Report & recommendations of sub group investigating review of Plan and Board
· Update from Nicola E regarding application
· Update on Magor Walkway campaign investment day
Meeting ended 6pm