Session 2 Aims:
  • Familiarisation with the EV3 Model programming software
  • Learn how to program the EV3 Model to move forwards and backwards with accuracy
  • Learn how to program the EV3 Model to turn with accuracy

Suggested time for session is 90 minutes (this can be broken into two sessions if needed):
Time / Activity / Resources needed
10mins / Outline of Lesson (Slides 1 -2)
The EV3 Software (Slide 3)
Openup the EV3 software and demonstrate how to start a new project. You could also show students where they could find mini lessons/extra help through the Robot Educator. The home screen that you come back to each time is called the Foyer.
/ “Lesson 2 PPT”
EV3 Software
10 mins / Demonstration – Programming with the EV3 software
Connect to your EV3 robot (a good opportunity to show how to connect and send a program to an EV3 Model)
Units of measurement (Slide 4)
Move Single motor block (Slide 5)
Move Steering block (Slide 6)
Move Tank block (Slide 7)
/ “Lesson 2 PPT”
EV3 Build
10 mins / Challenge 1 – Moving forward and backwards(Slide 8)
Students should be able to apply their understanding from the demonstration to solve the challenge with their EV3 Models (built in Session 1 or rebuilt here).
Register and log in at (remember to state that you’re doing the TE challenge when registering!) Then go to RESOURCES – MINDSTORMS RESOURCES:
/ Here you will see a video of a really quick build. It is a great way of getting a first robot built!
Always start by building simple robots – then experiment with the builds…
/ “Lesson 2 PPT”
EV3 Model (from previous session or rebuilt)
A really quick way of getting your Mindstorms EV3 moving forwards and backwards
15 mins / Challenge 2 – Moving forward with accuracy(Slide 9)OR
Challenge 2(with more challenge!)– Moving forward with accuracy(Slide 10)
Give the students 15 minutes to come up with a solution. They can run the EV3 on the floor. / “Lesson 2 PPT”
30cm ruler
EV3 software
EV3 built robot
10mins / Student demonstration – Students to test their programs/solutions. / EV3 Core set
15mins / Challenge 3 – Turning(Slide 11)
Students to discuss how they might make their robot turn.
Register and log in at (remember to state that you’re doing the TE challenge when registering!) Then go to RESOURCES – MINDSTORMS RESOURCES:
/ Here you will see a video of a really quick way to get your robot turning.
Everyone loves a spinning robot – enjoy!
LEGO Fun Fact:LEGO is the biggest tyre manufacturer in the world. LEGO produces 306 million tyres every year.
Experiment with different ways to turn a robot.
Points for Discussion – Which is the most accurate? Why? Does the way you built your EV3 model make a difference?
Introduce the idea of the Gyro Sensor – you could build it and demonstrate it. Maybe let the students experiment with the Gyro sensor in a future lesson.
/ This will also outline some of the challenges of this sensor – probably why not to let students loose with it first!
/ “Lesson 2 PPT”
EV3 software
EV3 built robot
Make your robot turn effortlessly because everyone loves a spinning robot!
Tackle this one as it gives your robot a real sense of direction and a hint of ‘magic’!
15mins / Challenge 4 – Moving accurately in a square
Draw out a ‘Square’ with tape on the floor.
Introduce loops(Slide 13)midway through – this answers the efficiency question that was posed. / “Lesson 2 PPT”
Training Mat 1
EV3 software
EV3 built robot
5 mins / Plenary
Draw out key learning points about how to program the EV3 Model to move forwards, backwards and turn with accuracy.
Video - A look into the engineers from Rolls Royce making things move! / “Lesson 2 PPT”