July 15, 2014
CALLED to ORDER by President Jack Hamilton (7:15 A.M.) at the IHOP Rest.
President Jack Hamilton, Treasurer Ed Verburg, Secretary George Mitcham, Past-President Dave Bertagnoli, VP Kathy Bayer
Directors: Dick Di Schino, Dick Burnett, Dave Betts, Nate Benedict.
Absent:Neil Miller.
A quorum was present.
Guests:Alan Tonelson, Bob Mola, Susan Di Schino, Gunther Marx, Doug Meriwether, Jim Allison, Terry Lurvey, Joe Beranek, Jim Allison.
MINUTES of June 17, 2014: Dick Burnett moved the minutes be accepted. Nate Benedict seconded, and the motion carried.
TREASURER’S REPORT: Ed Verburg reported that as of the end of June the Administration account had a balance of $2,423.85. He also submitted a quarterly report for all club accounts. Kathy Bayer moved that the treasurer’s report(s) be accepted. Dave Bertagnoli seconded, and the motion carried.
- Pres. Hamilton reported:
- One of our most active members, Neil Miller, passed away this past month. He will be truly missed. This does create a vacancy on the Board.
- Jim Allison is making progress in writing the Kiwanis de Amigos Guidebook for new members, and it will be submitted to all members via email for their input.
- The general meeting on August 5th will be held at Old Pueblo Grille at 7 P.M.
- Alan Tonelson is negotiating the price of the Installation Banquet with Old Pueblo Grille. The Installation banquet will be Saturday, September 27th.
- Bob Mola, Alan Tonelson and Betsy Ferris need to complete their background checks as per KI requirements.
- Nate Benedict will be joining a Kiwanis club in Kingman, AZ while maintaining his membership in Kiwanis de Amigos since he will be spending approximately half of his time in each community.
- Kiwanis International has made several changes to the organization’s by-laws and these changes have been communicated to all members via the monthly KI magazine. Each club must submit confirmation of these revised by-laws, and identify any unique by-laws specific to their local club (i.e. meeting dates/times/locations, etc.).
- Treasurer Verburg reported that the Southwest District membership dues (excluding new member’s dues) will be increased from $25 per member in 2013-14 to $30 per member in 2014-15; to $35 in 2015-16, and to $40 in 2016-17. He explained that this will in effect reduce the amount of revenue our club can retain by a similar amount. He recommended that the Kiwanis de Amigos increase its dues by $10 in 2014-15, and another $10 increase in 2016-17. This would mean that the club member’s current dues of $180/year would be increased to $190/year in 2014-15 and to $200/year in 2016-17.
- Kathy Bayer moved that the recent changes to the KI by-laws be approved. Dave Betts seconded the motion, and the motion carried.
- Ed Verburg moved that the Board recommend to the general membership that the club increase its annual membership dues by $10 ($190/year) for the 2014-15 administrative year, and by another $10 ($200/year) for 2016-17. Dave Bertagnoli seconded the motion, and the motion carried. The motion will be presented to the general membership after giving all members 14 day prior notice via email.
- Ed Verburg moved that Nate Benedict be given Senior Member status for the 2014-15 administrative year. Dave Bertagnoli seconded the motion, and the motion carried.
ADJOURNMENT: At 7:40 A.M., Kathy Bayer moved that the meeting be adjourned. Dick Burnett seconded and the motion carried. The nextBoard Meeting will be August 19, 2014 at IHOP Restaurant.
CALLED to ORDER by President Jack Hamilton at 7:41 A.M., at the I.H.O.P. Rest.
President Jack Hamilton, Treasurer Ed Verburg, Secretary George Mitcham,
Past- President Dave Bertagnoli, VP Kathy Bayer.
Directors: Dick Di Schino, Dick Burnett, Dave Betts, Nate Benedict, Dick Di Schino
Absent:Neil Miller.
A quorum was present.
Guests:Alan Tonelson, Bob Mola, Susan Di Schino, Gunther Marx, Doug Meriwether, Jim Allison, Terry Lurvey, Joe Beranek, Jim Allison.
MINUTES of June 17, 2014: Dick Di Schino moved the minutes be approved. Nate Benedict seconded, and the motion carried.
TREASURER’S REPORT: Ed Verburg reported that as of the end of June the Service account had a balance of $3,455.25, and the Foundation account had a balance of $67,781.50.
Dave Bertagnoli moved the treasurer’s reports be accepted. Dave Betts seconded, and the motion carried.
- Bob Mola reported:
- The fees have been paid and the certificate of insurance issued to the City of Tucson for the use of Columbus Park on September 13, 2014 to hold the 12th Annual Kiwanis de Amigos RATTLESNAKE RUN. He will be calling various members to chair specific duties for the event.
- Nate Benedict has reconfirmed with Big Brothers/Big Sisters that the Bowling Blast hosted by Kiwanis de Amigos is still on for Saturday, July 19th (11:30 A.M. @ Golden Lanes Bowling). Approximately 30 pairs are expected to bowl. Kathy Bayer has put together a bag of goodies for each Little Brother and Little Sister.
- Kathy Bayer is following up on a possible fund raising project with Oregano’s Restaurant.
- None
ADJOURNMENT: At 8:00 A.M., Dave Betts moved the meeting be adjourned, Nate Benedict seconded and the motion carried. The next Club Board Meeting will be August 19, 2014 at the IHOP Restaurant.
Minute(s) Submitted by: George Mitcham, Secretary