經濟三乙 Glendy 陳怡蓁

經濟三乙 Labé 楊子慧

Most consumers are familiar with bar codes. Those black-and-white stripes appear on almost every product purchased. Often the codes are scanned at the checkout counter, causing the item name and its price to appear on _____1____ the cash register screen and the receipt. This gives a record to the consumer and helps store management monitor inventory.

Many delivery services use bar codes to track the progress of each envelope, package, or create in transit. Every item ____2_____ a bar code, which is read at a number of points from the moment it leaves the sender’s hands to the moment the recipient accepts the delivery.

An interesting use for the bar code has been developed by a scientist who works with bees. The scientist attached bar codes to the backs of individual bees in order to ____3_____ them andto follow their movements. Laser scanners at the entrance of the hive read the bar codes to monitor how long each bee had been gone from the hive. By keeping ____4_____ of individual bees, scientists hope to learn more about honey production. Knowing how far bees travel to gather pollen and how many trips they make back to the hive could eventually help beekeepers predict honey yields.

  1. (A) so

(B) either

(C) each

(D) both

  1. (A) having been issued

(B) issuing

(C) is issued

(D) to issue

  1. (A) identify

(B) mention

(C) contradict

(D) speculate

  1. (A) tracking

(B) to track

(C) tracked

(D) track


At Keller Travel, we believe our unrivaled reputation for offering efficient and friendly service to our customers can be ____5_____ entirely to the commitment, quality, and enthusiasm of our staff.

We are looking for well-traveled, energetic people to join our exceptional tram. We work long hours, ____6_____ weekends, in a very busy sales environment, but there are marvelous travel opportunities and a lively and sociable atmosphere ___7______one of the travel industry’s best salary packages. All new recruits will undergo our comprehensive training ___8_____.

To apply, please send your résumé with a letter detailing your qualifications to:

Deirdre Andersen

Keller Travel

210 Elliot Street

Boston, MA02201

5. (A) adapted

(B) acknowledged

(C) acclaimed

(D) attributed

6. (A) includes

(B) inclusive

(C) including

(D) included

7. (A) as well as

(B) since

(C) additionally

(D) moreover

8. (A) programmable

(B) programmer

(C) program

(D) programmed

Several years ago, three PurdueUniversity students entered a contest which was sponsored by the Indiana Soybean Council to develop new uses for soybeans. They molded oil from the beans into crayons. The council 9 these prototype to a company in Florida that makes crayons. At that time, all crayons 10 from petroleum-based paraffin wax. “Our director of marketing saw the potential for an environmentally 11 crayon,” said corporate representative Rick Joyce. After spending one year and $2 million to make the bean-based crayon firmer and less 12 than the prototype, the company also found that the new crayon made a smoother, more solid line on paper than its petroleum-based 13 and is less prone to flaking. “We 14 up with a crayon that is not only for the environment but also a better product,” Joyce said. “This could 15 increase our market share.”

  1. (A) takes

(B) has taken

(C) took

(D) had taken

  1. (A) were making

(B) were made

(C) made

(D) have been made

  1. (A) friendship

(B) friend

(C) friendly

(D) friendless

  1. (A) breaking

(B) unbreakable

(C) unbroken

(D) breakable

  1. (A) competitive

(B) competitively

(C) compete

(D) competitor

  1. (A) wound

(B) winding

(C) were wound

(D) wind

  1. (A) significance

(B) significantly

(C) significant

(D) signified