Certification Study Guide, 6th edition
Please note the following corrections:
Corrections as of 4/17/17
Practice Exam 1:
- Page 228: Reworded choice– Option D for question 23 should read “Hepatitis C Antibody (Anti-HCV).”
- Page 234:Duplicate question/Revised rationale–Due to a production error, this question appeared in both Practice Exam 1 (question 43) and Practice Exam 3 (question 1).
Revised Rationale– Correct answer is B. 2, 4. Rationale should read “An antibiogram provides the percentage of samples for a given organism that were sensitive to certain antibiotics and can be unit-specific or reflect hospital-wide isolates. There should be at least 30 diagnostic isolates included in an antibiogram, with only the first isolate from each patient included. The greater the number of isolates, the more accurate the sensitivity results for the given organism. Therefore the antibiogram might not accurately reflect all resistant microbes isolated in the facility.”
- Page 268:Corrected table heading – In the fourth column in the rationale for question 23, the heading should be “Anti-HBs.”
Corrections as of 3/14/17
Practice Exam 3:
- Page 392:Reworded question – The question should read “Which of the following is the correct order for disinfecting endoscopes?”
Note: “order for cleaning endoscopes” is an inaccurate wording.
Corrections as of 3/14/16
Chapter 9: Environment of Care
- Page 191:Choice corrections – all choices for question 10 should read Fahrenheit (F), not Celsius (C).
- Page 198: Reworded answer– The correct answer should read “A. Hot water at 124°F and above and cold water at 68°F”
Note: the rationale indicated is correct.
Corrections as of 8/5/15
Practice Exam 1:
- Page 279: Answer correction– Correct answer to question 66 is B.
Note: the rationale indicated is correct.
- Page 252: Reworded choice–
- Choice C to question 107 should read “There were about the same number of CLABSIs in the ICU as the national baseline”
- Choice D to question 107 should read “There was a 20% increase in CLABSI rates from the baseline period”
- Page 292: Answer correction– Correct answer to question 107 isB.
Note: the rationale indicated is correct.
Practice Exam 2:
- Page 356: Answer correction– Correct answer to question 33 is B.
Note: the rationale indicated is correct.
Practice Exam 3:
- Page 429: Revised Rationale– Correct answer to question 1 is B. 2, 4. Rationale should read “An antibiogram provides the percentage of samples for a given organism that were sensitive to certain antibiotics and can be unit-specific or reflect hospital-wide isolates. There should be at least 30 diagnostic isolates included in an antibiogram, with only the first isolate from each patient included. The greater the number of isolates, the more accurate the sensitivity results for the given organism. Therefore the antibiogram might not accurately reflect all resistant microbes isolated in the facility.”
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