Seventh Meeting of the Scientific Advisory Committee on Animal Health and Welfare
Date:30th November 2015
Venue:Agriculture House 5C
Chair:Colm Gaynor
Members:Alison Hanlon, Laura Boyle, Jeff Connell, Donagh Berry, Cliona O’Farrelly, Stephen Gordon, John Magee, Donal Murphy.
DAFM:Martin Blake (CVO), Miriam Casey, Justin Byrne,
Secretary:Geraldine Corcoran, Fionnuala Malone
Apologies: Michael Gunn, David Graham, Simon More
- Minutes of the last meeting (circulated 27/10/2015) and matters arising.
The Minutes of last meeting agreed without amendment.
- Request from the Department for the advice of the Committee on whether “electro-ejaculation” involves interference with the sensitive tissue of an animal (Continuation).
Alison Hanlon distributed the results of a questionnaire which was distributed to EU member states (only 5 replied) and a handout on the literature review to the group. She went on to make a presentation on the literature review. The majority of the research undertaken was on bulls. The subject matter included the type of probes used, the way voltage is delivered, the use of analgesia and anaesthetia as pain relief etc. A discussion on the review took place. Donal Murphy informed the group that he has performed the procedure and has also participated in training courses for vets on the procedure. He offered the opinion that the issue in Ireland could be that the procedure is not regulated and that operator skill is a significant factor. The group concluded that the literature review was inconclusive - however indications were that the intervention did cause some pain/discomfort. Alison Hanlon then agreed that she would seek to expand the literature review and endeavour to ascertain more detail on the current position with other EU member states. Donal Murphy offered that he may be in a position to provide some data capture on vets performing the procedure. The group will then draft a short opinion bases on the discussion which would be available prior to the next meeting.
- Briefing from the Department on the status of the two opinions which were submitted on the 2nd June.
Martin Blake informed the Group that the opinions had been forwarded to FAWAC. A public consultation period will follow, to be completed in early 2016.
- Update from Department on the case of classic BSE in June.
Justin Byrne gave a presentation to the group on the case of BSE in Louth in June 2015. He briefed the group on the details of the case, the investigation and answered questions on the issue.
- Update from Department on the recurrence of Bluetongue in France and its implications.
Miriam Casey gave a presentation to the group on Bluetongue and distributed a handout on the disease. She covered a recent outbreak in France and the resulting trading restrictions. The group discussed the issue and Martin Blake stated that the possible trade restrictions if an outbreak where to reach Ireland would be a cause for concern. It was noted that previously bluetongue testing was carried out on Brucellosis samples but this avenue for testing was no longer available.
- A.O.B.
Martin Blake informed the meeting that the Notification and Control of Diseases affecting Terrestrial Animals Regulation under the AHW Act has been circulated for consultation.
Colm Gaynor thanked all present and stated that the date of the next meeting would be decided shortly and was likely to be February/March