Produced for Monash University
Address: / Clayton CampusTelephone: / +61 3 9905 8811
Email: /
This Briefing Pack provides important information for Monash University staff members overseeing all approved off campus student activities. It includes a guidelineforbriefing both staff members, student leaders and participants prior to an event, which will:
- Facilitate timely and effective briefings to event staff and students.
- Ensure that event participants are fully aware of the event rules and potential repercussions for failing to adhere to these rules.
- Assist with preventing a critical incident from occurring, or getting worse.
This Briefing Pack should be reviewed on an annual basis and prior to any event to ensure it remains current and effective for use during off-campus activities.
1.0Conduct Briefing
The briefing of participants will vary in content depending on the program and activities undertaken, participants and location. It should provide a comprehensive introduction to the event, activities and personnel involved.
The briefing should provide participants with an explanation of the event,whilst at the same time receiving a commitment from participants of their adherence to the non-negotiable rules.
The briefing should provide:
- An introduction and background of the event.
- An overview of the nature of the perceived and real risks inherent in the event
- An outline of essential event rules and repercussions for not adhering to these rules.
- A summary of the emergency plan or sufficient information to allow participants to act appropriately in the event of an incident or emergency
Event Coordinators should also receive acknowledgement that participants have understood the content of the briefing and give participants the opportunity to raise any concerns they may have.
2.0Briefing Preparation
Prior to the briefing, event coordinators should prepare themselves to ensure all information provided is accurate and complete.
/ Prepare the following prior to the briefing / Review the Local Incident Response Plan
/ Review the Local Incident Management Protocols
/ Review Pre Event Checklist
/ Familiarise self with event schedule and logistical arrangements
/ Review list of participants and research any medical conditions that may require further investigation or questions
/ Identify any outstanding items to be addressed prior to or during the briefing
3.0Briefing Event Staff
/ Briefing items for Staff / Introduce self and others
/ Confirm the event and activities being undertaken
/ Confirm dates and times of event
/ Provide detailed itinerary
/ Go through objectives for the event
/ Confirm all staff have their transport arrangements sorted
/ Confirm transport arrangements for participants, and contact details for travel agent
/ Confirm accommodation arrangements
/ Confirm dress code
/ Confirm alternate accommodation options
/ Confirm everyone has insurance cover
/ Confirm what is being provided, and what to bring
/ Contact details for venue managers
/ Confirm any hazards to be aware of and controls to implement
/ Confirm what is expected of Monash University Event Staff
/ Confirm staff aware of how to address code of conduct breaches
/ Double check any dietary requirements of staff
/ Outline essential clothing and equipment requirements, and any spare equipment available for participants
/ Confirm approved out of event travel arrangements
/ Confirm family attendance protocols
/ Confirm safety and security arrangements:
- First aider details
- There are Local Incident Response protocols established and there is a team trained to manage incidents
- Participants and staff are to report any emergencies or incidents to the Event Coordinator or person responsible at the activity
- Confirm members of the CMR - Local Incident Response Team and contact details (refer to Appendix A of field guide)
- Communications availability (eg mobile reception, emergency mobile number for family and friends, sat phone number for remote areas)
- Alternate accommodation arrangements
/ Provide event kit - copy of CMR Local Incident Response Plan, CMR Local Incident Management Protocols Guide, Pre Event Checklist, Participant list, event itinerary
/ Confirm if the event will have media coverage and associated protocols for Monash representation
/ Media protocols during an incident
- If approached by media, you need to direct the media to the SEM orUniversity Communications
- All communications will be directed to CMR – Local Incident Response Team who will liaise with CMR Ops. CMR Ops will have final approval on all communications being issued during an incident
- Do not say “no comment”
- Do not comment as the nature of the incident
- Avoid posting on social media in relation to the incident
/ Check for questions
4.0Briefing Group Leaders
/ Briefing items for Group Leaders / Introduce self and others
/ Confirm the event and activities being undertaken
/ Confirm dates and times of event
/ Provide detailed itinerary
/ Go through objectives for the event
/ Confirm all team organisers have their transport arrangements sorted
/ Confirm accommodation arrangements
/ Confirm dress code
/ Confirm dietary requirements for team organisers
/ Confirm alternate accommodation requirements
/ Confirm everyone has insurance cover
/ Confirm what is being provided, and what to bring
/ Confirm where emergency contact details are located
/ Re-iterate the OFF-CAMPUS incident management protocols
/ Confirm any hazards to be aware of and controls to implement
/ Confirm what is expected of Group Leaders
/ Outline essential clothing and equipment requirements
/ Confirm approved out of event travel arrangements
/ Confirm family attendance protocols
/ Confirm the sanctions and penalties that can be imposed for breach of the Representative Agreement
/ Confirm safety and security arrangements:
- Location of first aiders
- Outline there are Local Incident Response protocols established and there is a team trained to manage incidents
- Report any emergencies or incidents to the SEM or their delegate
- Confirm name of the SEM during the event, and emergency contact number
- Communications availability (eg mobile reception, emergency mobile number for family and friends, sat phone number for remote areas)
- Alternate accommodation arrangements
/ Confirm official personal security procedures:
/ Outline protocols for media representation if event is being filmed /televised
/ Media protocols during an incident
- If approached by media, you need to direct the media to the SEM or University Communications.
- Confirm name of SEM and Media Spokesperson
- Do not say “no comment”
- Do not comment as to the nature of the incident
- Avoid posting on social media in relation to the incident
/ Check for questions
5.0Briefing Participants
/ Briefing items for Participants / Introduce self and others
/ Confirm the event and activities being undertaken
/ Confirm dates and times of event
/ Provide detailed itinerary
/ Go through objectives for the event
/ Confirm all participants have their transport arrangements sorted
/ Confirm accommodation arrangements
/ Confirm dress code
/ Double check any dietary requirements of participants
/ Confirm what is being provided, and what to bring
/ Outline essential clothing and equipment requirements
/ Confirm everyone has insurance cover
/ Confirm any hazards to be aware of
/ Confirm approved out of event travel arrangements
/ Confirm family attendance protocols
/ Confirm event rules
Confirm representative standards expected of Participants
/ Confirm the sanctions and penalties that can be imposed for breach of the Representative Agreement
/ Confirm participants have signed Representative Agreement
/ Confirm safety and security arrangements:
- Location of first aiders
- There are Local Incident Response protocols established and there is a team trained to manage incidents
- Report any emergencies or incidents to the Event Coordinator or SEM
- Confirm name of the SEM during the event, and emergency contact number
- Communications availability (eg mobile reception, emergency mobile number for family and friends, sat phone number for remote areas)
- Alternate accommodation arrangements
/ Confirm official personal security procedures:
/ Outline protocols for media representation if event is being televised/ filmed
/ Media protocols during an incident
- If approached by media, you need to direct the media to the SEM or University Communications.
- Confirm name of SEM and Media Spokesperson
- Do not say “no comment”
- Do not comment as the nature of the incident
- Avoid posting on social media in relation to the incident
/ Check for questions