Seven Oaks Elementary School

Student Handbook


Information for Students, Parents, and Community Members.

Table of Contents

Welcome and school contact Pg. 3

Staff contact Pg. 5-6

Inclement weather, School hoursPg. 6

Change in routine, Emergency Contact, Attendance, Early Pg. 7

pick up, Lost and Found

Bikes at school, Nurse/absences, Phone use/ElectronicsPg. 8

Seven Oaks behavioral expectations, Student recognitionPg. 9-11

and consequences

Harrassment/Bullying, Breakfast/Lunch proceduresPg. 12

Meal PricingPg. 13

Dismissal proceduresPg. 13

Parent communicationPg. 14

Volunteers, Visitors, Homework policyPg. 15

Homework policy (cont’d)Pg. 16 School calendar Pg. 17

Bus expectations and consequencesPg. 18

Dress codePg. 19

Student staff behavior matrix by school areaPg. 20


We hope you find this year exciting, challenging, and memorable. This handbook has been prepared to answer your questions and let you know what you can expect and what is expected of you. By working together, we will have a great year!

“Home of the Bulldogs”

School Colors: Navy and Baby Blue

1800 Seven Oaks Dr. SE

Lacey, WA 98503

Phone: 412-4700

FAX: 412-4709

Health Room: 412-4703


Office Hours: 7:30 a.m – 4:00 p.m

School Hours: 8:20a.m. – 2:40p.m.

A.M. Kindergarten: 8:20a.m. – 10:52a.m.

P.M. Kindergarten: 12:08p.m. – 2:40p.m.

Early Release: 8:20 – 1:10 p.m.

Half Day: 8:20a.m. – 11:30a.m.


This Handbook






Seven Oaks Staff

Assignment / Staff Name / Email Address
1st Grade / Mrs. Giebelhaus /
1st Grade / Mrs. Marshall /
1st Grade / Ms. Sahli /
2nd Grade / Mrs. Dunn /
2nd Grade / Mr. Edwards /
2nd Grade / Mrs. Johnston /
2nd Grade / Mrs. Roth /
3rd Grade / Ms. Adams /
3rd Grade / Mrs. Koch /
3rd Grade / Ms. Zabel /
3rd Grade / Miss Sullivan /
4th Grade / Mr. Barnes /
4th Grade / Mrs. Boginski /
4th Grade / Mrs. Jones /
5th Grade / Ms. Dinwoodie /
5th Grade / Mrs. Thompson /
5th Grade / Mrs. VanVeen /
6th Grade / Mr. Bittrick /
6th Grade / Ms. Kerry /
6th Grade / Mrs. Kinney /
6th Grade / Mrs. Losey /
Art / Mrs. Giudice /
Band / Mrs. Panapa /
Behavioral Assistant / Mrs. Warren /
CSTEP Teacher / Mrs. Hutnik /
Custodian / Mr. Mourng /
Dean of Students / Mrs. DeAguiar /
Health Room Assistant / Mrs. Macon /
Kindergarten / Mrs. Feeney-Lewis /
Kindergarten / Mrs. Moore /
Kitchen / Mrs. D. Clark /
Learning Support / Mrs. H. Clark /
Learning Support / Mrs. Colombo /
Learning Support / Mrs. Mayr /
Library / Mrs. Britt /
Library / Mrs. Taylor /
Music / Mrs. Hathaway /
Nurse / Mrs. Dominguez /
Office Professional / Mrs. Priest /
Office Professional / Mrs. Strobel /
Office Professional / Mrs. Thuline /
Orchestra / Mrs. Johnston /
OT / Mrs. Olsen /
OT / Mr. Vandusen /
OT / Mrs. Wesson /
P.E. / Mr. Ennett /

Seven Oaks Staff (Cont’d.)

Playground Supervision / Mrs. Smith /
Preschool Paraeducator / Mrs. Cuthbertson /
Preschool Paraeducator / Mrs. Ericson /
Preschool Paraeducator / Mrs. Moore /
Preschool Paraeducator / Mrs. Olsen /
Preschool Paraeducator / Mrs. Stretch /
Preschool Teacher / Mrs. Lane /
Preschool Teacher / Mrs. Murray /
Preschool Teacher / Mrs. Pierce /
Principal / Mr. Sisson /
Resource Paraeducator / Mrs. Lewis /
Resource Paraeducator / Mrs. Terhune /
Resource Teacher (Spec. Ed) / Mr. Laine /
Resource Teacher (Spec. Ed) / Ms. Rodriguez /
School Counselor / Mrs. Olson /
School Psychologist / Mrs. Young /
Speech Therapist / Mrs. Raybould /



In case of inclement weather:

Important Radio Station—KGY 1240 am or 96.9 fm. or Mixx 96.1 fm

TV Stations— Channel 4, 5, 7, or 13

You may also check the North Thurston Public Schools Website at:


Time for School

School starts at 8:20 a.m. Please do not come to school before 8:00 because no one is able to supervise you. Students who arrive early will be asked to call home and be picked up. If you are eating breakfast at school, you may arrive at 8:00 a.m. School ends at 2:40 p.m. On early release Wednesday’s school ends at 1:10 p.m. Please call the school at 412-4703 if you are going to be absent.


Changes in Routine

All students must have a note if they are going to be doing anything different from their normal after school routine. The notes will be sent to the office and a dismissal slip will be given to the student. If a student does not have a note we will assume he/she should follow their normal routine.

Blue Cards

Please keep your child’s blue card updated so we know who may/may not pick up your child from school. For the safety of Seven Oaks students; students will not be released to anyone not listed on the Blue Emergency Card.



Excessive absences and/or tardies, even with a written excuse, are a concern due to the impact on learning. The Becca Law requires that excessive absences be reported to the district office for follow-up with the court system.

Early Pick-Up

We discourage children from leaving school for appointments but recognize it sometimes can’t be avoided. When picking your child up early from school you need to come to the office first. The office staff will call your child out of class to join you in the office. To maximize learning, we will not call students out until the adult is present to pick their child up. Parents need to sign students out in the office. Due to safety concerns, we will not “send students out” to be picked up.

Lost and Found

Please label all articles of clothing and personal property. The lost and found is located at the bottom of the stairs nearest the office. At the end of each semester and at conference times, articles are brought to the hallway near the library. Unclaimed lost and found items are donated to charities throughout the year.


Wheels of All Kinds

Bikes can be ridden to school, but must be walked on school grounds and locked up at the bike racks. Students are expected to wear helmets. Bikes not accompanied by a helmet will not be allowed on campus. Roller blades, roller shoes, etc, are not allowed at school.


From the Nurse

If your child experiences diarrhea, vomiting, or a fever above 100 degrees, please keep your child home for at least 24 hours after symptoms are gone. Every student in attendance is expected to participate in all school activities including recess.

If your child is required to take medication (prescribed or over the counter) at school, obtain an Authorization For Administration of Medication at School form to be signed by the parent and doctor. Bring the form and the medication in the original container to the health room.


School Phones

School phones are to be used by students for emergencies only and only with staff permission. All “after school” plans need to be made prior to coming to school. Please convey all instructions for the day to your child before they come to school.

Phones, Droids, Ipods and Electronic Devices

Seven Oaks Elementary and NTPS are not responsible for theft or vandalism of cell phones or other electronic devices brought to school. Students may not use phones or any electronic device during class time without explicit teacher permission. Students may not disrupt the teaching and learning of any student or leave class to respond to phones or electronic devices. When phones and electronic devices are used inappropriately or without explicit teacher permission, students violate district policy and are subject to disciplinary sanctions, including confiscation of the phone and/or device.


Seven Oaks Expectations

Everyone at Seven Oaks will model and encourage ”F.R.R.E.D.”


For more information see the “FRRED Matrix” at the end of this document.

FRRED Tickets and Student Recognition

Students who exhibit behaviors that reflect our FRRED Expectations may be acknowledged in a variety of ways. Students may earn FRRED tickets, which can be redeemed at the “FRRED Store” and entered into drawings conducted at our assemblies. Additionally, students may be referred to the office to see the principal or dean of students for an “Excellence Referral”. As with any referral to the office, we conference with the student, then call home. Excellence Referrals are then posted on the bulletin board in the main hallway for all to see.


Voice Levels

0 = silence

1 = soft conversational voice, unable to be heard a few feet away.

2 = conversational voice unable to be heard across a room.

3 = instructional voice, able to be heard throughout a classroom.

4 = outside voice


Hallways and Walkways

F.Fairness – Leave space for others and stay with your group.

R.Responsibility – Go directly to where you are supposed to be.

R.Respect – Look with your eyes, not your hands. 0-1 voice level. Quiet feet.

E.Empathy – Be considerate of the learners in the hallways and classes you

pass. Walk quietly past the office.

D.Dignity – Be a good example to others. Act in a way that would make others


Seven Oaks Elementary Code of Conduct

Come to school ready to learn.

Behave in a way that builds a positive learning environment.

Use courteous manners.

Follow directions.

Show good sportsmanship.

Walk in the building with hands to self.(Keep hands off the wall)

Respect property.

Pass on FRRED each day.

NTPS Dress Code will be followed, with the exception of special days as designated. The dress code is at the end of the handbook.


School Rules

Seven Oaks’ school rules prohibit:

Fighting and physical violence

Play fighting

Harassment and bullying

Foul or offensive verbal and body language

Disrespect or defiance

Disruptive behavior

Damage or destruction of property

Steps or Choices to be Made by the Student (Consequences):

At Seven Oaks, we strongly believe that in addition to student academics, it is our responsibility to help mold students to be people that are a productive part of our community both now and in the future. We believe that the FRRED principles capture the character traits of positive, contributing citizens.

We expect that children will make mistakes. We also believe that as in life, these mistakes are a part of learning. Sometimes that learning comes through the natural consequences of their actions, and sometimes that learning comes from direct and specific conversations and learning opportunities (classes to teach specific behaviors, consequences applied as a result of the student’s choice, small group work with a behavior emphasis, etc.).

We believe that every child is unique and should be treated that way. When students make poor behavioral choices, they will always be treated fairly; however consequences may not be equal. Consequences will be given based upon the unique circumstances of the incident. Generally, behavior consequences are delivered as follows (though each classroom may vary slightly):

Verbal Reminder:“You have chosen to be on step 1 for your choices. Make a better choice so you can stay on step 1.

Think Time:“You have now chosen step 2. Please take time to “recover” and join the group when you are ready to return. You may be asked to fill out a “problem solution sheet” to reflect on your choice.”

Cross-grade:“You have now chosen step 3. Please go to your cross-grade placement (another assigned classroom) and fill out a problem solution sheet. Remember you are almost at step 4.”

Phone Home:“You have chosen step 4 and need a call home. You will miss now spend time reflecting in the office and will return to class when we trust you are ready to be a learner.”

Out of school or suspension: “You have chosen step 5 and now must be out of school for an assigned period of time to be determined by an administrator (at least a day). I hope you will choose to be a part of our learning community upon your return.


*2nd call home (same day) or physical removal from a classroom may result in “send home”.

*Automatic step 4 or 5 for: Willful disobedience, theft, weapons possession, extreme disrespect, fighting or assault.

*Students who receive an Out of School Suspension MUST conference with parent and an administrator prior to re-entry to class. Exceptions must be made with the administrator’s approval prior to the re-entry date.


Harassment, Intimidation & Bullying (HIB) Policy RCW 9A.36.080(3)

HIB is a pattern of abuse over time and involves a student being “picked on”. HIB will not be tolerated in North Thurston Public Schools – all persons are expected to model appropriate behavior that maintains a safe, healthy and civil learning environment. Cases of HIB should be reported to appropriate staff members.


Theft and Vandalism

The school cannot be responsible for loss, damage, theft or vandalism of personal property. We request that students not bring toys, games, money, etc. to school unless required for a specific activity. Items that should not be brought to school will be put in the “June Box” for return on the last day of school. If the item is not claimed on the last day of school, it will be discarded.

Please call Crime Stoppers at 407-0222 if you see anyone vandalizing school property.


Breakfast and Lunch

Please send lunch money in a sealed envelope with the following information on it:

Student first and last name

Teacher’s name

The words “Lunch Money” and amount enclosed


Upon arrival at school, students must give their envelope to the office so it is deposited into the account that day. All money sent will be deposited into your student’s account. We cannot give change.

Low Lunch/Breakfast Funds Procedure


  • In the event a student does not have sufficient funds to cover their lunch charge, they will receive a hand stamp, a verbal reminder and be allowed to eat a hot lunch.
  • In the event that a lunch charge would incur a negative balance greater than the cost of one lunch (-$2.75), they will leave the lunch line, come to the office and call home. They will receive an “ok to eat” (pink slip) from the office. The student will return to the frontof the lunch line and be served a hot lunch.
  • In the event that a lunch charge would incur a negative balance of greater than two lunches (-$4.80), the student will leave the lunch line, call home and be sent back to the front of the lunch line. They will be served a “survival lunch” consisting of milk and food choice according to district directed protocols.


Meal Prices 2011—2012

Elementary Lunch $2.75

Elementary Breakfast $1.60

Reduced Lunch 4-6 .40

Reduced Lunch K-3 FREE

Reduced Breakfast FREE

Milk .50

Milk .40


Free and Reduced Lunch

Forms are sent home the first week of school and are also available in the office. A new form must be filled out each school year.


Menus are sent home at the end of each month for the following month. During morning announcements the lunch menu is announced for that day.


Dismissal at Seven Oaks Elementary

We have three methods of student dismissal

Almost 675 students at Seven Oaks Elementary are dismissed at the end of the day in one of three methods: walking/bicycling, pick-up by motor vehicle or by school bus. All students should have on file with their teacher and the office the “routine” method of dismissal. Notes or phone calls (by parent/guardian or someone on the student’s emergency card) prior to 2:30 on a typical day or 12:55 on early release days will allow students to change their method on a given day. Students remaining on campus to attend “y-care” or a club, should go directly to that area upon dismissal..

Walkers: Students who walk home will be dismissed at 2:35. Walkers need to leave the campus promptly and follow all instructions given to them by crossing guards or adults in the area. Walkers must have parent/guardian consent to walk home and are encouraged to walk in groups.

Bus Riders: Bus riding students are to walk in line from their classrooms directly to the bus line. Students form lines in the playshed and wait for teacher instructions to load the bus. Students are encouraged to move directly to the buses and load when allowed to. Buses will be dismissed promptly as soon as all classrooms have been dismissed.

Pick-Up: Students who are being picked up will be dismissed at 2:35 and proceed directly to the sidewalk by the flagpole. Students will wait quietly and attentively for their ride. For student safety, drivers MUST pull to the loading zone curb in front of the school to pick up their student. Students may only load in the loading zone and drivers must stay in their vehicles at all times. Students will NOT be allowed to walk into the road or parking lot to catch their ride. Parents who wish to talk with a staff member or another parent, or who wish to greet their student are encouraged to park in designated parking spaces in the parking lot. Parked vehicles are encouraged to remain on campus until the main “flow of traffic” from the pick-up process has subsided; approximately 2:50.

Drop off: Student drop off should occur using the same process as pick up. Additionally, for the safety of our students, please do NOT pull down into the bus loading areas to drop off or pick up students.




Parent Communication
We can provide the best learning environment when there is open communication. Concerns should be addressed to your child’s teacher. The following path of communication will save you time and resolve issues effectively: first, contact the classroom teacher (personal contact, e-mail, or phone call), secondly, if needed contact the school office (412-4700) to speak with an administrator, and finally the district office (412-4400). If at any time you should have questions, concerns, or compliments, please feel free to contact the appropriate party mentioned above. Building concerns should be communicated to the principal before calling district office. Please let us know what we can do to best meet the needs of your student and your family.



Volunteers are welcome and encourage and contribute to the success of our students. A volunteer form, available at the office, must be filled out two weeks prior to volunteering so that the required background check can be completed prior to volunteering. This includes field trips or supervision of school activities (field day, class activities, etc.) An electronic sign-in system is utilized on a computer located in the office. Come to the school, sign in, and make a difference for our children!