Updating Your Teacher Pages on the MMS Web Site
Logging In and Changing Your Password
1. Open the Internet and go to the Moore Middle School’s web site at www.MooreMiddleSchool.org
2. Click on the Login button.
3. On the login screen, enter your Login ID and your password and then click GO.
a. Your Login ID is your first name and last name. The Login ID is all lower case with no spaces.
b. Your temporary password is ______
4. After you log in, you will see your Administration Page that shows all the pages you can edit.
5. Click Change My Password and change your password to something other than the default. Please change your password the first time you log in.
*Contact Reginald Shorter if you forget your password.
6. Updating Your Teacher Pages
1. Click Manage My Profile to add/change information about yourself.
a. Review the information that is already on the page for accuracy and change as needed.
b. Click the links provided to enter information about your Educational Background, Teaching Experience, etc.
c. After entering information in any of these separate editor windows, be sure to click the Save button. When finished entering or editing information in all the categories you wish to update, click the Save button on the Profile Change Page.
2. Click Manage My Calendar to add items to the calendar. To add an event, click on “Add Event”, and type in information.
a. Click on Add Event! to save your entry.
b. Right click on the event to edit, clone, or delete your event.
3. Click on Manage My Home Page to place information on your home page.
a. To Change or Delete and item, click here.
b. To add new information, click on the Add new item button.
c. Once you have clicked on Add new item, you will see these options.
d. Heading – Place the title of the item here.
e. Start/Expire Date – Be conscious of these dates. One nice feature is that you can add items ahead of time and set the date for when you want them to appear.
f. On Top – Click this box if you want this new item to be on top of all other items on your home page.
g. Check here is you want a Teaser item – Read the instructions carefully.
h. STANDARD INFORMATION – This blue editor window is where you will enter the information. Let’s look at this area in more detail.
i. Entering information on your home page is very much like entering information with word processing software. Each item on your home page will separated in black boxes. Enter your text in the blue text editor window using the formatting toolbars as needed. You may choose font, size, format, style, font color, and background color, and you may add tables, images, and links. You must enter something in the editor window in order for anything to show up, even if you have entered a header.
j. In addition to text, you can add links to documents, links to other web sites, graphics, and tables to your page.
4. Uploading/Adding a Link to a Document (This can be done in the Manage My Handouts or Manage My Home Page.)- Type in some text that describes the document you are linking to and then highlight the text.
a. Click the Link to a Document icon in the editor toolbar.
b. Now you will see the Insert/Edit Hyperklink –Webpage Dialog window.
c. To find the document to which you are linking, click on your MyDocs folder. (Crider has assigned every user a number. It is not something you need to remember.)
d. Next click on the Upload Files from Your Computer icon (green globe with arrow on it).
e. Click on the Browse button.
f. In the Choose File window, navigate to and double click the file you wish to upload.
g. You should see the name of your document. Click Upload button.
h. The next window will allow you to insert the document. Your document should be highlighted orange and should appear in the URL: box at the bottom. Click Insert button.
i. Your text is now a Hyperlink to your document. It will appear in blue with an underline.
j. Click Save button. You will NOT be able to test the link from the editor. After you save the entry you may test it from the administration page.
k. You will use the previous instructions for adding links to webites (use same icon).
l. You will use the Insert / Edit Image for adding clip art and images.
m. Your clip art can be uploaded to your MyImages folder.
4. More Features of the Administrative Area
n. Enter Resource Scheduler – This is a quick way to reserve our school computer labs.
5. When you have finished updating your web page, you may select any link from the navigation bar on the left side of the web page or close Internet Explorer to log out. After updating your web page, you should always visit your page and review it for typos, formatting problems or link problems and return to the editor to correct it.
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