Date: /

Topic: The influence of food additives and lodging of complaints

Teacher: / Learning Outcome 3
Responsible use of resources
The learner is able to demonstrate consumer responsibility towards the sustainability of the environment ,the community and self through the judicial use of resources.
Assessment Standard: AS 1 and 3
Identify a consumer issue related to the impact of the selection and use of food on the natural or economic environment ,suggest a strategy for addressing the issue.
Discuss the responsible use of water , electricity and municipal services related to housing and household equipment.
Integration with other LO s in Consumer Studies:
Integration with other subjects
Pre-knowledge: Food safety and the effects of pathogenic organisms on food
Knowledge: influence of food additives on food preservatives and colourants on health.
Planning for parties .
Skills: Interpreting food labels.
Values: Food storage.
Team work
Indigenous knowledge systems:
Content / Teacher activities
(Highlight teaching methods) / Learner activities
(Indicate homework) / Resources/LTSM /

Assessment strategies

What: (SKVs)
Tool: / Time
Consumer issue related to the impact of the selection and use of food on the natural or economic environment
·  Influence on food additives colourants ,and chemical preservatives
·  False claims / misleading information / 1. Gives learners a case study on food additives.
Supervise learners while writing and reporting the case study.
2. Explanation:
·  influence of food additives , preservatives and colourants on health.
·  .False claims / misleading information on the labels of food products. / 1. Interact with the case study.
Learners report back on the case study.
2. Summary writing on the explanation given by the teacher. / Textbooks
Stationary / Individual assessment
Class discussion.
Daily ;
·  Peer
·  Teacher / 8 hrs
Cater from home for a birthday party of 8 / 3 Gives learners a case study related to poor service or a letter of complaint.
Supervise the discussion.
4. Explanation of the influence on brand labels on the choice of clothing.
5 .Guide learners in planning to cater from home for a birthday of 8.
Divide learners into groups to plan for the party of 8.
Supervise learners while doing the practical lesson / 3. Interact with the case study.
Discuss their understanding of the case study.
4 Summary writing
5 Working in groups to plan for the birthday party
Work in groups / Textbooks
Summary writing
Kitchen equipment / Assessment.
Group discussion
Planning templates
Group assessment
Teacher assessment
Expanded opportunities (Include enrichment and special needs)
Learners make a collage on different functions.



Letter of complaint about misleading information on the food / clothing labels.

Date completed: …………………… Teacher’s Signature: ……………………….

HOD’s Signature: ………………….. Date: ……………..