Date: /
Topic: The influence of food additives and lodging of complaints
Teacher: / Learning Outcome 3Responsible use of resources
The learner is able to demonstrate consumer responsibility towards the sustainability of the environment ,the community and self through the judicial use of resources.
Assessment Standard: AS 1 and 3
Identify a consumer issue related to the impact of the selection and use of food on the natural or economic environment ,suggest a strategy for addressing the issue.
Discuss the responsible use of water , electricity and municipal services related to housing and household equipment.
Integration with other LO s in Consumer Studies:
Integration with other subjects
Pre-knowledge: Food safety and the effects of pathogenic organisms on food
Knowledge: influence of food additives on food preservatives and colourants on health.
Planning for parties .
Skills: Interpreting food labels.
Values: Food storage.
Team work
Indigenous knowledge systems:
Content / Teacher activities
(Highlight teaching methods) / Learner activities
(Indicate homework) / Resources/LTSM /
Assessment strategies
What: (SKVs)Who:
Tool: / Time
Consumer issue related to the impact of the selection and use of food on the natural or economic environment
· Influence on food additives colourants ,and chemical preservatives
· False claims / misleading information / 1. Gives learners a case study on food additives.
Supervise learners while writing and reporting the case study.
2. Explanation:
· influence of food additives , preservatives and colourants on health.
· .False claims / misleading information on the labels of food products. / 1. Interact with the case study.
Learners report back on the case study.
2. Summary writing on the explanation given by the teacher. / Textbooks
Stationary / Individual assessment
Class discussion.
Daily ;
· Peer
· Teacher / 8 hrs
Cater from home for a birthday party of 8 / 3 Gives learners a case study related to poor service or a letter of complaint.
Supervise the discussion.
4. Explanation of the influence on brand labels on the choice of clothing.
5 .Guide learners in planning to cater from home for a birthday of 8.
Divide learners into groups to plan for the party of 8.
Supervise learners while doing the practical lesson / 3. Interact with the case study.
Discuss their understanding of the case study.
4 Summary writing
5 Working in groups to plan for the birthday party
Work in groups / Textbooks
Summary writing
Kitchen equipment / Assessment.
Group discussion
Planning templates
Group assessment
Teacher assessment
Expanded opportunities (Include enrichment and special needs)
Learners make a collage on different functions.
Letter of complaint about misleading information on the food / clothing labels.
Date completed: …………………… Teacher’s Signature: ……………………….
HOD’s Signature: ………………….. Date: ……………..