Seton Hall University
Mobile Computing Program Support
August 2007
The Technology Help Desk
The first point of contact for any technology related question or problem is Seton Hall University’s Technology Help Desk.
Contact the Technology Help Desk by phone by calling 973-275-2222 or via email at the email address
The Technology Help Desk is staffed by IT professionals Monday through Friday from 8:00 AM through 11:00 PM. Outside of these hours, the Help Desk phone is answered by an external technology support service that provides phone support for most University applications, including the Blackboard Learning Management System, Microsoft Windows, and the Microsoft Office suite.
The PC Support Services Consultation Area
In addition to the Technology Help Desk, PC Support Services provides walk-in support in their consultation area on the first floor of Corrigan Hall. The PCSS Consultation Area is staffed by IT professionals Monday through Friday from 8:00 AM through 8:00 PM.
There is a private consultation area for University faculty and administrators who wish to discuss their technology problems in private. Faculty and administrators who wish to utilize this service should identify themselves as faculty or administrators at the intake area and request a private consultation.
The Computer Training Center (CTC)
The CTC, located in the TLT Center in the first floor of Walsh Library, offers short classes in the University’s standard hardware and software, including Blackboard and the MS Office suite.
The PC Support Services Field Support Unit
Faculty and administrators with desktop computers or who wish to have a consultation with a technician in their office should call the Technology Help Desk and request an appointment with a PCSS field technician. A technician will contact the requestor and arrange an appointment. Appointments are available during the University’s normal business day.
University Accounts
Accounts and access to most University IT systems is provided automatically from the University’s Banner administrative system. If a student or employee does not have an account, or if that account is not providing access to all the expected areas of the system, the most likely reason is that the student or employee’s record in the University’s Banner system is incorrect. In most of these cases the user will be referred to Enrollment Services or their immediate supervisor to have their Banner record corrected or updated. Once the record is correct, most account or access issues will be automatically corrected. This process currently takes approximately two business days.
Anyone who is dissatisfied with the response or support from PCSS is encouraged to escalate their issue by calling the Technology Help Desk and speaking with Michael Hajduk, the Help Desk Manager, during normal University business hours. If Michael is unable to resolve the problem, he can direct the user to the appropriate manager or director in IT to speak with to escalate the issue further.