Astrology Consultation - Birth Time Identification or Rectification
This process aligns important events from your life with celestial events in order to calculate an accurate birth time for you.
Please fill in the information below then email the document to and attach a recent photograph.You will need to purchase a Birth Chart Rectification through the website before this work can proceed.
Your Details
Full Birth Name:
Birth Date:Location:
Approximate Time of Day (if known) :
Please answer the followingquestions
What was your experience of childhood?
What was your relationship like with: your mother, your father, anyone else who played this role in their place?
Were you brought up to follow any kind of religion?
What was the family’s financial situation like?
What has been the focus of your life to date: getting knowledge, career, family, creativity, making money, spiritual path, self-esteem?
What are your greatest fears?
Have you repeatedly attracted a certain type of person or situation into your life? Please describe.
What is your favorite color?
Describe how you dress, what is your style?
Which part of your body gives you the most issue healthwise?
Are you critical if things aren't right to the smallest detail?
Are you stubborn or flexible?
Do you love to own beautiful things?
Do you like certainty?
Do you need to be the centre of attention?
Do you love to travel?
Is decision making hard or easy?
Is it hard to commit to a course of action or person?
Do you make decisions on feeling & intuition or the facts & your mind?
Do you love to have the latest technology?
Are you talkative?
Does a need for freedom and independence cause problems in your relationships?
Do you hold grudges?
Are you grounded or scattered?
Do you always put your needs ahead of others?
Are you selfish or compassionate?
Are you generous?
Please provide the exact dates (where possible, month and year otherwise) of important life events and experiencescausing you severe emotional grief or intense emotional happiness:
- Death of a parent/child/friend especially at a young age or unexpected, notification of serious illness or accident to them.
- Victim of serious crime or an accident, car crash.
- Personal surgery or illness, financial loss, job loss or bankruptcy.
- Major travel, emigration, relocation, relationship events, meeting, marriage, moving in together, splitting up, divorce.
- Birth of younger siblings, own children (especially first child), birth of grand children.
- Obtaining qualifications, new job, promotions, awards or other achievements: