Set written and edited by current and former students of RockfordAuburnHigh School(Abid Haseeb, Lloyd Sy, Jordan Hoffmann, Saad Sheikh, Alex Pandya, Michael Kikta, and Jacob Balogh)
1. After hearing the “Speech by the Stone” by one man with this last name, a group of boys toast him at the house of a boy whose father is insulted by another man with this last name. One man with this surname carries on an affair with Grushenka although he is engaged to Katerina, while another character with this name is taught by (*) Father Zossima. A third character with this last name tells the story of “The Grand Inquisitor”. One character with this last name is accused of killing Fyodor, who shares this last name, but that murder was actually committed by Smerdyakov. For 10 points, name this last name shared by three brothers, Alyosha, Dmitri, and Ivan, in a Fyodor Dostoyevsky novel.
ANSWER: Karamazov
2. This state was the site of a ruling, given by Judge Lewis Kowal and supported by schools superintendent John Huppenthal, against certain ethnic-studies courses. Dissatisfaction over the answer to the question “What is government if words have no meaning?” provided agitation for an incident in this state which resulted in the deaths of John Roll and(*) Christina-Taylor Green. A piece of legislation passed here, called the Support Our Law and Safe Neighborhoods Act, provided for strict measures against illegal immigrants. For 10 points, identify this state in which Jared Lee Loughner shot at Gabrielle Giffords, an incident which took place in the city of Tucson.
ANSWER: Arizona
3. This element is bound to sodium, carbon, and oxygen in Collman’s reagent. The strongest permanent magnet is made from an alloy of neodymium, boron, and this element. The first metallocene discovered contained this element, and it is the central atom in Mohr’s salt. It catalyzes the Fischer-Tropsch process, and this element catalyzes the production of ammonia in the (*) Haber-Bosch process. Its 56 isotope is very stable, and it usually has a charge of +2 or +3. For 10 points, identify this element with atomic number 26, found in the ores magnetite and hematite, with symbol Fe.
Answer: Iron [accept Fe early]
4. This man’s first piano concerto, which was conducted by Berlioz at its premiere, features the hidden message “None of you understand this, haha” in its first movement. One set of works by this composer is sometimes joined with the “Bagatelle without tonality”, and the first of those works depicts a Dance at the Village Inn. He wrote thirteen symphonic poems based on the poetry of Lamartine, Les Préludes, and he depicted (*) Gretchen and Mephistopheles in his Faust Symphony. He also wrote 19 works based on gypsy themes, such as the verbunkos, from his home country. For 10 points, name this composer of the Mephisto Waltzes and the Hungarian Rhapsodies.
ANSWER: Franz Liszt
5. This man defeated Howard McMurray in one election, allowing him to serve alongside Alexander Wiley. He criticized executing a group of soldiers involved in the Malmedy massacre, and lost support after treating Ralph Zwicker poorly. This man’s actions with Owen Lattimore involved the creation of the Tydings Committee. This colleague of (*) Roy Cohn was asked by Joseph Welch if he had any decency. For 10 points, name this senator from Wisconsin who led a series of hearings based on his claims that Communists were in the government.
ANSWER: Joseph McCarthy
6. In one music video from this band, phrases like “a job that slowly kills you” and “bring down the government” appear mirrored in front of the lead singer’s face as water surrounds him. In another of its music videos, a car with a red interior pursues a man who attempts to run away from the car; in that song, this band’s lead singer repeats, “For a minute there, I (*) lost myself.” The phrase “I am born again” is used in the song “Airbag”. In a song on its album Pablo Honey, the lead singer states, “I wish I was special.” For 10 points, identify this English band headed by Thom Yorke, with albums like OK Computer and the single“Creep.”
ANSWER: Radiohead
7. In gravitational lensing, the square of this quantity is inversely proportional to the Einstein radius. When expressed in cgs units, the fine structure constant is inversely proportional to this quantity and h-bar. In a recent project called OPERA, scientists working with (*) neutrino oscillations atCERN made claims challenging this quantity. Tachyons theoretically exceed this value, and Albert Michelson and Galileo both worked with measuring it. For 10 points, identify this quantity whose square yields energy when multiplied by mass, an upper bound on velocity roughly equal to 3 times ten to the power of 8 meters per second.
ANSWER: speed of light [accept c before mentioned]
8. One person in this office, John Difenbaker, had to deal with the Coyne affair, and a spy named Igor Gouzenko troubled a man who was succeeded in this role by Louis St. Laurent. The first holder of this position resigned over the Pacific scandal and dealt with the Red River Rebellion. This position was only briefly held by its first female claimant, (*) Kim Campbell, and another person to hold this position passed the Charter of Rights and Freedoms in part to counteract separatist movements. For 10 points, name this position previously held by Pierre Trudeau and currently held by Stephen Harper, the leader of a country north of the United States.
ANSWER: Prime Ministerof Canada
9. In one of this author’s works, the title character joins the Nihilists, leading her to stab herself while stating “I have saved Russia.” This author of Vera created Baron Arnheim, who gives Roger Chiltern tips on when to buy stocks in the Suez Canal, and one of his protagonists, Lord Illingworth, is the former lover of Mrs. Arbuthnot. This man, whose grave in Paris is adorned with lipstick marks, wrote a play in which Mrs. (*) Erlynne ends up being the title character’s mother. His most famous play features Gwendolen, who marries Jack only after finding out his real first name. For 10 points, name this Irish author of Lady Windermere’s Fan and The Importance of Being Earnest.
ANSWER: Oscar Wilde
10. As a child, this figure was raised by Pittheus and was the only person not to flee when Heracles threw his lion-skin on a stool. This hero removed a rock to reveal his father’s sandals and sword, and insisted on traveling to Athens over land. On a journey with his friend (*) Pirithous, he successfully kidnapped Helen but failed to kidnap Persephone after sitting on the Chair of Oblivion. This hero’s father, Aegeus, died because he forgot to switch his sails to white ones. That occurred as a result of Ariadne’s anger at him for abandoning her on Naxos. For 10 points, name this Greek hero who slayed the minotaur.
ANSWER: Theseus
11. This character scolds Prissy after helping give birth to Beauregard, and tricks the fiancé of her sister Suellen. This character tells her future husband that he isn’t worth the boots of a man to whom she confesses love during a barbecue at Twelve Oaks. This woman gives birth to a baby christened Bonnie Blue. She stays with (*) Aunt Pittypat in Atlanta, where she reluctantly mourns her late husband, Charles Hamilton. This resident of Tara realizes after the death of Melanie that she should not love Ashley Wilkes. For 10 points, identify this character who marries Rhett Butler in Margaret Mitchell’s Gone with the Wind.
ANSWER: Katie ScarlettO’Hara (accept either, if anyone gives one of her married names like “Butler” or “Hamilton,” prompt on it)
12. This artist was once photographed with two of his works by Photo Secessionist Edward Steichen; one of those works was his sculpture of Victor Hugo. The other one of those works by this man is often grouped together with the works I am Beautiful and The Three Shades, and the embracing (*) Paolo and Francesca are depicted in this sculptor’s The Kiss. One of his most famous works is alternatively known as The Poet, and is, like the other aforementioned works, part of his The Gates of Hell. For 10 points, identify this French sculptor of The Thinker.
ANSWER: François-Auguste-René Rodin
13. One section of this work suggests that military and naval officers are exceptions to the exclusivity of “the institution of the duel”, in a discussion of “predatory” traits in the section “Modern Survivals of Prowess”. Another section of it discusses “exoteric forms of faith” such as the YMCA, and one of its most noted sections includes a discussion on men and alcohol. It contains the sections “Devout Observances” and (*)“Pecuniary Emulation,” and discusses the idea that the title group spends just to show its wealth. For 10 points, identify this work which coins the phrase “conspicuous consumption”, a work by Thorstein Veblen.
ANSWER: The Theory of the Leisure Class
14. These animals contain hexagonal plates of calcium salts for support in their mouth; those plates are called tesserae. These animals contain electroreceptor organs called the Ampullae of Lorenzini, allowing them to have the greatest electrical sensitivity of any animal. They use a large liver filled with an oil that contains squalene to keep afloat, since they do not have a (*) swim bladder. They lay eggs covered with a leathery case called a mermaid’s purse. These animals have a keen sense of smell, and replace over 30,000 teeth during their lifetime. For 10 points, name these cartilaginous fish that come in tiger, hammerhead, and great white varieties.
ANSWER: Sharks [or Selachimorpha; accept specific types of sharks]
15. In one short story, this author described seeing the 100% perfect girl. This man described a sojourn at the Dolphin Hotel, where the main character stays with a girlfriend who can “remove” her ears in A Wild Sheep Chase. Another of his novels begins at a Denny’s where the narrator meets Mari; that work is After Dark. In one novel by this author (*), Naoko’s boyfriend Kizuki commits suicide, confining her to a mental institute where Toru Watanabe visits her. Another work is narrated by Toru Okada. For 10 points, name this contemporary Japanese author of Norwegian Wood and The Wind-Up Bird Chronicle.
ANSWER: Haruki Murakami
16. Before the discovery of pulsars, Iosif Schlovskii determined that the whitish glow around this entity is composed of synchrotron radiation produced by an accreting neutron star. The observation of knotty filaments within it indicates that it has been rapidly expanding over the last nine centuries, since it was first observed by the (*) Chinese in the same year as the Battle of Hastings. A 1066 AD supernova produced this object, placed first in Charles Messier’s namesake catalogue. For 10 points, identify this astronomical object, named after a certain arthropod.
ANSWER: Crab Nebula (accept M1 before Messier; accept NGC 1952 or Taurus A)
17. One sect of this religion had the leaders Baba Gurdatti; that sect is known as Udasi. This religion celebrates the Forty Immortals on Maghi, and it is represented by the Khanda. One of its symbols consists of the words “Ik Onkar” along with three weapons, and its male followers often wear a (*) dastar over a Joora. Practitioners of this belief system hold true to the five K’s, including Kirpan and Kaccha. This religion holds sacred the GoldenTemple in Amritsar and follows the teachings of the Adi Granth. For 10 points, name this religion that was founded by Nanak, one of its“gurus.”
ANSWER: Sikhism
18. During World War II, troops from this country launched Operation Ostra Brama during Operation Tempest. One government in this country, the Sanation movement, was opposed by the Centrolew alliance of political parties. It was invaded by Sweden in “The (*) Deluge” and passed the May Third Constitution, as well as later in its history, an April Constitution. This country, which was joined in the Union of Lublin to Lithuania, has had Piast and Jagiellonian dynasties. A recent movement here elected Lech Walesa to the presidency and was called Solidarity. For 10 points, name this country that has been partitioned many times, with its capital at Warsaw.
ANSWER: Poland
19. One of this artist’s works includes a lower section in which St. Thomas holds Mary’s girdle; that work is his Oddi Altarpiece. Another of his works was done for Agostino Chigi and features the titular figure being drawn by a pair of dolphins; that is his Galatea. Another of his works is divided into an earthly section with theologians and a heavenly section; that work, his Disputa, draws from his mentor, (*) Perugino, and hangs in the Stanza Della Segnatura across from his most famous work, which depicts statues of Apollo and Athena, as well as several Greek philosophers. For 10 points, identify this Renaissance master who painted The School of Athens.
ANSWER: Raphael Sanzio [accept either name]
20. The name of one battle within this conflict allegedly comes from the notion that some of Robert Welles’s men chose to “lose” their “coats”. A dispute between the Percy and Neville families was involved in this conflict, in which Robert Neville, the Earl of Warwick, was victorious at(*) Saint Albans. The leader of one side in this war was portrayed by some as a villain who murdered the sons of Edward IV in the Tower of London, and that man, Richard III, was defeated at this conflict’s Battle of Bosworth Field. For 10 points, identify this conflict between the Houses of York and Lancaster, named for the white flower of the former and the red one of the latter.
ANSWER: Wars of the Roses [or just War of the Roses]
1. For 10 points each, name these Pauline epistles:
[10] This first of the Pauline epistles is also the longest. Its eighth chapter champions those who live “by the spirit” over those who live “by the flesh”.
ANSWER: Epistle to the Romans
[10] Immediately succeeding Romans is this letter, whose 13th chapter, often read at weddings, states that of “faith, hope and love, the greatest of these is love.” It also contains Paul’s statement that we see “through a glass, darkly”.
ANSWER: First Epistle to the Corinthians (prompt on just Corinthians, don’t accept Second Corinthians)
[10] This epistle is directed to a Roman province in Anatolia. Preceding Ephesians, it focuses on the controversy of the Gentile Christians and urges believers to “not be desirous of vain glory.”
ANSWER: Epistle to the Galatians
2. One character in this novel suffers from shell shock and throws himself out a window. For 10 points each:
[10] Name this novel whose characters include Septimus Smith. Its title character hosts a party in which she sees her old friends Sally Seton and Peter Walsh.
ANSWER: Mrs. Dalloway
[10] Mrs. Dalloway is a novel by this English writer of To the Lighthouse.
ANSWER: Virginia Woolf
[10] This novel consists of six monologues given by six characters to commemorate Percival. Its ending line, “Against you I will fling myself, unvanquished and unyielding, O death!” is engraved on Woolf’s tombstone.
ANSWER: The Waves
3. The Indiana branch of this organization fell apart after the rape and murder of Madge Oberholtzer. For 10 points each:
[10] Name this racially-charged group of white-hooded, cross-burning Americans which was founded by Nathan Bedford Forrest.
ANSWER: Ku Klux Klan (or KKK)
[10] This D.W. Griffith film romanticized the KKK. One hilarious scene in this movie involves a grossly exaggerated representation of a legislative assembly with African-Americans.
ANSWER: The Birth of a Nation
[10] While the term “Grand Wizard” or “Imperial Wizard” was variously used to describe the top-ranking Ku Klux Klan member overall, this title was bestowed upon the highest ranking member within a state.
ANSWER: Grand Dragon
4. Lots of noobs play Runescape, but only a few are dedicated pkErs [pee kay ers]. For 10 points each, tell the following about everyone’s favorite MMORPG:
[10] Most noobs get hardcore pk-ed [pee kayed] in this region north of Varrock. As one ventures further into this region, the level of separation between players who can attack you increases.
ANSWER: the Wilderness (accept the Wildy or the Wild)
[10] In the Wilderness, players sometimes wear this article of clothing to distinguish between clans. Upon reaching level 99 in a skill, players can obtain a specialized piece of clothing of this type.
ANSWER: capes
[10] One tactic used to own unsuspecting noobs involves the creation of one of these by gathering numerous people on one particular spot on the map to deceive viewers into thinking only one person is located at that point, and then having everyone jump out and attack.