
Set-Up Guide for Android App


WiththeCredeon CloudData Protectionfor Androidapp,you can:

•Downloadand viewencrypted cloudfiles usingmobile devices

•Viewand shareencrypted fileswith otherauthorized users

•Viewencryptedfilesoff-linewithtime-restricted cachemodes

2.How touseCredeonCloudDataProtectiononAndroid OS

2-1. Prerequisites

1.Uponregistration, you willreceive the following CredeonServiceNotificationEmail:

Subject:CredeonService Notification


Necessaryinformation– [Yourlogininformation]

2.Confirmthat you aresigned in onyour cloudstorage service.

3.Confirmthatyourencrypted fileshavebeenuploaded toyourcloud storageservice– thefileextension forencryptedfiles is.efcp.

See the following guide to learn how to upload files:
CredeonCP Get Started Guide for Windows Client

CredeonCP Get Started Guide for Mac Client

2-2. Set Up CredeonCP on Android OS

1.InstalltheCredeonCloudData Protectionapp“CredeonCP” from the Play Store:

2.Start CredeonCP App, select Service Name, and tap “+”.

3.Enter your Service Code, and select “Done”.

You canfindyourService CodeintheCredeonServiceNotificationEmail whichwas emailed to you when you were first registered.

4.Confirmthat yourserviceis inthe“ServiceName”.

Enter your User ID and Password, and thentap on “Login”.

You canfindyourUserIDintheCredeonService NotificationEmail whichwas emailed to you when you were first registered.

2-3.Viewyourencrypted filesoncloud storage.

1.Open your cloud storage service app.

2.Selectanencryptedfile– thefileextensionfor encryptedfilesis.efcp.

Sincethe fileis encrypted, youwill not beable toopen the filein the

cloud storage services app.

3.Select “Open In”, and wait for a while.

4.If the screen to select app is displayed, tap on “CredeonCP”.

5. You willnow beable to openthe encryptedfile.