Legacy Junior High

ADVANCED CHOIRS Disclosure Sheet 2015-2016

Mr. Furch -- -- (801) 402-4700 (please email instead of phone)

Website: go to Legacy Junior High School Home Page and click on “staff”


Grading is simple. Participate, a good attitude, do your best, and you will do well!

Participation & Attentiveness ……….….……. 40%

Concerts …………………………………...... 30%

Tests, Quizzes, and Assignments …………….. 30%

Participation & Attentiveness means:

·  In your ASSIGNED seat WITH FOLDER & PENCIL before tardy bell ends

·  All other books, book packs, etc. at the side of the room NOT at your seat

·  Raise your hand to ask questions or make comments

·  Help each other by staying on task and being positive! No put downs!

·  Come prepared with music folder (I will provide) and pencil (I will provide the first one)

·  Have no food, gum or beverage (water bottles are okay!) (Did I mention?.... NO GUM!)

·  Try your best! Ya Gotta Wanna!

·  Leave your chair only when excused

·  Be responsible and care for your music, books and other classroom property

·  Leave cell phones, ipods, etc., in your locker or out of sight and turned off (or they WILL be turned in to the office! Even the first time!!)

You’ll start the term with 100 points in Participation & Attentiveness. Breaking the rules will reduce your points AND affect Citizenship grade.

Concerts are mandatory for everyone, so plan ahead and get them on your calendar. Be responsible for costumes and prepared with music. Make sure your family knows the dates and has them on their calendar! (see concert disclosure sheet) Remember, concerts are 30% of your grade, which ends up being about 2 grade levels (a missed concert could drop an A to a C!). For our policy on missed concerts, go to my webpage (LJH webpage and click “staff”). Please note that you will NOT be excused for city league sports activities. Tell your coach that you already have a previous commitment when you try out.

Tests, Quizzes and Assignments will be given throughout the semester. Missed quizzes must be made up within 1 week of when the quiz is handed back. Re-takes are allowed within 1 week but will be penalized 10%.

Costumes & fees:

Davis School District policy allows for performing group members to pay up to $75 for choir & uniform fees. Our advanced groups in full concert attire (Concert Choir, Choralaires, Lady Madrigals) will need to pay the full $75. Those able to use last year’s uniform (Concert Choir) will only be assessed $40 for choir fees. Pay fees to the main office and bring me the receipt.


Thurs, Sept 3 After school-choir room National Anthem Auditions for games (optional)

Wed, Oct 28 6:00 pm “Spooked!” Fall Choir Concert (all choirs) Legacy GYM

Tues, Dec 15 6:00 pm Choir Holiday Concert (all choirs) – Legacy GYM

Fri, Jan 8 Deadline for LJH Solo/Ensemble Entry Forms

Thurs, Jan 21 after school 6th & 7th period Ladies sing Natl Anthem at game

Wed - Sat Feb 3 - 6 7:00 pm School Musical (music theater students only)

Tues., Feb 9 3:30 – 6:30 pm LJH Solo/Ens. Festival (Required for Concert Choir,

Choralaires, & Lady Madrigals; optional for all others)

Thurs, Feb 18 after school 5th period Mens Choir sing Natl Anthem at game

Tues, Mar 1 after school 8th period Mixed Choir sing Natl Anthem at game

Tues., Mar 1 5:30 pm District Solo/Ens Finals (by invitation) Syracuse JR

Thurs, Mar 10 after school All three advanced Choirs sing Natl Anthem at game

Fri Mar 11 evening Sing Utah Grizzlies Hockey Game (Advanced Choirs)

Tues Mar 15 5:30 pm LargeChoir Festival (Concert Choir only) Davis High

Early May (Date still to be finalized) All day UVU Choir Festival (Advanced Choirs)

Tues. May 3 6:00 pm District Composers festival (optional) Woods Cross High

Thurs,Fri,Sat May 19 – 21 7:00 pm Musical Revue (music theater students only)

Mon., May 9 3 – 6:30 Lady Madrigals Auditions (choir room)

Thurs, May 26 6:00 pm Spring Choir Concert (all choirs) Legacy Gym or Layton

High School (TBA)

(Remember, advanced choirs: other performances may be added to the calendar that are not already on here. I’ll give you as much notice as I can—everyone is expected to participate!)


Email: Parents, with the popularity and convenience of email, I will often notify students of class information or send them musical files via email. I will never send them personal or casual emails that are not class related. IPODS, MP3 players, etc.: I will make rehearsal audio files available to students to use at home. These can be downloaded at my webpage (password is gosilverwolves). I will encourage students to rehearse with them either at their computers at home or by putting the files on their mp3 players or smart phones if they have one. I will NOT pressure them in any way to obtain an mp3 player if they do not have one. Students are welcome to rehearse with the pianos and audio recordings on the computers in our music lab before or after school or during their lunches.

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